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Finding a New Home

Posted on Fri Dec 21st, 2018 @ 7:32am by Lieutenant Danica Kovitz & Captain Gary Taylor

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: XO’s Office
Timeline: MD -14
1307 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Gary sat at his desk as he looked at the PaDD in his hand. It contained information on their newest 'passenger' one Lieutenant Danica
Kovitz, last surviving member of the USS Grissom. Lt. Kovitz had been released from Sickbay after several days recovering from the injuries
she received from the Grissom's destruction. He tapped his com, =^= Lieutenant Kovitz, please report to the First Officer's office.=^=. He leaned back to await the young lieutenant's arrival as he waited he pondered his next move.

Danica was startled awake at the comm call. She hadn’t been sleeping, per se. More like drifting out of focus. She rose out of her chair and grabbed her scuffed up combadge, clicking it to reply. =^= Aye, sir. On my way. =^=

She was somewhat curious what the vessel’s XO wanted to speak to her about. However, she had to acknowledge, she couldn’t continue sitting around forever. If she was going to continue wearing the uniform, she’d need to return to duty. Whether that meant returning to the Bozeman or finding a new posting was uncertain.

She donned her uniform once again, or rather, she donned a uniform again. The one she’d come aboard wearing was in no shape to continue service. However, she clipped the tattered commbadge, Liam’s commbadge, on instead of a new one.

Within a few minutes, she’d successfully located his office and completed the turbolift ride there. She took a deep breath, trying to prepare herself for whatever type of conversation this would be. Then, she pushed the chime. She briefly wished her choice of hair style was a bit more regulation, but the die was cast.

Hearing the chime, Gary called out "Enter" and waited for who he assumed was Lieutenant Kovitz. It was time to have a conversation on her future. He had an idea in mind but he needed to speak with her and see her current mindset on what he was going to propose. As the doors hissed open he stood and waited.

Danica entered somewhat nervously. But seeing the man standing behind his desk, she approached and saluted. “Commander, Lieutenant Danica Kovitz, reporting as ordered.” She held herself to a professionalism beyond her usual demeanor.

Gary looked at the young woman, "Please Lieutenant have a seat. Can I get you anything?" He asked as he came around his desk and approached her. Standing there, he gestured to a chair in front of his desk. "Please."

“Thank you, sir. A hot tea would be excellent. Chai and oolong blend.” She settled into the seat, trying to find a comfortable position. The man seemed kind. “I wanted to thank you and the Elysium crew for your hospitality. I honestly wouldn’t be here today without it.”

Gary had walked over to the replicator as Danica spoke. A few moments later he returned with her tea. Handing it to her he spoke, "Here you are Lieutenant." Then walked around the desk and sat down. He said nothing for a few seconds just observing her. When he did speak he asked, "How are you doing Lieutenant? You certainly look better than you did when we recovered your life pod."

“Thank you, sir,” she said, taking the tea from him. “Physically, I’m doing quite nicely. Your medical staff have essentially set me good as new. I have a little lingering pain and some fatigue, but I’ve been told that should pass in the next few days.”

She wasn’t sure if she should readily volunteer her mental state, but it made its way out of her mouth before she could make a decision. “Emotionally, it’s a bit of a different story. I...don’t know that I’ve really processed it yet. I...” As she paused, a flicker of emotion passed her face. “I lost a lot of good people aboard the Grissom. People I’d known for years. I don’t know that we’re ever really prepared for that. But I suppose the point is, I’m doing well considering.” She wasn’t sure she bought that last part.

Gary listened as Danica spoke of how she felt both physically and mentally. When she finished, he spoke. "I understand Lieutenant. I truly understand what you are going through." But he didn't elaborate. "Give yourself some time." He offered. "Your physical injuries, fatigue will pass, the medical team here on the Elysium is second to none. However mentally, that is going to take longer. As you said you worked with people you've known for years. In essence a family. You need to learn how to face it, accept it and deal with. This isn't required but you might want to speak to a counselor." He paused and looked at the PaDD on the table, "I've been reading your file. It's quite impressive. Have you given any thought about what you want to do next?"

Danica sat back slightly, thinking while she took a sip of her tea. He was definitely right about her seeing a counselor. She'd have to figure that out once she knew what her next step was. "I've given it a bit of thought. To be honest, I don't really know what my plans are. With the Grissom gone and our mission complete, I suppose the logical answer would be to return to the USS Bozeman. That's where most of the Grissom crew came from. But," she paused for a moment. "I don't love the idea of returning. Don't get me wrong. There are people on that ship who I am quite close to, who I care about. But being back there, without so many of the faces I used to see....I just don't know that it'd be the best choice for me."

She shifted, measuring her next response. "I was actually considering a transfer to Elysium, if you have room of course. I literally owe you my life. I'd like to repay that."

Gary listened in silence as Danica spoke of her feelings and not particularly looking forward to going back to the Bozeman. "I see." He replied as she finished. Picking up a PaDD he spoke again. " As I said earlier, your file is quite Impressive. To be honest I was hoping you would say that. As it turns out we have an assistant Chief of Science position open. I'd like to offer it to you... if you feel you would be comfortable here."

She sat up a little straighter at that. Assistant Chief of Science wouldn't simply be a comparable position. It'd be more authority than she'd ever had before. The brief flutter of ambition mixed with her very recent trauma in a rather unsavory way in her mind. But she pulled through it. 'They wouldn't want me to shrivel up in self pity.' Collecting herself, she nodded. "I would be honored, sir. I think almost anyone would struggle to not feel comfortable here. It might take me a little bit to get back to my full self, but I promise you wouldn't regret it."

Gary nodded, "I never had a doubt about regretting it Danica." Using her first name for the first time in their meeting. "I hope in time you not only feel comfortable here but you come to view and think of the Elysium as your family." He stood and extended his hand, "Let me be the first to officially welcome you to the USS Elysium." A warm smile creasing his features as he extended his right hand in welcome.

"Thank you, sir," she said, taking his hand and returning a genuine smile. "I'm glad to be here."

"Excellent, your chief is Lieutenant Salannis an Vantar . I think you will find her very good to work with."

"I'll go see her now," Danica said with a nod. "Thank you, Commander."


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