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Posted on Tue Aug 30th, 2022 @ 8:01pm by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Lieutenant Commander Malakai Starr [Taylor]

Mission: Season 5: Episode 4: Reef
Timeline: After wounded Warrior part 1
808 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Phoenix entered the turbolift and as she turned to face the doors, she saw Malakai coming down the hall towards it. She placed her hand in the doors and waited for him. Her face was calm, set. A face the crew saw daily, as it was her 'on duty' face.

Mal entered the lift as Phoenix held the doors open. He nodded his thanks and stood in silence beside her. As the seconds passed and the silence lingered, he cast a sideways glance at her, saw her 'game' face and the tightening of her jaw and knew of the emotions boiling, rolling just under the surface finally he spoke. "Bridge Captain?"

"Yes" her reply was short. "please" She had clasped her hands behind her back, interlacing the fingers. She was concentrating on keeping herself steady. She had to focus on rescuing the crew still trapped planet side.

Mal was about to order the lift to proceed to the bridge but instead he turned to face Phoenix directly. He saw her focus and her rigid stance. "May I speak candidly Captain?" His voice even and respectful of both her position and their friendship.

She flinched but she said "Yes." She knew what was likely to be coming.

Mal nodded. When he spoke, he didn't shout or get angry. He spoke in a measured even tone. "Captain." He stopped and started again. "Phee." Still not right. "Phoenix." That was right. "I know you feel you need to be on the bridge as that is where your duty lies. However, you have a bigger duty and that is a personal duty to be with Matt. Your to be husband and wife. Your lives have been intertwined for years. YOU are a couple. You two have a bond a love that few have. That transcends distance and time. I haven't known you as long as Matt, but I know you just as well and I know you think you are doing the right thing, the captain thing to do. However, your place is with Matt and with Kara. Draw strength and comfort each other. I'll go to the bridge. I promise to keep you updated. If you are needed, I will call you back."

"I... want to.." She said softly. "But Malakai, I have an away team missing, the XO is down there. I need to be on the bridge. Mattias is in good hands. The Doc will fix him. If I am not on the bridge, it... could be used against me," Phoenix whispered.

"I know Phoenix, I know." Mal replied to her statement about the away team. "Who would use this against you Phoenix?" He asked confused by her statement and the fact he hadn't considered that possibility. "That makes no sense!" He protested but he knew she had a valid point, and it could derail or end her career as unlikely as that was it was still a possibility. He nodded. "If you insist on being on the bridge, may I make a suggestion, keep an open com line to Sickbay, so you can still monitor Matt's condition."

She nodded "I will keep that in mind. I am sure though he will be fine and annoying me by dinner time."She added with a positive tone. "I know where you are coming from Mal, believe me I wish I could do more and sit there and cry but I can't. I have to show my face on the bridge. After this is done... I will sit with him."

Mal nodded. "I'm not speaking as one of your officers Phoenix but as your friend. I'm going to hold you to sitting with Matt and taking some time with him as well and you're probably right about him annoying you by dinner time. He has that tendency to be annoying." He acknowledged with a small smile and a shrug of his shoulders.

Phoenix nodded "Be grateful he lives with me and not you Malakai." She teased lightly "Bridge" and the lift began to move.

"Oh, I know good and well how he." Mal answered, "I don't envy you in the slightest Phoenix. You must have the patience of Job." He replied with a grin.

"Its just knowing how to handle him. Let him think he is in charge" She replied airly "And know which lever to pull to keep him from running over people." She broke off as the lift stopped at the bridge. "I best get back to work."

"I'll remember that." He quipped. "Phoenix, you aren't alone in this, and we best get back to work." Letting her know she could count on him.

Phoenix nodded and they stepped out onto the bridge.

Malakai followed her out and as a team they stepped onto the bridge, ready to do their jobs whatever it took and whatever it cost them.


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Comments (1)

By Captain Samuel Woolheater on Mon Sep 5th, 2022 @ 6:11am

Great. Love it. A nice, condensed, single-interaction post. In the space of a minute we get to know a lot of info about these two characters. Thanks you. Great read.