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‘The Expressions of Form’

Posted on Tue Mar 8th, 2022 @ 9:57am by Lieutenant Etrara Khalten & Commander Kyle Reece

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Gym
Timeline: Prior to sickbay
2336 words - 4.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Etrara rounded the corner on deck 9 looking for the gym. She had been jogging for approximately 60 ships minutes beginning her exploration of the huge vessel she was to call home. She had woken refreshed that morning and was beginning to put her possessions away in her quarters, more than happy seeing that she no longer had to share and that the rooms were more than adequate in size. She had just begun to unpack the first box of books when she had the urge to begin exploring rather than being cooped up. Having a few hours to kill before her first shift began she wanted to begin her search for that ‘special place’ that no one else knew about that she could be completely alone in.

As she jogged most people acknowledged her with a nod of the head or a longer look as she passed them. She knew that her Klingon ridges and human features would be a surprise to many as would be her imposing height and muscular features. She hated being noticed but smiled to herself, thinking that if she had not wanted to be noticed then there were quieter careers than a Tactical Chief in Star Fleet that would have been more private. Perspiration began to run down her back and she picked up the pace as she rounded the corner and paused before she entered.

She hoped the gym would not be full so she could find a corner that she could begin her stretches, she took a breath and entered. There were a few others taking advantage of early morning workouts lost in their own worlds or else chatting to each other. She found a more private space noting that there was another there before her. A handsome human male taller and heavier than her was beginning his stretches. She turned away in order to let him keep his privacy.

However the nearest heavy bag was within a few meters of where he stood. She had been hoping to practice her Krav Magna moves that would help her remove some of the aggression she had built up over the past few days. She did not want to disturb him and turned to leave.

Kyle had noticed the attractive Klingon hybrid enter the gym and tried to decide where to go. While he didn't know everyone aboard, he did know that there were not many Klingons. As she turned away and was seeming to leave, he spoke up. "Good morning," his deep baritone vibrating the air slightly. "You leaving before you actually work out any?" He gave her a charming, and kind, lop-sided grin as he spoke.

She froze her back to him, he was speaking to her she knew that and it would have been bad manners to just walk out. She turned to face him. “I am sorry to have disturbed you, I was just looking for a heavy bag to use and did not realise you already occupied the space. I will leave you to your preparation.”

Kyle stood and shook his head, still giving her a pleasant grin. His eyes hadn't left hers since she turned to face him. "No worries. The bag is all yours. I was just about to start my morning routine of Karate katas, then call up a holographic opponent to spar with." He leaned forward slightly, extending his right hand in greeting. "Name's Kyle, Kyle Reece."

She stepped forward and took his hand taking the opportunity to look away from his stare. “Etrara Khalten Chief Tactical Officer.” She dropped her hand as soon as she could and continued to look squarely at his chest. This was the moment she would have liked the deck to open up and swallow her but, it did not look like it was going to. “Thank you” she said stiffly dropping her towel by the bag. She was not good at small talk with men she was the first to admit that but, for some reason she felt like adding a sentence. “Karate, you practice martial arts?”

Kyle's right eyebrow arched slightly. "Tac Chief, eh? I began my career in the Tac/Sec field as well. My first ship posting was during my senior year at the Academy, to the Cadet Training starship, USS Talleyrand. I was her chief too." He chuckled softly. Then he noticed her change in behavior. "I hope I haven't said or done anything take you feel uncomfortable? And yes, I study Karate, Aikido, Judo and Some Muay Thai. Karate, in particular, is my favorite. I've been training, off and on, since I was four years old. Currently working on earning my first degree black belt."

Now she could talk about what she loved she felt a little more sure of herself, just a little jag in the back of her mind wondered if he wanted something else. “I practice some Aikido but I am not very good at it yet, Krav Magna I have been practising for many years now ever since…..” she let that go. I also find my Bat’Leth a good workout but I need a larger space for that.” She managed to bring her gaze up to his for few seconds before she dropped it again. Her Klingon nose could smell his sweat and she found it not unpleasant.

Kyle was sure now that, though he may not have done anything wrong, something did bother the young woman in front of him. However, he knew that to force an explanation would be very rude and disrespectful. So, he would carry on down whichever path this encounter would go, allowing her to steer the course.

"If never really learned how to use the Bat'Leth properly. Though, I am quite proficient in the use of the katana and throwing darts." As he spoke, he hooked his thumbs behind the knot in his belt, his gi sleeves riding up slightly, showing the hint of the scabards he always wore on the inside of his forearms.

She took a step back having observed what looked like scabbards attached to his forearms. She raised an eyebrow. Do you always come weaponised to the gym?" She asked. This time she looked him straight in the eye assessing him as a possible threat. She took a more defensive stance but reasoned that her first impression, and she always trusted her first impressions, was that of a pleasant officer.

Kyle chuckled softly, lifting his arms to see his forearms. "Been wearing them so long, I sometimes I forget I have them on. And yes, I always wear them whenever I leave my quarters. There have been more than a few times that they came in handy." He gave her a pleasant grin, even though his practiced and experienced eyes caught the shift to a more defensive stance against him. "Trust me, I'm not a threat to my friends. Well.." he shrugged with a humor-filled smirk. "I am a threat to their wallets, any who choose to play poker with me, that is."

“I was not aware that we were friends Sir?” She said avoiding his eyes. "But remind me not to play poker with you!” She wasn’t sure if her attempt at a joke had worked as she was actually enjoying the conversation between them. She did not feel threatened by him as she did a lot of males in social conversation but she was still not able to look him in the face so she chose his chest. “What do you do onboard ?” She asked.

Kyle paused a beat, before laughing out loud. "Yup," he said with a nod of his head. "You're both going to fit in great here, and, we're going to be good friends one day." He then bent down some, to look her in the eyes, a humor-filled grin crossing his face. "Ya know, back in the 20th and 21st centuries, if our positions were reversed, you'd be saying that your eyes are up here." He pointed from his broad chest, up to his eyes as he winked at her.

Standing back up, he answered her question, a part of him figuring out how she might react. "I'm the Commendant of the Starfleet Academy Annex that's aboard." There was no boasting in his tone, he was just stating fact.

She was not awed by his statement but she noted there was no braggadocio about his tone although she blushed at his words and a small smile was beginning to invade her cheeks. She pushed it down “so you are well above my pay grade then sir. I am not sure if overseeing a lot of children would be my dream job. Any Klingons?”

He shrugged. "Rank is just a badge of how respected your experience is by those higher up. However, as I imagine you are a Lieutenant or Lieutenant Commander, to hold the chief slot, my being a Captain, would earn me a few more shekels every payday. As for my current position, while it certainly wasn't where I saw my career going, back when I was a fresh Cadet Recruit, it is still an important job. Through my cadre of instructors, I am helping to mold and guide the next generation of Starfleet officers." He then thought about it some. "Actually, yes, we currently have one enrolled aboard. A young man by the name of Krag jub'Chu'cuun. He's a sophomore right now and is getting close to when he picks the field he wishes to specialize in."

“I was promoted to Lieutenant two ships ago, I think it was not because I earned it with my skills at tactical. I had hoped to be a Lieutenant Commander by now but it hasn’t happened, neither have my dreams of being First Officer by the time I was 30” she said ruefully. Etrara began to relax with the surprising feeling that she was actually enjoying this conversation. Her eyes began to look upwards until they met his, they looked honest she thought. “Sounds like your Cadet is a full Klingon, when you are neither one nor the other life can be….” She paused, “somewhat difficult, remembering her own young life hiding from the words and the fists of the bullies and being punished when she, at last stood up to them. She pushed those thoughts away but the smile dropped from her face.

Kyle gave her an understanding nod of his head. "I'm actually surprised that I am where I am now. Three assignments ago, I was demoted from Lieutenant Commander to Lieutenant, for following my heart, and disobeying orders." He got quiet, thinking of Elizabeth, now completely gone from his life.

He sighed and added, "Even knowing what the outcome would be for my actions, I'd do it the same way as I did the first time." He then thought again. "Actually, I believe Krag is a quarter human, from his maternal grandfather. Though, to be honest, I do know know about how his childhood went." He noticed her go silent again. "Forgive me for asking, are you alright?" His deep voice was gentle as he asked the question.

She looked round to see if anyone else was listening or watching but they seemed to all be involved in their own thoughts. She turned back to him and wondered why she was letting him in. “No, I am not and never will be.” She made sure her voice never wavered, she could not remember the last time she cried but all too well the last time her anger got the better of her. “My life has not been….what I would have wanted for any child of mine. The Klingon part of me internalises everything so I resort to anger, the human part of me just exists in a vacuum.” She put her hand up, “and before you say it yes, I have had much therapy and counselling.” She reached down and picked up her towel suddenly very embarrassed that she had opened up to a stranger and a senior officer as well.
Next thing she would be being reported as unsuitable.

Kyle was silent for a moment. Then, in a calm, supportive tone, he responded. "While I don't know what you've been through, take it from an old warrior, whose gone several rounds with the fuzzy end of the lollipop, the fact that you are standing here, in front of me, on this ship, in the position that you are in, shows me that not only are you a fighter, you're also a survivor. You have taken everything that life has thrown at you and are still standing. A little bruised, perhaps, but standing. That alone speaks volumes about your character. You should be very proud of that. Be it your Klingon side or your Human side, or both, you have spit Life in the eye and have declared, I..WILL..NOT..FALL!!

"If you ever wish to have a sparring partner to go a few rounds with, or even a friend to talk to and have a couple drinks with, congratulations, you just found him."

She hesitated, eyes looking down again. “I think I would find that very…comforting.” she said. “Thank you….Kyle.” She turned and walked out of the gym feeling better than if she had had a full workout.

Kyle watched her leave. He could sympathize with her. He had certainly had more than one serious issue eat at him. Hopefully, he could help her work through hers, whatever it was.

He was about to return to his katas, when his commbadge chirped. It was his aide, giving him the reminder that he had asked for about the day's docket of meetings he had to attend.

Kyle thanked the Petty Officer and told her that he'd be in the office in an hour. Afterwards, he closed down the channel, collected his things, andade his way to his cabin, to clean up and have some breakfast, before heading into the office.


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