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Occassional review

Posted on Tue Nov 29th, 2022 @ 10:19am by Lieutenant Myne Redal & Lieutenant Baeryn Whavi-Tonelly
Edited on on Tue Nov 29th, 2022 @ 5:34pm

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Chief Operations Office
Timeline: Prior to current mission
1153 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure


Myne knocked on Baeryn's door, sighing softly as she straightened her back and tried to get herself in the right frame of mind. It's been a while, but she had been busy, her chief had been busier and Myne felt like she needed some one-on-one time with her boss. Just to talk, maybe get a performance review and hopefully an insight here or there. After all, she really looked up to her chief and it was kind of frustrating she's been kept so busy she couldn't shadow her all day long. Mostly because they worked different shifts and Baeryn shooed Myne away when she tried to get extra work during her off-duty hours.

Overall, Myne just felt a little bit lost and directionless. And despite her position being one of greater responsibility than before, she really enjoyed being given purpose and direction. Maybe that's why she depended on her chief so much? Who knew?

The knock on the door jolted Baeryn from her day dream. Slowly realization of her surroundings came back to her, the paperwork spread across the desk, the now cold cup of tea, the numbness in her legs from sitting for so long. As she called out "Come," she rose from her seat stretching her shoulders and rotating sore muscles.

The chiefs afternoon was unscheduled so the visitor was a mystery until the door swooshed open to reveal her assistant. A broad smile spread as she greater the trill," Myne! What can I do for you?"

"Heya Chief! Nothing except maybe let me waste your time a little bit? Going through some reports, maybe you can give me a review on how I am doing so far and overall just wanted to check up on you. Stuff's been busy on the ship lately and it is part of my duties to make sure my chief is at top operational performance and that she doesn't need any looking under the hood." Myne explained with a smile as she entered Baeryn's officer and occupied one of the chairs in front of her desk.

"Did you just compare me to an automobile lieutenant?" Baeryn chuckled.

"Erm, I think so. Are you not mobile by your own volition chief? Since you can move autonomously, I reckon that you are an automobile. We all are." Myne answered a bit confused, clearly not knowing what a automobile is supposed to be. "Kind of like ground vehicles in a sense."

Shaking her head she smiled, "Has anyone told you speaking with you is alot like conversating with a Vulcan?" After a moment Baeryn continued before the trill could respond. "I have been nothing but pleased with your performance, we could have done without that virus of yours but all in all, excellent work thus far."

Myne had opened her mouth to speak, but was quieted by Baeryn who kept on talking herself. "Oh come on boss, I am not, really, like a Vulcan, am I?" She asked clearly pouting. "And thank you ma'am for the kind words. I know my virus was a mistake and it did barely anything. Working on a ship of competent people like the Elysium has required me to adapt more than I thought."

Baeryn merely smirked, choosing not to answer Mynes question. "Am I not keeping you busy enough Lieutenant? I'm sure there's plenty of mischief aboard this ship causing work for us. You're not bored are you?!"

"No boss. I mean, you are keeping me busy boss, and I am not bored. Just thought I should asked how I am handling myself as your assistant. Or at least if you can tell me what I can do better boss."

"Your performance is top notch Myne." Baeryn glanced at her desk then looked back towards Myne, "There is something I was meaning to ask you though! I was looking at taking a few days off next week and was wondering how you felt about running Ops while i'm gone? Won't be more then five days. I will be leaving the ship and not be immediately reachable."

"Thank you boss for the wonderful review then!" Myne chuckled and nodded to Baeryn as she asked her question. "Sure boss, I can hold down the fort for a few days while you go relax down at a beach or something. I am assuming you are taking some much needed days off?"

"If things fall into place like I'm hoping they will, yes. Still a few details to work out but I believe this would also give you a great opportunity to lead Ops in my absence. Not that I expect any of them would give you any trouble." Baeryn chuckled.

"Ah, I don't expect anyone to give me any trouble either. I think most consider me terrifyingly annoying. Or you know, just super duper annoying to the point where they'd just give in and do as I ask just to get rid of me quicker." Myne smiled innocently.

Whavi burst out laughing and embarrassed, quickly covered her mouth. "Apologizes that was unprofessional." She giggled once more before gaining her composure. "Whatever works lieutenant, just as long as they keep all limbs and are able to perform their duties."

Shaking her head Myne waggled a finger at Whavi. "Tsk tsk tsk chief, what kind of example are you giving your poor assistant?" Then she shrugged and tried to go for a nice, chill expression. "Well you know, I'll ty to leave them with at least two limbs each. At the end of the day, they just need their hands mostly. They are surprisingly good at tapping a console and at you know, walking. There's a whole species of humanoids on Earth that walk on their hands, I think they are called Carneys or Circuscarians."

"I would lower your expectations just a bit for that one Myne. I doubt they're as... flexible. And please... do not test that theory." Baeryn looked to the time noting she had an appointment with the good doc in Medical shortly. "Anything you want to cover before my leave Lieutenant?"

"Nope. I think I annoyed you enough for one day boss. I came, I saw, I pestered! Back to making sure the rest of the department is terrified of the loonie Chief's Assistant so they listen to the boss automatically just so that they don't have to deal with me!" She chuckled and got up. "Joking aside, thank you Baeryn. I know I am a handful, but you are an amazing boss to work under." Myne bowed her head politely and smiled brightly.

"Awe, such kind words. I will try my best not to be suspicious of them." Baeryn chuckled, "You are dismissed Lieutenant." When Myne left her office the hybrid started collecting her things more then ready to call it a night.


Lieutenant Baeryn Whavi
Chief Operations Officer
USS Elysium


Lieutenant Myne Redal
Assistant Chief Operations Officer
USS Elysium


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