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A New Life (Part 2)

Posted on Tue Mar 7th, 2023 @ 11:10am by Kyle Cragen [Reece] & Ambassador Natsuko Akayama [ADMIN NPC]

Mission: Season 6 : Episode 1: Circinus
Location: Toyama, Japan, Earth
Timeline: MD 11/ 1100 Hours (local)
2208 words - 4.4 OF Standard Post Measure

***A Few Days Later***

Kyle had gotten up early and had worked out some in the gym downstairs. Now, he was swimming laps in the large pool, located in the backyard behind Natsuko's home. The past few days, since he had made a fool of himself, they hadn't spoken much. He was sure that, any day now, she would revoke his freedom and have him sent back to his cell. Afterall, who would want to live with a man like him?

Natsuko was planning to do no such thing, she was not totally without feelings, she just kept them locked up as it was safer in her mind. She had left the house several times, beaming to meetings in Paris and San Francisco when needed, leaving him with the servants who treated him with respect.

Now, dressed in casual clothing she wandered outside to sit under the cherry trees near the pool, a PADD in hand.

A few minutes later, Kyle finally finished his laps. He hung onto the far wall, unaware that he wasn't alone. For several moments, he simply hung there, as he caught his breath and fought against his inner demons.

Finally, he climbed out, revealing his well-maintained physique, wearing nothing but a pair of black speedos. Reaching forward, he presented a better view of his tight butt, as he grabbed a large towel, using it to start drying off.

“When you have finished, I have some news for you.” Natsuko said as if she was not paying attention.

Hearing her speak, Kyle turned his head towards her. "And just how long have you been there?"

“Not long. 5 minutes or so.” She didn't move from the stone bench she sat on.

He walked over to her, hanging the towel around the back of his neck. He sat down across from her and asked, "So, what news do you have?

She waved to the bench. “Sit.” She said softly. “And I want you to remain calm.”

Arching an eyebrow, Kyle did as bade, and moved over to sit next to Natsuko. This close, he could detect her soft, pleasant perfume. He found it soothing. "I'm all ears. And I will do my best."

“Two days ago, Fleet tracking lost the location of the USS Elysium, it's transponder vanishing from Scopes. Now this has happened before. And we have commenced search and rescue procedures.”

A sudden pang of fear shot into his heart. "Josephine…our child…were…were they aboard?"

“Yes, Lieutenant Carlyle was on board. But at this stage we are unsure what happened. That said, I have been asking around, and people are looking into things that happened prior to departure as well.”

He looked off into the shimmering pool, trying to stay calm. They had to be okay…they HAD to be!

Swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat, he looked over at Natsuko. "What can I do to help?'

“For now? Not much. But we are looking to send assets into the area where they were last located. You could, if you wish, assist with that.”

"Anything!" He replied eagerly.

Natsuko nodded. “Very well, be ready at 07h00 tomorrow, I will take you to the Command centre.”

He nodded in reply. "And for the rest of today?"

“Start thinking about which of these operatives are best suited” She handed him the padd.

He took the PADD and started to pour over the details of each personnel file. He stood as he read, absent-mindedly moving back and forth across the pool deck.

A few hours later, he had changed into sweats, and had made a list of twenty operatives to send out on the search. He found Natsuko and added her the PADD. "The last four, could be added as extra bodies, if need be. Otherwise there's enough here to send two Arrow class runabout with, allowing them to cover more ground, when they reach the Elyium's last known coordinates."

She took the list and uploaded them into the system. “Very well. I will have them ready for briefing tomorrow morning.” She said as she looked up at him. “The last time the Elysium fell off the grid, they were missing for nearly 7 months. People are hoping it is the same sort of thing this time. The ship seems to have that sort of luck.”

"I certainly hope so," he replied warily. "I know her captain certainly has an apparent bottomless well of good luck."

“It seems to be that way with her. Surviving her family and the challenges of command.” Nat said calmly.

Kyle nodded as he replied. "As I'm sure you know, it was Captain Lalor and her covert operations crew that captured me. I have total faith in her ability to command her ship and safeguard her crew."

Natsuko nodded. "So you will be ready tomorrow morning?"

He nodded. "I will. Should I wear one of the uniforms, or dress in civilian attire?"

“Civilian for now,” Natsuko said. “Let's not scare them.”

He nodded again. "Alright. Casual or buisness attire?"

“Business” Natsuko said “A suit and tie will work”

"Okay," he replied, a soft grin on his face. "Then I shall dress to impress." He looked over at the wall chrono, then asked, "Do you have plans for dinner?"

“Ah no no plans. I normally just grab a sandwich.”

"In that case," he replied, "I would very much like to make you dinner tonight."

“Are you telling me that Mr Kyle Cragen, feared master of the underworld knows how to cook?”

He smiled a handsome, toothy grin. "My dear, there are many things about me that you will be surprised to discover. But that is for another time. For now, do you prefer red or white wine?"

“Red wine is fine” Natsuko said “I have an extensive wine Cellar, some ancient vintages I would avoid.”

"Red it is then," he replied. "Now, as I want this meal to be a surprise,, I am going to ask you to leave the house for the afternoon. I'll send you a message when everything is ready, if that's okay?"

“Sure,” She smiled. “I have some contacts to speak with anyway”

He smiled warmly. "Then I shall see you tonight. Please dress comfortably, but also, nicely."

Natsuko nodded and then stood to gather her gear. “I shall see you then.”

"I look forward to it." He bowed his head to her.

She gave a smile and headed out the door.

After Natsuko was gone, Kyle got to work. He reached out to a few contacts he still had here on Earth and ordered the food needed for the meal. He also had a tasteful arrangement of Natsuko's favorite flowers delivered.

Once everything arrived, he got to work in the kitchen. He was planning out a three course meal, appetizers, entree and dessert.

For appetizers, he put together a delicious caeser salad, ensuring the dressing wasn't too strong on the anchovies taste. For dinner, he started to prep a couple nice-sized strip steaks, he knew a rancher in Texas who had the best tasting beef. With it, he made some mashed potatoes, so smooth, they were like fluff on one's tongue. With it, he also cooked up some saluted asparagus.

For dessert, he put together a fluffy angel food cake, with homemade whipped cream and sliced strawberries, drizzled with natural syrup that he had made by sprinkling sugar on the cut strawberries and allowing the juice from the berries to mix with the sugar.

Once the meal was set, he quickly cleaned the house, then himself. He got dressed in a nice suit, set the table, lit some candles and had the computer play some soft, appropriate music. Once everything was set, aside from bringing the food out to the table, he sent Natsuko the message to come in when she was ready.

Natsuko arrived about five minutes later, dressed in a dark green wrap around dress and low heels. She paused in the doorway and let her eyebrow raise. “Mr Cragen?”

He stepped from around the corner, a warm grin on his face. "Ambassador, welcome. Please, allow me to escort you to your chair?" He turned and offered his left elbow to her.

She was not silly, she knew he had been educated but she nodded and placed her fingertips on his elbow. “Of course.”

Kyle nodded slightly to Natsuko when she touched him. He wasn't sure what it was, but, he found her presence extremely calming. He led her into the dining room, where he had everything set up. "You look very lovely, by the way," he said as he pulled her chair out for her.

“Thank you” She said as she took the seat,”You dress nice as well” Gods she was bad at this sort of thing.

He chuckled softly. "Well, as you provided the clothing, I should thank you again, on your excellent taste." Once she was seated, he moved over to a covered tray and lifted the lid. Picking up the salads, he carried them back to the table, placing Natsuko's in front of her first, before putting his down at his place setting. He then pulled the bottle of wine from the chilled bucket and poured them both a glass.

Moving over to his seat, across the table from her, he sat down, then lifted his glass. "To new experiences, with a new friend."

She lifted her glass in response. She knew this man’s history, his actions, and she could clearly see he was working to pay for those events. “So aside from cooking, how has your day been?”

After taking a sip of his wine, Kyle put down his glass and replied. "It was a good day overall I think. It felt very nice to both do something as normal as prepare a nice meal, and to do so for you."

“And you have not had that ability to simply be for a while I am guessing.”

He was silent for a moment, clearly lost in his memories. "No," he finally replied, his voice quiet and full of regret. "For too long now, I have allowed my grief to control my actions. I am truly ashamed of what I have done, Natsuko. I just hope that I will have the chance to make amends for the wrongs I have done."

“That I can assure you will have the chance.” Natsuko replied.

He smiled softly at her. "Thank you for showing this faith and trust in me. I give you my word that I will not abuse it."

“I hold you to it.” Natsuko softly.

He nodded his understanding. They then began to eat. "I hope the meal is to your satisfaction?"

“It is very nice. You are a man of surprising talents Mr Cragen.`` Natsuko said with a smile.

Kyle smiled softly, even blushed slightly at the compliment. It had been so long that he was given an honest compliment, and not just placated by someone who feared him, that he could barely remember the date. "You are very generous, m'lady," he replied softly. Looking up to catch her eyes, he swallowed the lump that had been firming in his throat. "Thank you."

Natsuko nodded. "I was wondering if you would be able to tell me more about our people?" she asked.

Kyle nodded and smiled softly. "I'd be happy to tell you everything I know. But first, how much do you already know?"

"Not much. Only what is in the Federation Databases. I have had a few conversations with other El-Aurians over the years but none would really give me much"

"Well, I will fill in the voids of what you know as best I can." Over the next several hours, as they ate dinner, then moved to the patio for drinks under the clear night sky, Kyle did as promised. He told her everything his parents had taught him before they were murdered, then everything else that he had pieced together along the way. While it wasn't volumes of data, it was still quite a bit to tell Natsuko.

"...and now they have a new homeworld, hidden somewhere in the Beta Quadrant, I think." Kyle stated as he took another sip of his drink, while sitting next to Natsuko on the soft sofa she had on the patio. This close to her, he could easily smell her soft perfume. It was a very pleasing aroma to his senses.

"And you've never tried to find it?" Natsuko asked curiously. "I would have thought it would have been a .. well not a priority but at least a desire."

Kyle considered the question, then shrugged. "I suppose, for a very long time, I was angry at our people. I was a. Child when my parents were killed, and no one came to bring me back to our people. Over the centuries, I guess the desire to find them and our new homeworld faded."

Natsuko nodded as he spoke. "Maybe one day you will be able to go there, without the emotional baggage."

Kyle shrugged. "Perhaps one day I will. Perhaps, with the right my side?" He looked into Natsuko's eyes as he spoke.

Her lips curved slightly. "One never knows Mr Cragen."



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