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Informing Security

Posted on Fri Nov 11th, 2022 @ 3:03pm by Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor] & Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor & Lieutenant Commander S'hib

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Security Offices
Timeline: After Getting Approval
906 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Having left the Commodore's office and getting approval for Tux to be on board, Savar headed for the security offices to inform Commanders Taylor and S'hib of her decision. Tux walked by his side, his head moving from side to side as the sehlat took his surroundings in. Arriving at Commander Taylor's office, he rang the chime and awaited entrance.

"Enter." Lia sat behind her desk as Savar and an animal entered, "And how can I help you, Commander Savar?"

"Greetings Commander Taylor, I wish to inform you and Commander S'hib that I have spoken to Commodore Lalor, and she has given me permission to have Tux onboard." As he finished, he gestured to the sehlat sitting patiently at his side.

Lia looked at the being beside Savar, "Would you care to enlighten me as to what this creature is?"

Savar briefly wondered if Commander Taylor was seeing things but decided not to pursue that avenue of thought. "Tux is not a person Commander, he is a Vulcan sehlat and his job if you can call it that is that of being a pet. He was first my pet but now he has become the family pet." Savar replied matter of factly.

"It's a pet?" The surprise in Lia's voice was real, she had never heard of a Sehlat. "Are you sure about this Commander? A pet?"

"Quite sure Commander. Tux is my pet. He is completely loyal to me, Alicia and my family. You have nothing to fear from him despite his appearance. Nothing to fear as long as you don't harm the ones he protects." Savar explained.

"Ok, now you see when you say things like that. I tend to get a little worried, just what does that entail?" Lia questioned Savar, "Pets perceive things differently to people."

"No need to worry Commander. Tux has made no move to attack or harm you. You can come to me, stand next to me and he will not harm you. We came from the Commodore's office before visiting you and he was fine. He will now protect the Commodore like he does me and my family. Would you like him to do the same with you?"

"Have you spoken to my husband about Tux? I think you'd better get his opinion first, before I go and agree to that." She looked at the creature again, *Lia old girl, who needs or wants a pet on a starship?* she thought.

"Commander, what's that smell..." S'hib called out as he walked the small distance from his office to Lia's, his eyes going wide upon seeing the Sehlat, its narrow predatory eyes staring up at him.

"That smell has you put it Commander is Tux, my sehlat." Savar replied even more coolly than normal. Tux meanwhile fixed his eyes on the assistant chief of security, not knowing what to make of him.

Noticing S'hib's concern, Lia spoke to him. "Do you have a problem S'hib? If you do, I need to know now. I get the feeling you're not comfortable with this creature, am I right?" She turned to Savar, "Commander, you may have to restrict your pet to your quarters. Are you prepared to do that?"

"I am but Tux needs to get out on occasion and on those times, I will take him to the arboretum or the holodeck." Savar answered.

"That... won't be necessary." S'hib stammered as he wrestled his own hand away from his holster, an unconscious movement it had made in a moment of terror.

"Though I would ask," He added before forcing a hoof forward, fighting every baser instinct to run the otherway as he slowly knelt down; his eyes, unblinking towards its own.

"That it not be around children unsupervised..."

He sat there for a moment on one knee, glancing at the beast with a side glance before reaching his hand out. As soon as his thick palm met its wet nose, its hot breath flared past his cloven digits only to be breathed back in deep a moment later.

"They like to poke and prod you see, tug on tails and ears..." He continued, both hands now raking through Tuxs' fur and behind his ears. "Speaking from experience..."

Tux sniffed at S'hib but didn't pull away, instead his tongue came out and he licked the Commander's hand with a contented purr coming from deep in his throat.

He looked back at the beast before him, his still panicked heartbeat thumping away in his ears. "Oh and um, make sure Tux visits the good Doctor... if you haven't already."

Savar nodded, "I shall make my next stop medical and have the doctor check Tux over. There should be no issue has Tux has had his shots. However, it does not hurt to make sure everything is as it should be."

"It is just purely so it's all on record, safeguards against anything in the future... makes my job easier too." S'hib sighed, understanding that sometimes rules still needed to be enforced despite how tedious it made things.

"I quite agree Commander. A most logical step to take. I thank you both for taking the time to see me and discussing this matter." Savar replied as he turned and exited Lia's office with Tux padding along at his side.

Lt. Cmdr. Savar
Counseling Officer
USS Elysium

Commander Lia Taylor
Chief Security Officer
USS Elysium

Lt. Cmdr. S'hib
Asst Chief Security Officer
USS Elysium


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