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Gathering Information

Posted on Sun Jun 5th, 2022 @ 3:44pm by Lieutenant JG Ryan Kade III

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Unknown
Timeline: During "Yeah, like that was ever going to happen."
599 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

For anyone who prefers to listen instead of read:


A blue hue washed over everything in the cafe through the giant glass window that made up the entirety of the storefront. The air was light, the atmosphere thinning as a low-pressure area formed and passed across the small town outside.

An old-looking music box was playing something soft and inoffensive to build the laid-back atmosphere of the establishment. The white noise of the music was washed out even more than usual by the louder, ever-present rainfall outside.

“It’ll be over in a few minutes.”

The faux leather of the seat cushion creaked beneath the shifting weight of its’ patron. “Why… do they even allow bad weather?”

The bolian across from him glanced outside, his uncommon yellow iris’ glittering in the wake of distant thunder. “Not much happens around here,” He mused, continuing to stare out the window. “Allowing the occasional shower helps with the monotony.”

“I suppose that makes sense,” The pale skin of the human’s face was momentarily lit by a bolt of lightning. The trepidation could be seen slowly dissipating from his features as he grew used to it.

As the light show subsided, the human looked away, down towards his coffee.

“Are you nervous?” The bolian was now staring straight at him, or through him.

“No,” he said resolutely, pulling from his vest pocket a small data chip. The device clicked lightly as he placed it down on the white lacquer table. “I always provide satisfaction.”

“Mhm,” Came the bemused reply. The chip stayed where it was. The bolian looked up, “and what did you find?”

“The program is, how shall I say it… interesting,” he paused for dramatic effect, and perhaps to probe the other man’s solid duranium composure. The bolian remained disappointingly unflappable. “Depending on who opens it, the antagonist will change.”

“So, they weren’t specifically targeting me?”

“Oh, they most certainly did. However, you were but one target of many.”

The bolian leaned forward, his fingertip tapping on the top of the chip, “How many are we talking?”

The human raised his right hand, splaying all five fingers, “Including you? There are five.”

The stillness of stone finally cracked as the off-duty starfleet officer began to move, sliding out of the booth he’d been sitting in for quite some time.

“Heard enough, have you?”

He nodded and began pulling on his raincoat, “You’ve done well, Mr. Hazel. Thank you for your assistance. I’ll read the rest of it on my own,” with that, he turned about and made way towards the exit. The music box was still playing, the tune following him out.

The rain was more intense than he’d expected. He stayed beneath the awning of the cafe entrance as he pulled out the chip that he’d taken from his informant in the cafe and inserted it into his personal data PADD. An organized directory of folders and files appeared on the screen. One of them demanded the most of his attention. It was labeled ‘five suspects’. Some seemed to be civilians, others had military ranks. He began reading some of the names out loud to himself, in spite of the rain and the wind.

“Kandiss Kade, Commander Jelob, Lieutenant Ethan Brash…”

The more he read, the more questions he found himself with. Who were these people? Why were they targeted? What did any of it have to do with him?

“Time to get started,” determined, he stepped out into the rain.


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Comments (2)

By Captain Samuel Woolheater on Tue Jun 7th, 2022 @ 1:49pm

I have heard about the "To Boldly Roll" folks. i think I heard about this two years ago in some annual Star Trek online gathering? The Squiddies? Something like that. What a great idea. Cool idea for simming. Like simming on the radio. I loved the post too man. Nice and noir-iche. Looking forward to more :)

By Lieutenant JG Ryan Kade III on Wed Jun 8th, 2022 @ 8:41am

Hello, there. Yes, I'm a member of the TBR crew. Also, I'm glad you enjoyed it! The noir feel was definitely intentional.