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Naming the new arrival

Posted on Thu Sep 30th, 2021 @ 7:06am by Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor]

Mission: Season 5: Episode 2: Operation Save Humanity
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD8 1215 hrs
960 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure


It was lunchtime and a weary and slightly sore Alicia was sat up endeavouring to eat her lunch. She had to admit that meals in Sickbay were as good thanks to using replicators, the nurse had brought her a small roast dinner with her choice of drink and a dessert. She was just about to start tucking in when Savar arrived to see her.

"Alicia." He greeted her, "I hope I am not intruding." He spoke, gesturing at her lunch. "I wanted to come by and see you. See how you were feeling. Is there anything you need? If so I will get it for you."

“How’s about just your company?” Alicia motioned for her husband to sit as a nurse brought a chair over for him. Their daughter was sleeping peacefully at her bedside, both Sthilg and the nurses had been helping out while Savar was working. “I’m still a little sore, obviously tired but all in all I’m okay.”

Savar nodded and sat in the chair. "I am greatly relieved that you are recovering Alicia. I was concerned for you." As he reached a hand out and took hers in it. "I would be lost without you my wife."

Alicia gently held onto Savar’s hand. “As I would be without you Imzadi” she smiled before eating some of her dinner, enjoying the small mouthful before looking up at Savar again. “I was thinking that maybe we could go over some names, I liked Allison but I’d like something that reflects our daughter’s Vulcan heritage. I know how important family is for our people.”

He squeezed her hand softly by way of reply before commenting on the name. "Allison is a good name, perhaps it can be our daughter's middle name." Savar proposed "With a traditional Vulcan name for a first name." He paused for a moment. Kir'shara is a good first name."

Alicia wasn’t sure about that one. “Hmmm what does it mean?”

"It means follower of Surak." Savar replied but could tell Alicia wasn't fond of it. "I still like Allison. Are there any Vulcan names you like Alicia?"

“To be honest I haven’t researched many but I do like N’Vea, it means ‘Seed which is life’ it somehow feels appropriate. What do you think?” She looked at Savar curiously.

"N'Vea." Savar repeated. "I like it and I feel like you that the name is appropriate. Do you still wish to keep Allison as a middle name? it would keep the lineage alive of having females with A in their name alive." He pointed out.

Alicia nodded enthusiastically. “N’Vea Allison Kelea-Salik, it has a wonderful ring to it!”

"I quite agree Alicia. A most impressive name for our daughter whom I am sure will do the name proud." Savar answered a touch of pride in his voice.

“She has her father’s strength and those wonderful tiny pointed ears!” Alicia grinned as she looked towards N’Vea. “She’s so beautiful Savar!” She paused wiping away a few emotional tears. “I’m sorry....I’m pretty emotional.”

"You are most kind to say so Alicia. I do know this. N'Vea has her mother's courage and compassion. As for being emotional it is quite alright Alicia. We have a beautiful daughter, who inherited her good looks from her mother."

The wonderful comments were all Alicia needed to break down completely, the changes in her hormone levels were taking their toll big time. As much as she hated crying in front of others once she started she couldn’t stop herself.

Savar moved closer to Alicia and bent forward to hug her the best he was able. "I love you my wife. For as long as the stars fill the sky. It is eternal." He said quietly as he kissed her softly on the lips.

Alicia returned her husband’s kiss as best as she could, wiping her eyes she cuddled against his chest to gain some comfort. Taking a deep breath she got her emotions back under control, she still had food to eat as well. “I love you too Imzadi, always and forever.”

"I should hope so Alicia. It shows remarkable good sense and judgment." Savar teased her in a most untypical Vulcan way. "Which I know you have in abundance."

Alicia couldn’t help but give a tears eyed smile, her emotions were, at best, a mess. “Your sense of humour is improving you know, hopefully I’ll be able to come home and rest there soon. I’d like to if my father says it’s okay.”

"Thank you Alicia. Hopefully I will a regular stand pat comedian." Savar answered, "I would like very much for you to come home and recuperate for your presence makes our home what it is."

“You mean stand up comedian!” Alicia grinned. “I guess we’ll have to wait and see when I’m fit enough to be released.” Alicia smiled a brief smile trying not to dwell on it while her emotions were so unstable. She ate more of her food, which was rapidly getting cold. It didn’t take long to eat what was on her plate. She politely dabbed her mouth with a wipe before turning to the jelly she’d chosen for dessert.

"The sooner the better Alicia, for all involved." Savar replied sagely.

“Indeed” She nodded as she finished her dessert and dabbed her mouth one last time. “I want to be at home, I feel more relaxed there.”

"It is not home without you there Alicia. Your presence is what makes it home and the sooner you can return there the better it will be for all of us." Savar replied.



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