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Common Ground

Posted on Sun Dec 4th, 2022 @ 11:03am by Lieutenant Commander Malakai Starr [Taylor] & Lieutenant JG Zac Smithson & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Lieutenant Etrara Khalten & Lieutenant Commander Rin & Captain David Tonelly [Reece]

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: USS Elysium
1420 words - 2.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Etrara sighed as she sipped her orange juice, refilled the glass and began once again to go through the lists on her paDD. Fairly new to her position on board the Elysium it had become increasingly clear to her there needed to be better communication between her department and others similar with security and tactical at their forefront. Hence her decision to contact Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea, Captain David Tonelly and Lieutenant Rin for a conversation. She pressed her commbadge for a four way conversation.

=/\= Lieutenant Khalten to Lieutenant Colonel Naxea Captain Tonelly, Lieutenant Rin=/\=

Naxea finished a taking a sip of Bajoran Spice Tea. Now that her pregnancy was farther along, she found out the hard way that Raktajino no longer agreed with her. The only upside was that her bouts of sneezing had subsided from every day to twice a week. Hearing her comm badge, chirp and the new Strategic Operations Officer voice come over the comm, she set her cup down on her desk. "Colonel Azhul, here."

David was in his office, going over training schedules, when the call came in. Reaching up, he tapped his commbadge. "Captain Tonelly here, Lieutenant. How can I help you?"

“Captain Tonelly, Colonel Azul, Lieutenant Rin this is Lieutenant Etrara Khalten Chief Tactical Officer. I am looking into better communication between all our departments to enhance each other’s understanding of our collective roles in the safety and security of the ship. I would like to talk to both of you if you can spare some time in the next few days?”

Rin was in her office, watching multiple simulations play out on the holographic screens, when her badge chirped.

"Computer, pause playback." She tapped her badge. "Lt Rin here. Would love to work on department collaboration. Name a time."

“My office 16.00 hours, if that is acceptable to you all?”

David looked over at his chronometer and nodded, replying, "Sounds good, see you then."

"Will do," Rin replied.

"That seems fine at the moment," came Naxea's reply.

“Wonderful,” said Etrara. Lieutenant Commander Starr will also be joining us. I hope this will be the first of many meetings that will fully integrate our tactical department with your own. See you all then. Khalten out.”

===a few hours later===

After finishing the administrative work he had to do today, David sent a message to Baeryn, stating he might be late for dinner, then told her why. After sending the message, he made his way to the Chief of Security's office.

Naxea stepped around the corner, spotting her XO coming the other way in the corridor. "So, this is a rather informal meeting for cross department collaboration."

David nodded to his Commander, then shrugged. "Pehaps she wants to talk about the big picture first, then see where the rest of us are in our thinking?"

"Perhaps," Naxea stated as they met in front of Lieutenant Khalten's door and entered.

Rin entered the office, PaDD under one arm. She held out a hand to Etrara to shake. "Hello. I'm Lieutenant Rin. Good to meet you."

Etrara shook the woman’s hand, “Lieutenant Rin glad to see you, please come in and sit down.” She indicated the round table place in the centre of her office. “Would you like something to drink?” Etrara asked.

"Water's fine, thanks," Rin replied, taking a seat.

David stepped forward. "Good morning, Lieutenant." He extended his right hand to the Klingon woman.

Etrara stepped forward taking his hand in a firm shake. “Good morning sir, thank you for coming, I hope this meeting will be of use to you, please, help yourself to a drink if you want and take your place at the table.”

"Thank you," he replied with a smile. David then moved further into the room, to allow the Colonel to enter.

"Lieutenant," Naxea greeted as she extended her hand.

Etrara took her hand, it was firm, a hand that knew what she was doing and she liked that. “If we are all here we can begin. Please help yourself to coffee or other beverages and Klingon pastries. They are remarkably like donuts but with less sugar and more flavour.

She sat “I think we are just waiting for Lieutenant Smithson and Lieutenant Commander Starr now. Then, we can start. I realise your time is very valuable so we will get through this as quickly as possible.”

At that moment Malakai and Zac entered."Looks like we're the last ones here." Malakai noted. "Sorry about that everyone." Zac added. Malakai, looked to Etrara, "Sorry Lieutenant, won't happen again."

Etrara nodded and smiled. “Sometimes it happens and I am glad to have your assurance it will not happen again. Everyone here is under time constraints.” She paused. “Right, let’s begin.” She put he PaDD on the table.

“Since I took up this post it has be become clear that communication regarding tactical issues on board has no real continuity. Each department has its own issues good and bad and, I am sure their own ideas on how tactical issues can be resolved. We need to come together to improve outcomes. Does everyone agree?” She took a sip of her beverage.

"Where do you feel the issue fails the most?" Rin asked. "As tactical is your department, I'd rather not presume your needs on the matter."

“It might seem at this time I am, as the old Earth adage puts it ‘passing the buck’ but, I would like to know what each department thinks about how they can enhance Tactical? If indeed they feel they can.”

Zac and Malakai remained silent waiting for the others to express their views on what they thought could improve communication between the departments. After hearing them, then they could make an informed reply.

David looked at Naxea, curious as to what she would say. He knew that Security and the Marines had a good working relationship, at least here on the Elysium.

"If you'd like, I could shadow one of your officers, get a better sense of Tactical and how things might be improved, what would benefit from more communication between our departments," Rin offered, trying not to sound awkward.

Malakai looked at the Intel chief, "I think that is an excellent idea. It would allow you to get a first hand look at what we do, how and what we base our decisions on. Along with any ideas you may have to allow the departments to better communicate."

Etrara leaned forward. “I think that is a good idea, perhaps we in Tactical should also benefit from knowing how other departments run, sooner than later I think is a good idea. We all know the Elysium is bound to get caught up in something soon and I would like to be able to say we have gone somewhere towards improving the communication and efficiency between our departments.” She sat back having said her piece.

Naxea, having remained silent and listening to the others, leaned forward. "Elysium has been caught up in trouble on an almost regular basis. It is the reason why Marine Country is off limits to Non-Marine Personnel save for the ship's XO and CO unless escorted at all times by a Marine. That being said. While aboard ship, we practice the doctrine to back up ship security in hostile situations and take the lead in ship boarding and hostile planetary actions. Our communication with Ship's Security is very fluid."

David nodded in agreement with his superior officer. While he hadn't been a member of the crew back during the encounters the Colonel spoke of, he still agreed with how things were being run now.

Malakai looked over to Etrara. "We need to have a standard plan of operation for sharing information and informing the other departments of any security, tactical problems in regard to ship operations."

“I agree.” Etrara said. “Colonel would there be any problem assigning a Marine escort to our department so we can get an idea of how you work, although you have a close relationship with security we would like to develop one as well?”

Pausing for a moment as she thought, Naxea nodded. "That should be alright with me."

Standing Etra looked at the assembled group. “Okay, well if nobody has anything else to add I suggest we end this meeting as we all have other places to be. We have made a little bit of headway but I suggest we in Tactical get in touch singly with your departments. Anything else?” She asked.


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