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A Deception Worth Believing

Posted on Wed Aug 10th, 2022 @ 12:52am by Lieutenant Vira Vemre [Whavi]

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Holodeck 6
Timeline: Current
714 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure

The hour was early yet, the gamma shift hours from ending. Vira tucked the rolled matt under her arm and exited her quarters. The halls were quiet aside from the gentle hum of the ship and soft beeps of access panels located through out the hall. The risian released a heavy sigh mentally wishing she could enjoy the peace and sleep through the night just once this week. Fatigue was causing her mind to muddle half way through her shift and there always seemed to be am amused Myne there to giggle at her.

Vira stepped into the turbolift located at the end of the corridor, she opened her mouth to give it a command but before one could leave her lips she paused. SHe knew Samaire was working in operations at the moment and it had been awhile since she caught up with her friend. There was no harm in poking in for a visit was there? Glancing down at her spandex yoga attire her mind made itself up.

"Deck six." Her voice sounded like gravel and she immediately cleared her throat glad no one was around to hear her sound so monstrous.

Shifting on her feet while the turbolift moved smoothly from floor to floor was all she had time for before the doors swooshed open revealing deck six. Had the hour not been so late, or early rather, Vira would have visited the ships night club and danced until she was covered in sweat, feet so sore she would need to be carried back to her quarters. A smile touched her lips at the thought of Damien carrying her bridal style back to his quarters. 'Next time' she thought as she stepped out of the turbolift and made her way to an available holosuite.

Vira was not a fan of holodecks and rarely visited them. Her mind had a difficult time believing them, enjoying them. But her darkened quarters weren't any better lately when she tried to imagine home. The candles, increased heat and incense were no comparison of the smells and sun of Risa.

When she approached the door she typed her access into the panel quickly in an attempt to hurry the process. Was she nervous someone would see her? Was she ashamed she was here? These mixed feelings unsettled her and in the end frustrated her. She scowled at the door as it opened and paused, taking a moment before steeping inside. She was trying to prove to herself she wasn't embarrassed about being here. Shaking her head she took three steps inside.

There was a soft click as the door shut behind her. Vira took a deep breath and looked around the gridded room. It was nothing remarkable. Just a room. What she would see next would be fake. An imitation. A deception. There would be flaws, it would be nothing more then a mediocre display.

But would it help her rest regardless?

"Computer, start program Vemre One" Vira said loudly to the empty room, her voice echoing for just a second as the walls starting shifting. The lighting changed, bright warm light filled the room as the floor beneath her turned to a blanket of sand. Vira looked at her forearm, surprised at the warmth it felt from the rays of sun that shone down upon her. It felt...real.

There was a song being sung by a bird somewhere up in a tree and the familiarity brought a smile to Vira's face. Directly ahead was one of the many secret lagoons located on Risa. The water was a crystal blue, waves rushing to crash against the shore. The sound was almost as familiar as her own breathing. Her own heart beat.

It was almost too overwhelming. The sounds and feels of her missed home gave her so much comfort but also reminded her of what she left. What she was without living on a star ship across the galaxy. What she gave up for a life of adventure and mystery.

Vira set the yoga matt on the sand next to her as she sat down, crossing her legs beneath her. Relishing in the gritty feel of the hot sand on her skin. Her eyes never left the water as a tear slid down her cheek.


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Comments (1)

By Captain Samuel Woolheater on Thu Aug 11th, 2022 @ 2:39pm

I like the way you set this post up. Because by the end of the post, I really got the homesickness your character is feeling. And for a character that is not a fan of holodecks, to endure one just so she can see something of home; is quite powerfully charged.

Nicely done, welcome back and all that. Looking forward to more :)