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Never say die

Posted on Mon Apr 18th, 2022 @ 4:44am by Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor] & Lieutenant JG Heather De La Rosa {Kelea-Salik}

Mission: Tales from the other side of the Mirror
Location: The courier ship Never Die
Timeline: After The Trial
2019 words - 4 OF Standard Post Measure

The first thing that filtered through the black was the quiet noises. Soft beeps and clicks that were steady as a metronome. Then light began to filter in. It was cosy and comfortable.

The first sensation Savar felt was light. He was aware of light filtering through his closed eye lids. The next sensation he felt was warm something was warming his body. The third was he was breathing. The last he remembered was being voided out an airlock with Heather. Moving his head, he saw Heather lying next to him on another bed. He saw her chest rising and falling, a relieved breath escaped his lips. Where were they? They obviously weren't dead. Hopefully explanations would be forth coming.

Heather slowly stirred, as her eyes fluttered open she immediately looked for Savar relief crossing her face as she saw him awake on the next bed. Her body ached from the pressures of the spacing but at least they were alive and warm. She smiled as their eyes met, she wondered who it was that had saved them and why?

"Welcome back to the land of the living," Said a male voice and an Andorian man stepped into view. He wore no uniform or insignia, just a loose shirt tucked into high waisted pants, the sheath for Ushaan strapped to his thigh, but no actual weapon in it. "You're on board the Never Die. Officially a crappy little courier that likes to flit around the edges of terran space. Unofficialy, a crappy little courier that likes to flit around the edges of terran space, whose captain owes various people a bunch of favours." He replicated two glasses of water, and handed one to Savar, and one to Heather. "You can call me Zed."

Savar accepts the glass of water and sips at it, listening to Zed's explanation. The water is cool as it goes down his throat. "And to whom to you owe for rescuing Heather and myself Zed?" He questioned.

"Mal Garrison. I'm assuming you know him, but I've been wrong before."

Savar looked over to Heather and then back to Zed. "Yes, we both are familiar with Mr. Garrison."

“I guess that means we owe Mr Garrison” Heather looked at Zed. “Where is it you’re taking us?”

Zed shrugged. "That's up to you. I can take you to any free port or anywhere outside the terran empire, though I'd rather dodge the Erisian's if you don't mind. Or you can do Garrison a favour, and then you'll all be even."

Savar shared a look with Heather before looking at Zed. "What is this favor Mr. Garrison wishes us to do?"

The Andorian pulled a chair over, turned it around, and straddled it, arms resting on the back. "Bare in mind that this is just paraphrasing. But he thinks there's a spy somewhere on Safe Harbour. His problem is that whoever they are they've dodged all the usual telepathic checks. Now he could use his unusual telepathic check, but that's likely to melt the brain of everyone one in a hundred kilometer radius, so that's off the table, even if she agreed to do it in the first place. Which she won't. So they need someone to do some investigation. Someone new."

"How do they propose we do this investigation?" Savar questioned. "Heather no longer has her Betazoid abilities and I have been advised no to perform any mind melds. In addition who is this she you refer to? The captain of the Serpents Tooth?"

Heather sat quiet taking in all the details whilst waiting for the Andorian Captain to answer Savar’s question.

Zed shrugged. "Regular telepathy already did squat, so you're at no disadvantage there. And the she is Mal's betazoid, not the Captain. As to the how? You figure it out. Or give me a destination. I don't care."

“No, we owe him. He saved our lives” Heather looked at Savar. “It looks like I’m going to have to learn to live without my abilities that bit sooner.”

"I do not disagree that we have an obligation to Mr. Garrison, I merely wonder how we are to investigate this situation as we are known to the captains at Safe Harbor." Savar answered.

Zed pointed at the back of the sickbay, to a large tank built into the wall. "In there I have a metric fuckton of class A medical nanites. Give me a couple of hours to program them, then we knock you out for a couple of minutes and you wake up with whatever face you like."

Heather looked at Savar. “What do you think?”

"If we agree to this, it may prove to the rebels or at least to Mr. Garrison and his captain that we are sincere in helping them." Savar noted.

Heather nodded. “So what do you see yourself as? Perhaps another Vulcan?”

"I confess, I do not know Heather, do you have an idea for your new face?" Savar asked his wife.

“With just a change of face and hair colour I’d pass for a Human, without my abilities I more or less am one.” Heather offered a smile. “Maybe you should remain as a Vulcan? Simply change your hair and facial features?”

"Perhaps Heather. You do not think it would make people suspicious to see a Human and Vulcan to appear so soon after a Betazoid and Vulcan were shot out an airlock?" Savar replied.

“Of course” Heather nodded. “I’m sorry I wasn’t thinking ...” she paused. “What do you suggest?”

"No need to apologize Heather. Your suggestion was a good one had we not just been killed. What if you were to become a Trill non-joined?" Savar suggested.

Heather nodded. “That sounds like a good idea. What about you?”

"I do not know Heather." Savar replied honestly.

“Well anyone who hears you talk will know you’re a Vulcan, your lack of outer emotion gives it away.” Heather paused. “Perhaps a Romulan?”

"I had considered a Romulan, Heather. I would need to become openly arrogant as well as be more expressive." He looked over to Zed, "Are Romulans seen at Safe Harbor?"

"Not really. Too hard to tell 'em from Vulcans, so they don't get a warm welcome." Zed paused, scrutinising the vulcan's face and body thoughtfully. "You might be better off with something a bit more different. Bolian? Bajorran? Boslic? Don't think I can bulk you up enough to be a Nausicaan. Lightweight Orion possibly."

Savar contemplated Zed's comments. "No, I do not wish to be a Nausican and Romulan has been removed from the equation. Possibly a Bajoran or as you said Zed a lightweight Orion."

"Your wish is my command." Zed picked up a padd from the foot of one of the bio beds ans scooted his chair to one side. "I've got a replicator down the hall. The Never Die isn't big, but you should at least eat and stretch your legs while I work. Get being dead out of your system. I'm going to be a while."

“Thank you Zed” Heather offered a warm smile and a kiss on the cheek for saving them. She looked towards Savar, “Take a walk with me Imzadi?”

Savar nodded and slid of the bed, "Of course Heather. Let us do what Zed suggests and stretch our legs and perhaps stop by the replicator and see what it has to offer."

Heather nodded and held onto Savar’s arm, as they walked together she looked at him concernedly. “Why were you advised not to do any mind melds?”

"The doctor has advised me that I am showing markers for new variant Pa'nar syndrome. I am asymptomatic right now. It affects the parts of my cortex that enable melds. However I will need to be treated within the next couple of years. She's has no-one on board who'd be able to do it now. Until then, no more mind melds, even with those I am close to. I am contagious. Heather."

Heather nodded. “Then we need to find you some help, once this is over we will. I just ...” She paused. “I miss not being able to feel your emotions, to hear your thoughts in my mind.”

"No." He shook his head. "You are more important my love. We will find a way to help you. Somewhere a cure exists. We just have to find it." Savar brought her close. As for me, you may not feel my emotions Heather, but you can see and hear them and that is even more important than feeling them."

Heather nodded and smiled. “If we can find someone to help you, then I want you to accept it. At least one of us needs to be alive and well to raise our daughter.”

"We will discuss it later Heather, after we have completed this mission for Mr. Garrison. Then we can see and explore what our options are and proceed from there. However, for now, we must concentrate on this mission and completing it successfully." Savar noted.

“Very well” Heather nodded. “Then we may as well get something to eat, I’m hungry.”

Savar's hand found hers and squeezed it gently. "Agreed, I confess I am hungry as well. Let us see what the replicator has to offer in terms of food selection."

Heather smiled. “I’m sorry, I just don’t know how to function without my senses. It’s like you losing your sight or your hearing, or both! I feel ... cut off!” She walked with him to where they found the replicator.

"We will work on sharpening your other senses Heather, by doing that it will help offset the loss of your Betazoid abilities."

Heather nodded. “I’ll get there, that’s a promise!” She smiled. “So how are we going to work our angle, An Orion and a trill together, perhaps master and obedient slave?”

"That is a definite possibility, Heather." Savar replied. "In regard to that scenario, how far are you willing to go to sell it. Will you go nude? Where a collar with a leash affixed to it? Be bound?" He calmly asked his wife and awaited her reply.

Heather paused. “I’d prefer to avoid nude if we can, as for the rest I’ll do whatever it takes. Just don’t sell me.” She offered a smile.

Savar stopped walking, he turned to face Heather, his hands came up and he brought her close. "You are my wife; I love you deeply and completely. I would prefer we avoid the whole situation entirely. Though that may not be possible if we chose this route. However, I believe we can avoid you being nude. and I would never sell you." As he finished, he brought a hand up to caress her face, before he kissed her.

Heather returned Savar’s kiss with love and passion. As their lips parted she smiled the warmest smile yet. “I do so love you Imzadi.”

"And I you Heather even if may not show it. My blood burns to be with you, to have you close or in my arms. You make me complete my love."

Heather smiled. “We have time, we could return to our Quarters? Spend some time together.”

"A most enjoyable idea Heather, do we know where our quarters are on this ship?" Savar asked. "I do not remember Zed mentioning where they were.''

"Door at the end of the corridor for post death survival boning." the Andorian called from the tiny sickbay. "There's lube in the bedside cabinet, and for the love of all that's decent, change the sheets after."

"Ah. Thank you, Zed. We will." Savar replied then looked at Heather and lowered his voice, "What is a lube?"

Heather grinned. “Don’t worry about it, we won’t be needing it!” She took his hand and headed towards the door at the end of the corridor.

"Ah." Savar replied not really understanding but trusting in Heather completely. he followed along dutifully as they headed for the door Zed had mentioned to them.


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