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Dispelling History

Posted on Tue Nov 2nd, 2021 @ 7:46am by Lieutenant Myne Redal & Commander Sthilg
Edited on on Thu Dec 23rd, 2021 @ 7:31pm

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Sthilg's Cabin
Timeline: Prior to arrival at the Gorn homeworld
1609 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure


Myne walked through the corridor, PaDD in hand and tapping on it furiously as she looked behind her every so often. A small, little bot, a third way up to her knees, was merrily travelling after her on its wheels. It was carrying a precious load of books and comics, all in physical format on old-style paper.

'Now where is the good doctor's cabin? Oh, here it is!!' Myne chirped to herself as she reached her destination. Really proud her little bot didn't fry or smash into a wall yet. She was still experimenting with this, but like most of the things she made, they usually tended to break down at some point. Still, it was a fun little project. Looking at the door, she took a few deep breaths and pressed the little button to announce her arrival.

The door to the chief MD's cabin opened leaving the lieutenant stunned. Sthilgs home barely resembled a standard federation quarters. Wooden flooring spread out across the surface with the room far more resembling an eighteenth-century reading room with a splattering of modern technology. Sitting at the table near the viewport sat the chief MD who was carefully working on a wooden model of a Klingon bird of prey. " Hello, Lieutenant what a pleasssant sssurprise. Can i get you anything." he asked freindly.

Entering the room and looking around shocked, Myne took a few moments to reply. "Hey Chief Doctor sir. Yeah, erm, slug-o-cola please." Looking around more, frowning and confused she could not help but ask. "Is this really your cabin? Where are the skulls, the hunting trophies, stones and tribal fetishes? This does not look normal at all!!"

The gorn let out a haughty laugh as he heard that. " My dear where do you get thessse ideasss from. The only gorn that live like that are the sssonsss of the earth."

Tapping her PaDD she has the little bot come forward and raise a small platform up to her waist. She took a Ferengi comic from the top, 'The true adventures of DaiMon Trosak, Issue #23'. "Here!" Myne said excitedly, opening the comic to page 12 and approaching the doctor to show him. "See? Here is the heroic and business savvy Trosak on the Gorn homeworld. Offering them a really generous and humanitarian deal in exchange of teaching them how to make fire!"

Another laugh escaped the gorn's mouth as he read the comic. " My dear can you pick up two books from the bookcase marked home history. A brief ssstudy of gorn prehistory and fire of the godsss the hegenomy'sss firssst one hundred yearsss in ssspace." He said as he steadied himself poting to one of his rooms many bookcases.

Leaving the comic with him, Myne went to the bookcase and searched for the two books. "Found them!!" She said picking them up and bringing them back to his desk. "Here they are. What are they about? Oh, are these written by Vulcan explorers? Why aren't as many 's' in the titles? This says study not sssssstudy!" Myne explained her newest confusion innocently and was rather excited at learning new things.

" The auto transsslator is translating it into your own language my dear." the gorn said as he took the first book and turned to a certain page. " Here we are the first evidence of gorn sssettlementsss. " The lizard said as he showed the lieutenant a diagram of an archaeological dig. Evidence of several small huts surrounding a very large camp fire all from many millennia ago. " We didn't need anyone to teach usss fire my dear. "

"Wait, really? You are speaking gorn now? Ha! Damn, I forgot I have a translator on me." The Trill said shocked that she forgot such a trivial thing. Looking over the diagram, the young woman was clearly skeptical. "Are you sure about that Chief Doctor?" She picked up the comic book and held for Sthilg to see. "You should read this all, trust me, it makes more sense. Like it says on page 15, your people are cold blooded right? Why would you want to make fire in the first place? Wouldn't wanting to get more ice to be even colder make sense?"

" My dear you are aware cold blood means we have to bask in the sun to heat are blood?" the gorn inquired.

Myne got the pleasure to experience a momentary crash of her operating system that is her brain. "Wait, is that how it works? Erm, are you sure Chief Doctor? Usually for a processor to work properly you need to cool it, not heat it. Otherwise it goes boom or melts. I can believe that you do not eat cute little Trills, but this cold blood thing needing heat seems counterintuitive. Like, why do the polar animals on Earth do not migrate to warm areas on Earth if that is the case?" The Trill spoke with a well-meaning tone, but she clearly was struggling to believe such heresy as what Sthilg was presenting her.

The gorn paused as he heard all this. What were they teaching at the academy these days? Not that he'd ever been. " My dear artic animalsss are warm-blooded with thick layersss of fat. "

"Oh, I did not know that? Hmm, living beings are so complicated. Are you sure Chief Doctor that the Gorn did not get fire from the Ferengi? What about the warp drive? That wasn't a gift from DaiMon Turin?" She asked picking up a different comic book while looking at him skeptically.

The gorn laughed again as he opened up fire of the gods. Turning to a picture of an early gorn warp drive he showed the trill various pictures and text of his people's first one hundred years in space. The first orbital ship, the first colonization vessel, first warp vessel, first conflict in space, and first contact encounter. " My dear we were exploring the ssstarsss while the Ferengi were ssstill arguing if women could be considered sssentiant."

Blinking several times she leaned in to look at the pictures. "Well, still... maybe they sold you a even better warp drive? Also, well, that debate was rather essential to Ferengi development. Kinda like Humans use to do not long ago. Guess it's a inter species trend?"

" They never sssold usss anything little one. " the doctor replied.

"But." Myne protested holding the Ferengi comic book tighter in her hands. "Are you really sure? Like really really?" She looked unsure, not dealing very well with what she believed since she was a little girl being challenged like this.

The gorn gave her a reassuring look. " Don't believe everything you read in a comic book my dear. Would you like to borrow one of the books i have on gorn hissstory?"

Myne risked a small, shy smile. "Why not? These comics have helped me through a lot." Hugging the comic to her head she nodded. "Don't you have anything less stuffy for me to read? Like a Gorn comic book or something with more pictures?"

" Well, i do have sssomething. " The gorn said as he stood up and walked over to one of the wooden boxes he had. Walking back over her carefully pulled out a group of small boxes each one had a bright cover of what could only be described as a pulpish cover of a gorn in a bright uniform welding a totally impractical laser weapon. The title bore the name The adventures of time cop Sthilg of the forty-sssecond century in the admrasion plot. " Thessse are sssome of my old pulp novelsss from when i grew up. There are fictional adaventuresss, but each one of his adventuresss dealsss with a major moment in my perople'sss history."

Her eyes widened in excitement at the sight of the title and image. "Wooow, that looks so cool Chief Doctor!! Wait, time cop Sthilg? Isn't that your name?" Myne dropped her comic and brought both hands to her mouth to stifle a gasp as she took a step backwards. "You are a time cop?! Are you from the forty second century? Why did you pick the Elysium, how is life in the future? Are the Trills still cool?"

" No my dear." The gorn replied with a slight chukle. " Thessse were my dadsss. He named me after Sssthilg due to the fact we were both born with a cracked egg."

She exhaled loudly in relief. "Phew, that was close. I so totally did not want to be blamed for ruining the timeline or something like that. Alright, Sthilg is a cool name Chief Doctor! Really cool. I can't wait to read the book then!! Are there any Ferengi in it?"

" A few though not in the mossst flattering viewpoint. " the gorn admitted.

"Ah, that is normal. Jealousy runs deep in other species, since the Ferengi are such honorable and shrewd businessmen! It is normal and they are used to it!" Myne nods and says with a very sagely expression and tone.

" I know little one i know." the gorn said gazing over at the picture of his wife he had hanging on the wall.

"Thank you for this." Myne said as she picked up her comic from the floor and smile. "I won't take anymore of your time! Erm, thank you again for helping me out with this!"

" If you have any more questionsss feel free to drop by and asssk." the doctor replied.

"I will, thank you again!!" She chirped and took her PaDD, placed the books on the bot and headed for the door!


Commander Sthilg
Chief Medical Officer
USS Elysium

Lieutenant JG Myne Redal
Assistant Chief Operations Officer
USS Elysium


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