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Welcome to a New Batch

Posted on Tue Dec 27th, 2022 @ 12:44pm by Commander Kyle Reece & Captain George Charles [Reece] & Captain Gary Taylor

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Fighter Bay
922 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Jess sat on a cooler in the fighter bay as pilot cadets walked up, and she studied this lastest batch from Starfleet Academy closely. She sat around wearing her pants, a tank top, and her uniform jacket loose over herself. "So you want to be fighter pilots, huh?" Jess noted. "Decided that maybe you don't want the center chair, and you wanted something a bit more specific huh?" Jessica mentioned.

"Welcome to the Elysium's flight academy. My own little corner of hell." Jess mentioned. "As my students, I do not fail anyone. You decide when and if you leave my tutlage. And you can decide if I expell you by your actions, as choices have consequences." She stood up and opened her cooler. "Get yourselves a drink. We got a lot to go over. The cadets began to grab a drink out of Jess' cooler.

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"Now, Let's begin. This course is going to encompass all of your time here at the Elysium Academy. And I have a long list of classes for you. I also have a few rules and some unwritten rules." Jess noted. "Now I am going to introduce you to the Class Mantra. 'Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest sonofabitch in space.'" Jess mentioned.

Kyle Reece stood at the rear of the gathered cadets, a silent sentinel, watch9ng and listening to his returned flight instructor give her speech.

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"There is a reason that is our mantra. These fighters are the furthest thing from shuttlecraft there is, yes; flight control may say otherwise. I disagree. These things are high performance impulse drives and thrusters rigged up to you. The Valkyrie is capable of putting almost eight to twelve g's on your ass just by doing a one-eighty flip. These things can kill you. Two things will happen. The blood will pool in your feet and you'll go into what we call 'G-LOC' G Induced Loss of Consciousness. Then you will crash into something and die." Jess noted. "Then the opposite could happen. All the blood rushes to your head, this is called G Impairment when your body does not have enough oxygen to do anything. Then you can't even move the stick and you end up either spinning out or crashing into something." Jess noted. "These are not shuttlecraft. We build these things to be Highly Maneuverable and Fast. So... Who wants to be a fighter pilot? and who wants to try Botany?" Jess sat on her cooler again. "Those of you who leave, I won't think any less of you than I already do." She smirked.

As she continued to speak, Raptor 669, entered the open shuttlebay, after completing her daily security patrol of the area surrounding the Elysium.

Gary entered as Jess was giving her 'welcoming' speech to the new batch of fighter candidates. He stayed in the back so his appearance wouldn't be a distraction to the candidates. Plus, as Group Commander he liked to see what the new group looked like, who thought they had the 'right stuff' to be a fighter pilot.

"Now, You're going to meet some guest instructors in the holodeck. They're from the time on Earth where fighter combat was in its infancy." Jessica noted. "Herr Manfried von Richtofen will take you through the very basics of what we intend to teach you. You would do well to listen to his insight and experiences." Jess noted. "You will then meet Major Eric Hartmann who will expand on your knowledge of markmanship and starfighter tactics. More holodeck training will come from Astronaut Armstrong and Astronaut Lovell. The basics of space flight and Jim Lovell will prepare you for the moments things go wrong in a spacecraft. Colonel Chuck Yeager will train you on how to withstand the G-Forces that a Fighter Pilot will endure. I will train you to understand the role of gravity on a starship and how to use the gravity wells around you to give you a maneuverability and speed advantage in battle. General Claire Lee Chennault, and Colonel 'Pappy' Boyington will take you through Squadron Tactics and Strategy." Jess noted. "I know what you're thinking.. How can some old Astronauts and Generals teach me anything relevant. Well these people pioneered and put together all of our curriculum so long ago for the Starfighter program. In the militaries, at NASA, and many other worlds. You'll learn General Korrd's Military Strategems from his Romulan Campaigns, and many others."

Once Raptor 669 finished her taxiing, her canopy popped open and the flight crew quickly got the ladders in place for the flight crew. George climbed out first removing his helmet as soon as he landed on the deck. Tink was right behind him. Together, they walked up to Jess and the assembled cadets. "Our new meat for the grinder, Boss?" He asked with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Now remember this about your instructor, Cadets. I don't care who you are, I judge people by my own merit system. I'm the kind of officer who would pick up a phaser rifle to take her ship back from goddess damn slavers. Some people consider me a hero. Others at Starfleet HQ consider me a pain in the ass." Jess noted. "Because of this, consider yourselves fortunate. I'm the pain in the ass that will make sure you come home. Now take today and get settled in. Because at exactly 0500. We're taking you through the calisthenics courses for your mortal bodies to function in a High-G environment."




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