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Mercy belongs to the undeserving

Posted on Wed Mar 2nd, 2022 @ 8:13am by Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor] & Lieutenant JG Heather De La Rosa {Kelea-Salik}

Mission: Tales from the other side of the Mirror
Location: The Serpent's Tooth, MU
Timeline: A few days after "Conjugal Visit"
1836 words - 3.7 OF Standard Post Measure

The door of Savar's room opened unexpectedly one morning. Standing in the doorway was the man Savar had learnt was the ships Quarter Master, effectively its XO. His hair was loose, and he didn't have the long coat he'd been wearing before, just a tight fitting t-shirt and pants, a disrputor in a low slung holster on his hip. "Grab your stuff, you're moving."

Savar looked up from the cot he was sitting on. His eyes on the man framed in the doorway. "To what stuff are you referring? The only stuff I have is the clothes I am currently wearing and where am I moving to?

Mal frowned. "Did no-one get you - ?" He frowned and trailed off. "I'll get someone to sort you some clean clothes. Sorry." He stood back to let the vulcan out of the small room that had been his makeshift prison cell for the last few days. "As for the other thing, we're moving you down to be with your...wife?" he guessed. "Just till we reach Safe Harbour."

Savar stopped and looked back at Mal. He could detect no deception either in his words or body language. "I would appreciate the clean clothes as these are rather gamey but even more so thank you for allowing Heather and I to be together. We are grateful for the time we have to be together."

"Yeah, well. We're only a few days out, do you won't get long. A Captains' Councils is already called, and then." Mal stopped in the corridor. "It's not up to me, and Lianej is considered soft, so..."

Savar nodded at Mal's explanation and then hesitation. "I understand, you need not explain. We are thankful for these few days to be together as well as give support and draw strength from each other." Savar told his escort. "Our fate in both this Captains Council and upcoming trial, I take it?"

"The Captains Council is the trial. We don't exactly have a judicial system, were a collective, not a nation state. And even if we were, we don't have a bunch of terran torture technicians lying around to make a jury of your peers."

Savar bristled as the torture remark but held his tongue. "I see. I stand corrected. Are we permitted to offer a defense or is the verdict already decided in advance?"

"You'll get a chance to argue your case." Mal steered him into a room with a larger than average replicator. "But let's be honest with each other. You're part of the Inquisition. Your partner is an inquisitor. We both know you don't get that far up the greasy pole without doing terrible things. The empire wasn't built by the merciful, and it certainly wasn't brought back worse by kindly men. Its rotten and takes joy in cruelty. And no one called inquisitor is innocent."

Savar stepped into the room then turned to face Mal. "Indeed, let us be honest with each other. Your perception of the Empire is by and largely correct. However, there were and are people inside the Empire who are working to change things. Heather and I were doing that. We abandoned the Empire and its doctrines to find you. Now that we have, you have assumed we are guilty by our positions. Heather was forced to be an inquisitor. I did do melds that is true but if your interrogator had delved deeper, she would have seen the melds I faked or gave false information to the Empire. Heather, did the same. So do not go painting us with the same brush Mr. Garrison."

A pile of clean clothes, several sets of plain tunics and pants, were shoved into his arms, with enough force to shove Savar back a step.  The human's eyes were bright and blue and cold with anger.   "Don't presume to lecture me about who was, and is, working inside the Empire.   Nish did mention all your "contributions'', which is why you're both still alive to get this far.  But if you're relying on those to save  you, you better sure as hell have a plan B, because Nish saw everything else too.  Oh, and if you think "being forced" will move anyone, you're going to need a plan C on top.  You don't get to choose to saving yourself over others and be thought a hero."  With a snarl he turned  and stalked off  down the corridor leaving Savar standing there, uncaring if the man followed.

"Interesting." Savar muttered. "Your reaction is the same as those in power within the Empire. It appears to be some truth in the saying the more the saint tries to reform the sinner the closer he comes to being a sinner himself and for the record, I nor Heather is relying on others. However I do thank you for allowing us to be together." He finished as he walked beside Mal. He did not care if Mal agreed or disagreed with him as it was clear what Mal's thoughts were on himself and Heather. and right now all he wanted was to see Heather.

The humans hands curled into fists at his side, and then with an effort, they uncurled, and he carried on in silence.

After several minutes they reached a door Savar hadn't seen before. Mal waved it open with a hand, revealing the sight of Heather sitting on the side of a bed, hunched over a very full bucket, retching violently whilst the doctor held her hair carefully out of her face.

"A little help please!" Hesmil called out, and Mal hurried in, grabbing a spare bed pan, and swapping it out before Heather's jerking motions could upset her current bucket and cover her in her own vomit.

Savar brushed past Mal without a word and was beside Heather taking her hair in his hand and letting Hesmil have two hands free. "I am here Heather. We are together again." He looked at Hesmil. "Is this a side effect of the surgery you preformed on Heather?"

"Partially. Because her cells aren't dividing anymore, she has no natural healing. So we used a biometric filler to close the wounds, but she's had a reaction to the drugs I gave her to enable the filler to root. She'll be okay in a day or so. Until then, we need to make sure she's hydrated, and gets some food in. For puking up purposes if nothing else. Better dinner rolls than stomach lining."

“I guess ... she’s got a point!” Heather looked up at Savar. Now she’d got a moment of rest between losing what was in her stomach. To say she looked washed out was an understatement. “I’m glad ... you’re here Imzadi.”

Savar sat next to Heather, he spoke quietly to her. "Heather. all will fine. I am here to help you. We are together my love. You are doing fine. Only another day of inconvenience for you and we will get through this together."

Heather nodded. “I just wish ... I could still feel you!” She lay back on the bed while she still had a chance a rest, keeping a firm hold on Savar’s hand.

"No mind melding," Hesmil warned quickly. "Your paracortex needs to recover from the shock," she warned Heather, "and yours is closed for business for the forseable future." She gave Savar a firm look, warning him not to undo her hardwork. "You'll both just have to manage like the other 98% of the galaxy, and talk to each other."

"Doctor, I gave you my word. I will not meld with Heather." Savar answered crisply even as he held Heather's hand. "The Doctor is right Heather. However you can see and hear me and we can still communicate as well as support each other."

“I had ... no intention of melding.” Heather gave Hesmil a look. “I will ... abide by your instructions.” She motioned to a glass of water. “Imzadi would you ... pass me a drink please?”

Without a word, Mal passed the glass to Savar so ge wouldn't have to get up, and put the bottle within easy reach.

"Nothing but water until you e gone an hour without puking. Then try for a small amount of food." The ktarian gestured to a tray of bread rolls and fruit. "If that stays down, eat the rest. If you're still puking in an hour ask for me. The spirochollicycline will need to work through your system, so in four to eight hours you can expect bloating, wind, cramps and spasms of the sacral nerve. Stay hydrated, and near the bathroom."

Mal sighed, "I'll get some more towels and some spare bedding, just in case."

Hesmil watched him leave. "Try and get some rest," she told Heather, "you mustn't strain your body any more."

"That is appreciated Mr. Garrison."

Savar then turned to Hesmil."We will do as you have instructed Doctor. We will make the best of this. I will see that Heather stays hydrated and eats at least the rolls to begin with."

"I'll try" Heather offered Savar a tired smile. She'd been like this for hours and it was certainly taking a toll.

"Heather, you will succeed. You are strong and determined. We will go slow and follow the doctor's advice. We will try some bread rolls and water at least for now." He wondered if anyone saw the irony in Heather's menu. Here they were prisoners and Heather was on the typical prisoner diet of bread and water.

Hesmil nodded, satisfied that her patients weren't going to do anything too stupid and undo all her hard work. "Boslics love water, so there's a proper bath and shower back there, no sonic showers. Don't use it too hot. I'll check on you every few hours. Shout if you need me." And with that the Ktarian left them to it.

Savar looked to Heather, "If you feel up to it later Heather, I will help you with a shower or bath whichever you prefer." He turned his attention to Hesmil, "We will follow your advice both with the shower and Heather's eating and drinking Doctor."

Heather offered a nod. “I would ... love a shower later.” She offered an apologetic glance. “I don’t ... like you seeing me ... like this.”

Savar caressed her cheek, "Heather, you are my wife. You have nothing to be sorry for about. I believe the vows of some cultures is for better or worse and in sickness and health. we take care of each other as it should be."

Heather nodded. “Vows I will proudly abide by until the end Imzadi.”

"As will I Heather." Savar answered quietly. "United we are strong, apart we are weak."

“I will not be weak! ... I will be strong” Heather offered a weak smile. “I will fight to stay alive, to see our daughter grow up!”

"Correction Heather, you are not weak, you are strong, and you will see our daughter grow up.' Savar answered crisply, firmly.


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