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Stealth and awe PT3

Posted on Sat Jun 11th, 2022 @ 9:27am by Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Staff Sergeant Colton Renth

Mission: Rejoinder
Location: Deck 32 - Stardrive Section Marine County
Timeline: MD 01 2000
1535 words - 3.1 OF Standard Post Measure


Colton Made his way up the gangplank on the ship, one bag across his back his rifle chase and another bag in his right hand, and two more bags in his left hand, He carefully bob and weaved out people's ways as he made his way down the tight corridors of the ship to a turbo lift in the Star drive section of the ship. the door hissed open and he stepped inside thankful he was the only one in it as the doors hissed closed "Deck 32." he said the computer chirped in response and a moment later the lift was moving after about a minute the lift came to halt the doors hissed open and made his way the Marine Headquarters, found the CO's officer and pressed the chime and patient waited for a response.

Stifling a yawn from behind her desk, Naxea was ready to call it a day after spending most of it dealing with requisition and personnel transfer forms. The chime at her door, caused her to look up at the cursed door that had been sounding off at her all day. "Enter."

Colton entered, halted one pace in front of the colonel's desk put down his gear, "Staff Sargent Renth officially reporting for duty ma'am."

Naxea managed to grin at Renth. "At ease, Staff Sergeant. Glad we got your rank figured out. Did you enjoy the rest of the day on the starbase?"

Colton relaxed and replied, "Me too, the rest of the day on the starbase was interesting, I met a first lieutenant who's assigned to the 62nd, who and orders got mixed up aswell he had {he paused for a moment considering how to word his statement} an eventful arrival."

"Ah, yes, that would likely be Lieutenant Woolheater," Naxea suspected. "He's the new Second Platoon Commander. With it being late, I'll give you a quick tour of Marine Country as we call it since Chief Warrant Officer Man'darr is off duty at the moment. That's the Third Platoon CO by the way, which is also our Heavy Weapons Platoon," she explained as she stood up from behind the desk.

"Thank you, ma'am, 3rd is heavy weps, I'll my best to stay away from unless absolutely necessary, Snipers and Heavy weps marines tend to disagree very {he paused considering to how to word his next state}..passionately about combat," he replied as picked his gear and prepared to follow the colonel.

Naxea chuckled at the comment as she made her way out of the office. "That they do." Unlike many ship assignments, Marine Country on the Elysium has everything you could possibly need or want from weapons manufacturing to Mess to training areas. We're completely self-sufficient from the rest of the ship--save for any major injuries, in which you go see Doctor Sthilg in the ship's Sickbay."

"Good to know, in the past, I have found the fleeters take a dim view of marines for the most part, till they need us anyway, As for any major injuries short of training accidents, maybe a little overeager CQB sparing, If I do my job right the only thing the enemy fiend is dead bodies with titanium bullets holes in the chest or head." Colton replied with nod.

"Good," Naxea said with a nod. "You'll get a chance to meet everyone in your platoon tomorrow morning after formation. Are you up to date on your insertion training such as Orbital, HALO and SCUBA?" She knew that not all Marine Marksmen were proficient in those skills and she wanted to be sure if Renth was ready to go or not.

IF I remember right I have recert for Orbital next month sometime, been a while since I had to use that one, gotta say no my favorite, lot of uncontrolled variables in that one. I prefer HALO, HOHO, and SUBA insertions more control and predictable fewer unknowns to account for." He replied before saying "I know you told me this already but given to cluster with my rank and other issues I been through today I forgot what platoon I'm in."

"You'll be assigned to First Platoon, taking Tonelly's spot who was recently promoted to detachment XO," she answered as they continued down the corridor, approaching the training area of the deck. "It was the reason I asked about your certifications because First Platoon is also our Special Operations Capable Platoon so they normally get the call to deploy first. We are approaching the training section of the deck where we have urban training rooms as well as full holodecks."

Spec OPS platoon makes sense, good training capabilities, I can keep my skill sharp even if the enemies are only holograms." he paused abruptly... "Colonel is there something about this posting I haven't been told, A Spec Ops platoon within a self-sufficient Marine detachment, with state of art training facilities seems a little like overkill for a ship that primary mission is diplomacy and scientific discovery. Are there other missions the ship is meant for that I'm not aware of?" he asked just as abruptly.

"The Elysium is officially classified as a Diplomatic and support vessel, yes," Naxea confirmed. "Just as the Galaxy Class of it's prime was classified as an Exploration vessel. It performs the role well but it is also a state of the art Starfleet vessel, packing more firepower than even a Sovereign Class could hope for with three squadrons of starfighters to aid in it's capabilities. The Elysium is also Starfleet's largest vessel ever launched and so far the only one of it's class. We've encountered hostile first contact, renegade Romulans, Orion Syndicate, the Terran Empire from the designated Mirror Universe, and just recently took down a renegade Starfleet faction to name just a few. So if you think for one moment you won't see any action here abord the Elysium, you'd be very wrong."

"I see and was afraid this was a boring assignment, sounds like fun, so how do you deploy your sniper, 2 men teams a spotter and shooter or solo," he asked a smile starting to form after hearing the assignment wasn't going to be the snooze job he thought it would be.

"All depends on the mission," Naxea stated. For fire support, normally just deploy the sniper but for recon or target acquisition, I will deploy a team of spotter and sniper," she stated as they rounded a corner, headed for the barracks section of Marine Country.

"Sounds good. " he replied as looked around as they rounded the corner. "Any special rules of engagement I need to know about?" He asked

"Not at this time," Naxea shook her head. "Standard ROE rules apply until I give the command otherwise." The long corridor was lined with several doors. on both sides. "Here we have the non-com barracks in standard bunk style barracks layout. Just then a man was shoved out of a door butt naked just as the door to the barracks closed, apparently locked. Naxea instantly recognized the man. "And here we have the ass of the detachment, PFC Jenkins," her voice was full of annoyance.

"Showing his ass as well." Colton quiped giving the private a what the fuck look

Jenkins turned and stared wide eyed at Naxea. "Colonel! Um, hi. I'm locked out, ma'am," Jenkins replied covering himself the best he could.

"Computer, override lock on door two-one-five-Alpha. Authorization Azhul five-five-nine-one-zero-seven," Naxea commanded with an annoyed sigh.

The computer chirped as the door opened and Jenkins nodded before rushing back in. "Thank you, ma'am! What the hell, you assholes?" he was heard cursing at the others just as the doors closed.

"Well, it certainly gonna be interesting here, the closet I've seen to that I guy hog in nothing but his skives in the middle of quad back at Penolten, Of course, it was an inspection formation with the battalion CO. Colton said still slightly dismayed at what had just happened

Naxea grinned and chuckled. "As I said, Jenkins is an idiot to put it nicely, but if it wasn't for the fact he is a damn good Marine, he'd had been discharged long ago--probably the reason why I can't seem to get rid of him and has the longest time in service for a PFC," she joked as she continued to walk down the corridor.

"Terminal PFC huh, I seen a few of them in my day," he replied with a grin.

"Now, we're coming to the Staff NCO section of the barracks. There are two Staff NCOs assigned per room." She then came to a halt in front of a door. "I believe these would be your quarters, Staff Sergeant," she gestured at the door. If there's anything you need, just contact the Supply NCO of duty or if it needs repaired, contact Engineering. Do you have any questions?"

"Not at this time, ma'am thanks for the tour." he said before turning to enter his quarters

Naxea nodded before turning to head back to her office to closeout her office for the day and head to her own quarters.


SSGT Colton Renth
1st platoon 62nd Marine Detachment
USS Elysium

Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea
62nd Detachment CO
USS Elysium


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Comments (1)

By Captain Samuel Woolheater on Sat Jun 11th, 2022 @ 5:20pm

Awww!! MAN! I didn't get the nickel tour! Smart thinking to have the MCO show you around though. Good show. Lots of neat details too. But, where are the tourista & family photo op Kodak Picture Spots? Every tour has to have a least one picture spot :) Well done you two. :)