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Emily meet Harper

Posted on Thu May 12th, 2022 @ 1:11pm by Harper o’Leary & Senior Chief Petty Officer Emily Charles {Kelea-Salik}

Mission: Season 5: Interlude: Darkness Abounds
Location: Cargo bay 1
Timeline: Md5
986 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure

Harper was to put it mildly bored. Her black cat Sailor was sleeping in her carrier, and around her the crew chatted softly. But, having only been on board a few months, and a civilian at that, she didn't know many people. She was laying on the bottom bunk of a trio and staring at the bunk above her.

Emily was lying staring at the bunk above her, her mind going over the talk she’d had with George. She’d never considered the thought of a relationship with a woman. She sighed as she sat up and swung her legs over her bunk before deciding to climb down.

Seeing the woman above her climb down, Harper chose to interact rather than stay silent. "Hi!" she said.

“Ohh Hi” Emily offered a polite smile as she climbed down. “I didn’t disturb you did I?”

"no" Harper sat up. "all good there. I am Harper" she introduced herself.

“Emily Charles” Emily smiled warmly. “It’s nice to meet you Harper. So what do you do around here? I’m a surgical nurse, but I do all the usual nurse stuff too.” She grinned.

"Civilian. Merchant really. I just opened a shop on deck 10. Captain Lalor approved my posting before she left." Harper replied. "I know all Civilians were told to go but I was interested in how things worked, its my first time on a starship."

“I was supposed to be on temporary assignment here” Emily smiled as she sat down on the floor to talk rather than tower over Harper. “I came to see my brother George, but I’ve decided to stay if the Captain will allow it. Starships are kind of fun for me, they let you get away from it all.”

Harper had to agree with that. "Yes it is good for that."

“I decided to stay onboard so I could help look after young Cody over there” Emily motioned towards Heather. “That and I wanted to be here with George, he’s my twin and he’s my rock. He saved my life.”

"And Cody is your nephew?" Harper asked curiously.

“Oh no” Emily grinned. “He’s just a premature arrival that I’m keeping an eye on. I do have a nephew though his name is Hendor, he’s adopted, plus my sister-in-law is expecting her first baby so it’s all pretty exciting!”

"Add to that we have been 'captured' by pirates" Harper's fingers did the brackets thing when she said Captured. "Guess life on a starship is not quiet as my mother said it would be."

Emily smiled. “Life on a starship is anything but quiet! It can be lonely, especially when you’re on your own. Do you have anyone onboard?”

"just my cat" Harper replied, and pointed to the sleeping black ball in the cat carrier. "We get on well"

“Lucky you, I’ve always wanted a pet but never had one!” Emily grinned. “So are you aboard ship full time or is this just a stop off for a short period?”

"Full time." Harper replied. "Well hopefully. My shop, the one I just opened, It is kind of quirky with its inventory. Its called Pandemonium."

“Really?” Emily smiled. “What kind of things do you sell? I love all things quirky!”

"Things that most humans think of as the old occult. Tarot Cards, Crystals, Handmade Candles, Soaps, Lotions and creams, incense, Jewelry, some clothing." Harper gave a shrug. "I make the Candles, Soaps, lotions and oils myself."

“You do? Sounds fascinating.” Emily smiled warmly. “I’d love to learn how to make those, would you consider teaching me?”

Harper's face went slightly shocked. "Its not very technical but sure, I have no issue teaching people. Most do not want to learn though."

“I’ve never learned that kind of thing” Emily smiled. “My life has always been very ... sheltered.” She offered a shrug of her shoulders. “My twin brother George and I we had an abusive childhood, George saved my life. I’d still be sitting staring out of a window in Hawaii if it wasn’t for his love and care.”

"That's good that you had him to take care of you." Harper said with a smile.

Emily nodded. “He’s amazing! He’s all I’ve got. I’m not sure I’m ready to trust any other man just yet.”

"Understandable" Harper said "Some men are not worthy of Trust"

“Sounds like you understand where I’m coming from.” Emily smiled warmly.

"my ex husband is my exhibit A" Harper said with a smile.

Emily offered an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to bring up bad memories or anything.”

"All good, it was a few years ago. He was the poster child for Marry in haste and repent at leisure. I believe he is on wife number 3 at the moment." Harper smiled.

Emily shook her head. “Better off without by the sounds of it.” She grinned.

"Yes and he gets what he deserves." Harper said with a smile.

Emily couldn’t help but grin. “How’s about when all this is over we get together for some fun in the holodeck? There’s some great beaches we could go swimming at, if you’d like?”

"Sure, assuming we all get out of this without an issue" Harper said with a smile back.

“Great!” Emily smiled. “I’ll admit I hate this” she looked around. “The sooner this is all over the better.”

"Agreed. Maybe you could drop by my shop when you have time."

“I’m already planning to” Emily grinned. “It sounds like my kind of place.”

Harper smiled and said "Good I will hold you to that."

“You do that!” Emily smiled as she stood up and stretched her legs. “It’s been nice getting to know you Harper.”

"Nice to get to know you too Emily"


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