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Clipped Wings

Posted on Tue Nov 29th, 2022 @ 5:45am by Lieutenant Etrara Khalten & Lieutenant Commander Malakai Starr [Taylor]

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Tactical
Timeline: Back Post - MD 1
1861 words - 3.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Lieutenant JG Yuto Yamoshita boarded the Elysium while she was docked. He left his last post in anger, after being moved to the position of Pilot to Tactical Officer. He was moved due to other officer claiming Yamoshita took too many risks.

Hearing that his old friend from Okinawa had transferred to the Elysium, Yuto thought it may be good to reunite with Sean O’Keefe. He and O’Keefe had not kept in touch since Yamoshita went to the Academy and O’Keefe enlisted. Now, was as good a time as any to get back in contact with him, when both their careers seemed to be starting over.

Yamoshita walked into tactical and seeing the Half-Klingon before him, assumed it was his new Chief Officer. Yamoshita approached Lieutenant Khalten and spoke, trying to sound as even tones as a true Vulcan. “Lieutenant Khalten, I presume. I am Lieutenant Yamoshita, reporting for duty.”

Etrara nodded and smiled, she sat and indicated the chair opposite her desk. “Please, sit Lieutenant, can I get you something?” She indicated the replicator.

Yuto smiled at the offer before quickly becoming expressionless. He constantly needed to remind himself that he was Vulcan, and Vulcans suppress their emotions. His emotions had gotten in his way while flying. He became too excited and took risks. The Federation’s response was to strip Yamoshita of his wings.

Flying was his passion, but at least Yuto had something to fall back to. Weapons were something that his friend from Okinawa had introduced to Yuto. He was grateful for the opportunity to continue serving albeit in another capacity.

“I am most appreciative of the offer, Lieutenant,” Yamoshita flatly answered. “I will have a carbonated water with a hint of lime please.”

Etrara stood and walked over to the replicator and ordered his drink. In the silence that was occurs g she handed him his beverage. “Na'shaya tor wuh uss elysium ot-lan.” (Welcome to the USS Elysium) she said in perfect Vulcan as she retained her seat. She handed him a PaDD from a pile on her very tidy desk. “This should help you, it provided you with everything you should know we expect of you. There are another couple of Officers you will get to know. Lieutenant Commander Starr my deputy and Lieutenant jg Smithson.” A small smile played at the corners of her mouth when she mentioned Smithson.

Yuto recognized the words Welcome and Elysium. He was still working on learning the language of his ancestry, but understood from those two words what the Lieutenant was saying to him.

He nodded after taking a sip of his beverage. The flavor was excellent as the lime wasn’t too overpowering. “I am grateful to be of service. I look forward to serving aboard her and seeing my old friend, Sean O’Keefe. He educated me on everything I know about weapons. Because of his tutelage, I was able to serve in the tactical capacity after I was grounded from flying.”

His brows creased at the mention of not flying anymore. It still was a trigger for him. He felt his blood begin to heat and his cheeks to take on a more greenish hue from the yellow tint.

Yes Lieutenant there is a mention of that here. I know it is a very poor second but we do have a wonderful holodeck here. At least you can keep your hand in until you are cleared for flying once again.” Etrara put her PaDD down. “Sean…” she hesitated. “Sean O’Keefe…yes I know Sean!” A cloudy look overcame her eyes and she stood and walked over the the replicator. “English tea hot a dash of milk.” She waited a couple of minutes waiting for her equilibrium to return. She sat again sipping her tea. Finally she put it down now fully recovered. “What do you expect to learn as part of the tactical team?” She smiled, “and no this is not a trick question.

Lieutenant Yamoshita looked over the expectations. He was truthful in his response, for Vulcans do not lie. “Although I am knowledgeable of weapons, I have never fire them in combat situations. I would need to be educated on sequences to use depending upon the situation. Another area I would need to gain knowledge of deflector shields.”

She sighed, “there is a lot more to tactical than that Lieutenant, usually tactical officers are held to a higher account than in some of the other ships stations.
Superior intelligence, reliability and mechanical knowledge are first and foremost. The standard we hold ourselves to is higher than other officers in regard to starship weaponry and their usage and our knowledge of ordnance and targeting should be such that we would be able to also make repairs to the systems.” She sipped some more of her tea and smiled. “I suggest you begin by memorizing the ships weaponry in case there is anything you are not sure of. Obviously targeting is really important but one step at a time. I would like to partner you with Lieutenant Commander Starr initially.”

It was just then that Malakai arrived at Etrata's office. He had received a message from her to come to her office that she had something to discuss with him concerning the tactical department. Standing at her door, he pushed the chime to announce his presence.

“Understood,” Yuto calmly intoned. “With my Vulcan mind, I tend to learn quickly. I am certain that you will be pleased with my service. Would this be Commander Starr?”

Etrara nodded and stood, “come in please.”

Hearing Etrara's voice call to him from inside the office, Malakai entered. He noticed a new officer there with her and gave him a pleasant nod. "You wanted to see me Lieutenant?" He asked using Etrara's rank as he presumed this was an official visit.

“Yes, thank youI hopeI did not drag you away from anything important? Not that anything you do whilst on duty is not important.” She smiled at her try at a joke." Lieutenant Commander Starr I would like to introduce you to Lieutenant jg Yuto Yamoshita our newest addition.”

Mal smiled at Etrara's attempt at a joke, her sense of humor was getting better. Turning to Yuto, Mal nodded, "A pleasure to make your acquaintance Lieutenant. Welcome to the Elysium's tactical department."

Yuto raised his hand in the traditional Vulcan greeting. “ dif-tor heh smusma,” the young man logically stated. It was one phrase tha the had learned in Vulcan (Live long and prosper).

Mal returned the Vulcan greeting and replied. "Peace and long life to you."

Yuto’s shoulders sagged as he relaxed, relieved to know they were treating him as a Vulcan. Many would not do so in the past nine years, treating him as a Terran. When Yamoshita realized he was showing emotion, he stiffened as a board once more.

“I am honored by your reply,” he evenly stated.

"He's going to fit right in." Mal told Etrara.

Yuto’s teeth showed in a smile. He had finally found others who seemed to accept him for who he really was, a Vulcan. When he realized the smile was expressing emotion coming from within him, the smile quickly disappeared. He cursed himself inside because of his inability to suppress his emotions.

Yamoshita had done some research on the ship’s officers. That research recvealed to him that there was a Vulcan counselor aboard. Yuto would be reaching out to him. Perhaps this man could teach him the discipline.

Etrara looked at Yamoshita’s face and then at Mal’s and saw the conflict inside. Her heart went out to him. She knew what it was like not to be accepted in either world. “You know it takes many years for most Vulcans to achieve the ability to suppress their emotions.” Once she had said it she wished she could take it back. What right had she to interfere in a junior officers problems. She looked at Mal for help.

Yuto rolled his eyes, realizing they had seen his emotional side. Sometimes he hated the way he was raised. “Yes, Lieutenant. I am aware. I intend to notify Lieutenant Commander Savar of my dilemma in hopes that he may mentor me.”

"Savar is a good man and a good counselor." Malsaid then quickly changed the subject. "Where did you transfer in from Lieutenant?"

Etrara smiled her thanks at him.

Mal nodded and gave her a wink.

“I transferred from the Odysseus,” Yamoshita spoke with a level tone. “I felt the necessity for a fresh beginning after being grounded.”

"I see. If it isn't a sore point, why were you grounded?" Mal asked.

“Their opinion is that I took too many risks,” the former pilot dryly said, “The latest incident involved a admiral as a passenger. We came under attack from both 30 and 330 degrees. I went into warp speed, splitting their formation, successfully evading the attack. The admiral was bumped and bruised. Instead of being accommodated for saving his life, he said I was reckless. I believe he was angry that I did not fight back, which I surmised would endanger both our lives.”

Malakai nodded in sympathy, "Yeah flying brass is tricky, they like to be pampered and catered to, not bounced around like a sack of potatoes. How long are you grounded for?"

“Until further notice,” Yuto answered with clenched teeth. “I don’t believe it to be any time soon.”

"Flight operations loss is a gain for Tactical." Mal said honestly. "This is a new opportunity for you Lieutenant and I know you will make the most of it."

“I will not fail you,” Yamoshita declared with a grin. This time the show of emotion remained.

Etrara stood, “how are your quarters Lieutenant, acceptable I hope?”

“My accommodations are most acceptable,” Yuto replied with satisfaction.

“Well, welcome to the team, we are a friendly bunch and do not demand anything of others that we would not do ourselves. I would like to you work with Lieutenant Commander Starr who will show you the ropes. If you are free this evening and wish to, Lieutenant Smithson and myself will in the bar, you are welcome to join us. Now I must leave you in the capable hands of this fine Officer as I have somewhere else to be.” She smiled and left the office.

“I am most grateful for your invite,” Yuto truthfully expressed as she left. “However, I would like to have a reunion with Chief Petty Officer O’Keefe. It has been a while since we have seen each other. Perhaps, we could join you later.”

"Go have your reunion. We can get together later. Maybe tomorrow or the next day. Enjoy your evening." Mal said honestly.

“Thank you, Commander,” Yamoshita bowed his way. “I shall promptly report for duty tomorrow. If that is all, shall I be dismissed?”

Mal nodded, "Dismissed Lieutenant, have a good evening but not too good. See you tomorrow."

Yuto nodded and left the office. There was a slight smile to his face. He felt like he had a future with the Elysium.


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