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Is Resistance Futile? Part 3

Posted on Wed Dec 22nd, 2021 @ 3:29pm by Lieutenant Commander Rin & Captain Gary Taylor & Lieutenant Nevada McKay

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Science Lab
Timeline: Before current mission
1699 words - 3.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Rin said nothing as she followed CDR Taylor half a step behind and a step to his right as they approached the science lab in confront McKay.

Gary strode purposely into the science lab, his eyes scanning the lab for Dr. McKay and put a stop to her irregular to say the least experiments. "Dr. McKay? It's Commander Taylor, I'm here with Lieutenant Rin, I'd like a word with you please."

McKay stiffened up as she heard the mans voice, Her ice blue eyes narrowing on her work screen, before she slowly turned away. "yes sir," she said quietly, her wrinkled lab Coat swaying gently with the movement. She Shot a glance at Rin, one devoid of malice or anger, just disappointment. "I suppose there's no reason for me to question why you're here Young Man," she said with a wizened grin that spread across her impossibly young face. "So, shall we cut to the chase then, sir?"

"I think that is a good idea Doctor.." Gary answered firmly but respectfully. Not wishing to get off on the wrong foot with McKay. "Doctor, I have been informed of your experiments with Borg nanites and your refusal to implement security measures with said experiments. That stops now. You will initiate and employ security measures. You will also allow Lt. Rin access to your files, so she can help you hopefully reverse the prognosis you stated to her."

The woman's brow shot up. "I have security measures in place sir, All of my research data is Held securely off mainframe and away from any Database that could possibly be compromised." She said glancing between the two. "If anything my research is more secure then anything else on this ship, with the possible exception of Avalon itself," She added with an indignant huff. "As for your other request," she said her gaze once again falling on Rin. "I'll comply," She said in a low tone. "So long as my wishes for the research data to be purged upon my death are held." She added quietly.

"Doctor this is not lets make a deal. You will allow Lt. Rin access to your files and I'll do my best to make sure your wish is honored." Gary answered and moved on, "It's interesting and a tad confusing to hear you say your research is secure Doctor. I was under the impression you refused to implement any security measures unless ordered as I am now doing."

"She refused to implement appropriate security protocols," Rin clarified. "Insisting her own system was acceptably secure."

"I see and do we know if that is indeed true other than taking Dr. McKay's word for her security." Gary asked as he looked at McKay, "No offense intended Doctor."

"Some taken sir," The Older woman said with a slow shrug. "Ill give her access to the ordered, And..." she bit her lower lip and glanced over her shoulder at her work station. "Allow her To evaluate my Personal security Measures, If that is what you deem Necessary," She sighed and shook her head slowly. "I know my records are mostly sealed sir...but trust me when I say I don't have the best relation with SFI."

" I do and very good doctor." He replied simply. He hadn't meant to hurt McKay's feelings but neither was he going to risk her experiments get out of control and prove a danger to both crew and ship. In addition he sure wasn't going to apologize for doing his job. His attention returned to McKay, "Believe it or not Doctor, I understand your feelings however because of the nature of your experiments. I want every security precaution taken."

*I suppose points to McKay for disliking me because of my job rather than...the other thing?* Rin mused sarcastically, considering not for the first time whether it had been a mistake taking the intelligence position, no matter how good they thought she'd be at it.

"Please, show me to the relevant computer," Rin asked.

"All of mY data is stored on this," Nevada muttered as she stepped towards the work station she'd been hanging over when Rin had originally come through the Science lab, A small Crystalline Data Card protruding from its Input slot. "I'd prefer to avoid questioning about how I got it..." She added with a glance back at the XO.

*I just bet you do* Gary thought sourly at McKay's statement but kept such thoughts to himself instead he looked over to Rin as she stood before the computer. "Lieutenant, look over the data, familiarize yourself with it. Implement whatever security measures you need to keep this material and the nanites safely contained." Gary instructed.

Rin glanced at the XO, trying to read his reaction to McKay's comment about questioning the card. She took some time digging through the card's code nd meta data, looking for a hint as to where it had, in fact, come from. Then she ran the usual high level security encryptions.

"Confining access to Dr McKay, myself, the Captain, Dr. Sthilg and yourself, sir," she reported.

"Very good Lieutenant. I think that is a satisfactory number to ensure the security of the data." Gary answered even as he silently thought on where and how McKay obtained possession of the card. Perhaps it was for the best that he didn't know.

Rin turned to McKay. "Where are the remaining nanites located?"

As Gary patiently waited for McKay to show Rin where the remaining nanites were, he was already getting ready to have them escort McKay to Sickbay and let the medical staff examine her and see if there was anything that could be done for her condition.

McKay tapped her head lightly. "All of them are in me, the initial run Were properly disposed of Per Starfleet biohazardous material Protocols, save for my initial batch of one thousand I...commandeered for My uses."

Gary stood there and slowly digested what Dr. McKay had just told them. "Commandeered? Is that the polite way of saying stole Doctor?" He glared at her, "You just had to feed your ego and show everyone just how smart you are."

Rin remained quiet through the exchange, glad the commander was as concerned as she was about McKay's casual explanation of her transgressions, as if she felt she somehow had a right to do as she pleased with the highly dangerous materials she had been entrusted with.

"My Ego had nothing to do with my Experiment," Nevada said as she drew herself up to her full height. "I Couldn't have cared less about what people think about me," She Jabbed a finger at him. "Young man I did what I did Because I loved something that was Forever out of my reach," She almost growled , her gaze flicking to the bright green Data Crystal. "I ran this experiment out of a love for someone I'd never be with. "And I Will not have someone Half My age Telling me that My Ego Drives me after Life I've Lived." she Shifted in place. "Sir." she added tersely.

"Doctor, with all due respect, you can dance around this, use whatever explanation you want to help you sleep better at night but I haven't heard you deny that you stole the nanites. Because that is precisely what you did. You say you could care less about what people think of you. Frankly I don't believe that but we'll leave it alone. Again what you fail to mention is that you wanted eternal youth, to live forever."

"I won't deny that I misused the Nanites I'd been given," Nevada sighed quietly. "I Did what I did out of a desire to live alongside Somone who would have otherwise out lived me by centuries."

Rin stepped forward now as well, drawing herself up to her full height, which was all of 5'5". The shift in her expression was subtle but tangible, harder, edgier, sharper. "Why is it that so many people think love is an excuse to ignore the rules and common sense? I understand love encourages people to make such choices. But how dare you think it excuses it. And how dare you think the universe owes you more than one lifetime of love."

Nevada stayed quiet, her face contorting into a Harsh grimace as she mulled the younger womans words over. "My actions didn't endanger anyone but myself..." she said with a deep sigh. "I made sure of that..." she narrowed her gaze. "I've Always Made sure of that." she Glanced to Commander Taylor now. "At the end of the day though...I guess that doesn't matter."

Rin struggled to keep her hard eye roll internalized. She made a mental note to later ask the XO if this was normal behavior for the doctor, as well as examine her personnel file. Some small part of her hoped Nevada would resist going to sickbay so Rin could slap some sense into her. Rin doubted it would change the doctor's mind, but it would be a little bit satisfying.

Gary stared at McKay, he couldn't understand or accept how a person of science could be so recklessly irresponsible in her research. Despite what McKay said to the contrary. As far as he was concerned it was a minor miracle that a disaster hadn't occurred and the entire crew weren't Borg drones. "Yes, well the jury is still out on that Doctor. Right now, I think you should go to Sickbay so you can be examined."

Mckay lowered her head lightly. "yes sir," she said quietly, her expression one of resigned defeat.

Gary was grateful McKay didn't put up an argument about going to Sickbay. He turned to Rin, "Is there anything else we need to discuss and deal with Lieutenant?"

"No, sir, thank you sir. I'm sorry we had to meet under these circumstances."

Gary nodded, this whole affair bothered him, McKay had exceeded her authority and it looked like she was going to make the ultimate sacrifice because of her ego. He turned back to Rin, "It is alright Lieutenant, you have nothing to be sorry for. In fact, thank you for bringing this to my attention."


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