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Fight Time

Posted on Tue Aug 30th, 2022 @ 8:00pm by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Avalon [ADMIN NPC] & Commander Sthilg & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant Tate Sullivan Ph.D. & Consul Andrinn Orin & Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani & Lieutenant Commander Malakai Starr [Taylor] & Legate Imik S'Niohun [Lia Taylor] & Lieutenant Scott Gregory [Taylor] & Lieutenant Commander Kara Starr {Kelea-Salik} & Captain George Charles [Reece] & Staff Sergeant Leilani Charles {Kelea-Salik}

Mission: Season 5: Episode 4: Reef
Location: Various
Timeline: MD 1: 12h30
3005 words - 6 OF Standard Post Measure


"Send word to our away teams to return to the shuttles and wait for our return" Phoenix ordered comms.

"Aye" came the call from Comms.

"Tactical, firing solution please!" She was not taking chances on this mission.

On the bridge at the tactical console, Malakai was busy working up a firing solution for the Elysium's weapons. After a few seconds he looked to Phoenix, "I have a firing solution Captain."

At Ops, Scott reported, "Power levels are continuing to build, like the monolith is getting ready to fire."

"Fire as you wish Mal..Commander Starr" Phoenix ordered. "All hands brace for incoming fire!"

Malakai flashed a quick grin at Phoenix before replying, "Aye Captain, firing phasers." He stabbed his finger down on the firing control and multiple lancets of controlled energy leaped from the Elysium. Mal's aim was spot on as the phasers hit the monolith directly, resulting in a resounding explosion the Elysium could see from space, a few seconds later the monolith was no more. "Target is destroyed Captain."

"Ensign Derani, keep us heading for that moon." Lalor ordered "Thank you Commander."

Miraj had no arguments with that plan, adding in an erratic swing to their course in case anything tried to maek a grab at them. "I can microwarp?" It would get them there faster, but wasn't without... well they'd be risks, if anyone else was at the hell, but Miraj knew her ship. they could do it.

"Warn the fighters and do it." Phoenix ordered.

"Aye, Ma'am"

"Ummm, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but another monolith is rising from the sea." Scott reported to Phoenix.

"Oh of course" She muttered "Ok.. can we assume that if we blow this next one up, another will appear?"

"I'm not detecting any other power sources other than the monolith I'm detecting now Captain, but others could be shielded and are only activated when the predecessor is destroyed. So, in a word yes." Scott answered.

===Flying Tigers===

George watched as the Elysium fired her powerful phasers towards the planet, destroying the obelisk. Then, he cursed when a second one rose to take its place. "What in the Seven Hells is going on down there?"

"I dunno, Boss," Tink replied from her rear seat. "But that new obelisk is generating the same energy as the first one. You think that was what brought down the Jefferson?"

George shook his head. "I don't know. I'm sure the Captain has her sensors going full power on that thing, trying to figure out that exact question. Not our problem right now. We keep up our protective tracks around the ship, see what new orders come our way."

===Diplomatic Offices, Deck Two===

Orin waited to see what would happen next and since there wasn't much he could do down in the Diplomatic Offices, Orin looked at Imik and said, "I'm going to the bridge. While we are in a crisis, I'm not going to cower in a corner while the Captain figures stuff out. If there's something I can do, I've got to take a moment and help make sure she can get all the help she can get. I'll be back."

Orin headed out the main Diplomatic Complex doors and towards the nearest turbolift doors. Once he entered the doors, he said, "Main Bridge."

===Main Bridge===

Orin walked out of the turbolift and onto the Main Bridge of the Elysium. This was the first time that he had come onto the Bridge, which put him into awe. Being one of the first of the class, Orin knew that this was beautiful.

Walking to stand behind the Captain, Orin said, "Permission to enter the Bridge, Captain. Before you get upset, Captain, I take this at my own risk. You may need a Diplomat if we figure this out and I'm here to help you. Please let me do so."

"Executive Officer's seat is free" Came the reply from the woman standing between Ops and Helm. She was not about to argue anyway.

Phoenix kept her gaze on the monolith and then she hit the comms. "Captain Charles, prepare your squad, I am going to have you fly escort to the incoming evacuation shuttles shortly, hope you guys are good at dodging"

=/\=Ma'am, there isn't any enemy out here that can stop us!=/\= George's disembodied voice was full of Marine swagger, all of it earned thus far. =/\=Standing by for your order to move, Ma'am!=/\=

Imik had followed Orin to the bridge, "Captain, if I maybe so bold. But is there possibly something I may assist with?"

Two diplomats? Phoenix took a breath. "As to that I am not sure." she said calmly.

Orin looked back and saw that Imik had followed him onto the Bridge. Smiling as he realized that Imik was very passionate, Orin took the XO seat and crossed his legs as he watched everything unfold around him on the Bridge.

Imik bowed and then turned for the door, "If I am not requires here, perhaps I could join the fighters protecting this vessel."

===Marine Tactical Operations Office===

Naxea stood with crossed arms in the Marine Tactical Operations Office that was normally used to monitor active Detachment Operations, acting as a local command and control center. She watched as the Elysium destroyed the Obelisk only to have a second one take it's place. 'What kind of planet are we dealing with?' she thought.


Leilani was on standby in Sickbay, having made her way up from marine country. The small medical room on the marine decks was okay for minor injuries with small casualty numbers, but she could be needed in main Sickbay with the number of casualties that could be coming.

Kara too was waiting to see what casualties would arrive, Sickbay was all ready now all they had to do was wait.

Sthilg was rushing around at a speed with his bulk one would think not possible. Every little thing he could think of was checked all they were waiting for is the incoming casualties.

Alicia had headed down to Sickbay to lend a hand where she could, she had no doubt there’d be people who needed a Counsellor’s support. She smiled as she greeted her father. “Thought I’d come down and lend a hand.”

" Your help isss alwaysss welcome little one." The elderly lizard replied warmly.

Savar entered Sickbay to seek out Alicia as she was Chief Counselor. Seeing her with the CMO he waited until she was done talking with him.

Alicia smiled at her father, before making her excuses for a moment to walk over to Savar. “Savar, is everything alright?”

"Hello Alicia, please excuse the interruption. I just came by to make sure you are alright and to see if you needed any help."

Alicia smiled as she stepped aside with her husband. “I’m fine Imzadi, glad to have you here considering our situation. To be honest I’m more worried about Connor and N’Vea.”

"I will assist you in any way possible Alicia. Let me ease your concern about the children. Connor and N'Vea are both fine and safe. I took them to stay with Mrs. Evans. She will keep them both safe."

Alicia nodded. “Thank you. I needed to hear that.” She took a quiet moment to kiss Savar on the cheek. “Right now I think we’ll be needed once the rescued people arrive.”

Savar returned the kiss. Alicia was his world. To everyone else he was an emotionless Vulcan but where Alicia was concerned, he was anything but., he would move the heavens to keep her safe along with their children. "I believe you are correct in your view of the current situation."

Alicia smiled, before noticing Tate. “Excuse me a moment, I should speak with Tate.”

As was typical during battle, the buzz in Sickbay had gone up a couple of notches beyond the norm, but thankfully, the staff was managing the demand with their usual calm efficiency. In such circumstances, Tate was able to stop by each bed and offer a smile and a hand on the shoulder before becoming a triage manager for some of the nurses.

Helping out in such tense situations with not uncommon, but it wasn't a circumstance Tate would ever think of as routine. Crossing the ward, she saw several of her fellow counselors standing and talking and she wondered if they knew something she didn't. She wanted to approach and ask, but she had to keep her focus for now. Confident that they would keep her informed, she pressed on to delivering supplies.

Alicia made her way over to Tate. “Hi Tate, I thought I’d make myself useful here. There are survivors, and I’ve no doubt they’ll be in need of our services.”

Relieved that none of her counseling colleagues appeared injured or that anything more had happened that she wasn't aware of, Tate nodded. "Fantastic. Triage is moving fairly quickly and I'm off to deliver these supplies, but check with the charge nurse, and I'm sure shall give you a rundown of those needing updates or a little extra TLC."


It took thirty seconds to warn the Flying Tigers, and watch them peel away and reform effortlessly at safe distance, and then they jumped. It was only a second at warp three, but the whole ship seemed to give a full-body flinch as the warp bubble formed and burst in a heartbeat, making a bright white streak acrosss the sky of the planet below, arriveing an eyeblink later, tucking in so Ki'V 3 was now between them and the aim of the monolith.

Phoenix took a deep breath. "Hail the planet. See if anything responds." She ordered Communications

"Nothing sir."

Scott had his eyes glued to his console, "Captain! The second monolith is powering up! Looks like its reading an energy discharge. Recommend we fire on it before it gets a chance to fire on us."

She nodded "Get a targeting solution to Tactical" she ordered

Orin had been watching several of the events unfold with the second monolith. Thinking back to when he was in the Academy and hearing tales from his friends about several species like this, Orin couldn't help but offer up a bit of advice to the Captain.

Getting up from his seat and stepping aside of the Captain, Orin gently grasped her shoulder and whispered in her ear, "Captain, I know that I'm the newbie onboard. But, I have a recommendation. Something I remember from when I was back at the academy about a century ago. If this is the second monolith that has attacked us, might it be trying our defensive and offenses to see where we stand? We need a way to disable them, not just destroy them. They could be like a booby trap to lure us into fighting them. Just my thought, Captain."

"Look if anyone has any ideas where its weakspots are to disable I am open to it" Phoenix replied. "Ensign, keep our distance please"

Miraj had no plans to get closer. Though they were already millions of kilometers from the monolith with a planet between them. If the monolith can still reach them from here, the only option was to leave the system entirely. "Aye Ma'am"

Malakai spoke from the tactical station. "Captain. Going along the Ambassador's idea. What if instead of destroying the monolith we overpowered it by shutting it down? Giving it power feedback that overloaded its power grid. It would leave the monolith intact but unable to function, essentially frozen in place."

"Do it." Phoenix ordered. "And someone track those rescue shuttles as well."

Malakai nodded, "Aye Captain, it will take me a few minutes to get the reconfiguration complete." He informed her even as he turned his attention back to his board and began his work.


Having made her way to the fighter bay, Imik had managed to launch her fighter. "Ojnas Two One Coco seeking permission to join the squadron", she had an idea but she felt the Federation sinkahue wanted her off the bridge. So her only recourse was to find Demon, with luck he would hear her request and vector her in the squadron formation.

Out in his fighter, George activated his comm unit. "Coco, Demon here. We would be honored to have you join our ranks! Please take up position on my seven o'clock, as my wingman."

Moving into place, Imik now contacted Demon. "Coco now in place at your seven, but I have a suggestion to defeat the monolith." She waited for Demon to respond before continuing.

George replied immediatly. "I'm all ears, Coco. Whatcha got?"

Imik now laid out her plan, "I am sure that a magnetic resonance pulse directed by both the Elysium and our fighters, with a point zero five difference between them. Should cause the monoliths to loose movement and defence, leaving them open to attack." She had worked out the difference based on the Elysium being a larger vessel and putting out more power than the fighters.


"Commander Starr? Do you have that solution?" Lalor asked as she watched the viewscreen.

Malakai didn't immediately reply. After a few seconds he looked up from his board. "I do Captain. We will use the Elysium's main deflector to funnel a controlled but highly powerful energy burst at the monolith. The high output of the energy strike should overwhelm its systems and shut it down. I can fire when you give the word Captain."

"Do it. Mr. Gregory, watch the feedback, Comms, get our away teams back asap once that monolith is down!" Lalor ordered.

"Aye Captain." Scott replied. His eyes immediately going to his board and the energy readings displayed there.

"Channeling power into the deflector... firing." Malakai announced as a bright blue lancet of unbelievable power shut forth from the deflector dish and raced toward the monolith, striking it head on and splaying over it.

Scott watched the energy grid. "No feedback Captain." He looked again at his board. "Power readings on the monolith are dropping..... no energy readings Captain. It's dead."

Phoenix nodded. "Okay lets get our people home Asap."

==Flying Tigers==

George was about to reply to Imik when Tink shouted a warning. "Stand by for outgoing fire from the roost!!"

Then, as if on cue, a powerful beam of concentrated energy shot out from the Elysium's massive navigational array, blasting past the starfighters, and headed straight for the planet that they had just left from.

After the beam ended, George opened his comm channel to the bridge. "Home Base One, This is Flying Tigers Actual, callsign Demon. Please give us a shout before you do that again, how copy?"

=^= Coco to Demon, we should follow up with our own combined fire to ensure total deactivation of the monolith."=^= Imik was certain that the monolith wasn't fully deactivated, but what happened next would depend on Demon's judgement.

=/\=Negative Fighters. Stay close to us and keep an eye on the approaching shuttles. =/\=

"Roger that, Base," George replied to the orders from the Elysium. "You heard Mother Hen, Coco, we've got roundup duty." He then relayed the order to his pilots and added that they were to stay with the ship, while he and Coco would head out to sheperd the returning shuttles home safely.

"Stay on my seven, Coco," he stated, after he switched back to their private channel. "Let's go get us some shuttles."

The two starfighters then shot away from the Elysium, back towards the planet, and started scanning for the friendly birds.

Lia looked out of the shuttle front window and spotted the fighters, "Pilot, tell me I'm not seeing things. Those are our fighters, and that monolith is isn't moving?"

Tag shuttle pilot

As the two spoke, the comm unit came to life. =/\=Elysium away team shuttles, this is Elysium Raptor 6-6-9, Captain George Charles, callsign Demon, commanding. Do you copy, over?=/\=

=^="Demon? This is shuttlecraft two Commander Lia Taylor Commanding, we copy. Who's that on your seven?" Lia watched the two fighters approach, things were looking a little better already.

George replied as he and Imik took up escort positions between the shuttles and the planet below. =/\=That's Legate S'Niohen, callsign Coco.=/\= He then ran a quick scan over the shuttles. =/\=Commander, I'm seeing some minor structural damage to your hull. Did you guys have fun down there?=/\=

Imik followed Charles, but had her sensors trained on the monolith. If that thing so much as lost a speck of dust, she'd know about it. Listening to the comms chatter, Imik smiled to herself. *These Humans think this is finished, I fear there is more to come*.

=^="Demon, lets just say I don't want a rematch. Fun was the last thing on our minds, but it seems you and your merry crew have been having your own party."=^= Lia smiled as she spoke to George, all she wanted was back on the Elysium.

=/\=Oh, it's been interesting for sure.=/\= George replied, before adding, =/\=Let's just focus on getting you guys and gals back to the ship. I'm sure the Captain will fill you all in.=/\= He and Imik then safely escorted the shuttles back to the waiting bays on the Elysium. He and Imik them resumed their patrol track around the mighty starship.


"Ma'am, all away teams are now accounted for." Comms called out.

"Get a tractor on the Jefferson!" Phoenix called out. "Once you have a lock, Ensign Derani, back us away from the planet with the Jefferson in tow."

At Ops, Scott's hands flew over the console. "Initiating tractor beam. Tractor beam having difficulty locking on the Jefferson." He muttered "Must be the depth it's at." He made some adjustments and tried again. "Tractor beamed locked on the Jefferson Captain!" He spoke triumphally.

With the Jefferson in tow, the Elysium pulled away from the planet and headed home while medical got to work on the survivors and away team members.


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Comments (1)

By Captain Samuel Woolheater on Mon Sep 5th, 2022 @ 7:59am

Oh hell's yes.

Loved every part of this dang post. Nice action. Good explosions and kick ass response. Liking it. Good to see the Elysium's heaters still get hot when needed. :)