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"Medical Check Up"

Posted on Fri Nov 18th, 2022 @ 9:26am by Vice-Consul Josephine Carlyle-Cragen & Commander Sthilg & Lieutenant Commander Kara Starr {Kelea-Salik}

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Timeline: 26/8/2397
1198 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure

After leaving Counseling Josephine made her way down to medical. She entered the main medical bay with a wistful look on her face. She had never expected to see the Elysium again so each time she walked its halls it was a good feeling. She found a nurse and asked to speak with either the CMO or one of his doctors.

Kara was on duty in Sickbay, she didn’t think she’d met the young woman who had entered Sickbay before so she smiled warmly as she approached her, It looked like they weren’t that far apart where pregnancies were concerned. It was then that the sudden realisation dawned on her, that she had seen her before. “Josie?” She smiled warmly as she approached. “You’re Josie...Josephine Carlyle?.”

Josie nodded as she studied the other blond but she didn't recognise her. "Yes I am"

“I...I’m Kara” She smiled warmly. “I’ve seen you once before, you were...with my grandfather at the time.” She hoped she wouldn’t bring up bad memories.

Her time as Sephine had many blurred memories. But Kyle had mentioned Kara to Josie. "Ah Yes, He mentioned you to me. But I do not remember meeting or seeing you. My... memories of that time are pretty blurry."

Kara nodded. “I’m not surprised. I take it your baby” Kara offered a gentle smile, she wasn't sure how Josie felt about being pregnant.

Josie nodded. "Yes. I was released a few days ago, and I have had several medical scans since then but as I have been placed on the Elysium for my 'recovery and retraining' they require I have a check up every week or so."

“Of course” Kara nodded and motioned Josie to a biobed. “Make yourself comfortable, the Doctor will be with you shortly.” She paused for a moment. “Josie, would you mind if...what I’m trying to say is...I’d like to get to know you, and your baby. You’re the only connections I have to my grandfather, I didn’t get much chance to really get to know him, but he was good to me.”

Josie nodded. "I know two sides of Kyle Cragen, One no one wants to see, the other, someone I could have easily spent my life with quite happily. If you wish I will tell you of him."

Kara nodded and smiled. “I would like that very much, thank you.” She stepped aside as there was another arrival at Josie’s bedside.

The heavy footsteps of the gorn declared his arrival before he came into view. When he saw who was at his biobed he slowly walked over and offered her a hug. " It's good to have you home child." he said in his grandfatherly tone.

Josie gave him a smile that was watery as tears beckoned. "Good to see you too Doc."

" Never leave again you here me?" he said calmly as he gently hugged her

She nodded against him. "I won't be." she swore.

" I'll hold you to that. Now let'sss get you on a biobed." He said calmly.

She nodded and let him help her onto the bio bed. "I am nearly 7 months pregnant Doctor Sthilg."

The gorn nodded as he drew a small rubber ball from his pocket. From what's he'd been told of this case he'd need something to squeeze to keep his temper down.

Kara offered Sthilg a somewhat worried look. “This baby will be my family, kind of anyway. Her father is my grandfather, a whole lot of generations removed.”

Josie took a breath. "Right now, I am not seeing her as that I am sorry Kara." She wanted to put a bit of space between Kyle and his daughter. "The doctor who was supposedly looking after me, says that I am well. Starfleet Medical disagrees." She pulled a padd from her jacket pocket. "My records."

“I understand Josie, I would like to still be part of your baby’s family if you see fit? She doesn’t have to know about Kyle.” Kara gave Josie a worried look as she handed over the records to Sthilg.

Josie nodded "okay"

Sthilg squeezed the ball very hard as he read through the report. Breathing in and out a few times he calmed down. Josie was his patient and she needed him. " I won't lie my dear I'll need sssome time to fix you up." He said giving her a warm smile.

"Its okay Doc." Josie said softly "i fully understand"

" Thank you my dear. I could remove the child and implant them into an artificial womb if that would make thingsss easier for you." He added.

Josie shook her head. "No. Despite the circumstances, my daughter is innocent and I will be keeping her. Arri... i had thought about having a child before this. If there is a medical reason as to why I cannot carry to term then we will discuss it."

Kara was simply standing listening, ready to do anything Sthilg might require her to do.

" Well let'sss take a look." the doctor said as he started up the scanner. " Your healing well my dear I can asssssssure you that."

She smiled "Thank you Doc, and my child?"

" Doing well." The gorn replied reassuringly.

That made Kara breath a quiet sigh of relief for both Josie and her baby. She tapped the PADD she was holding making medical notes for Josie’s file as Sthilg conducted his examination.

Josie smiled. "Thank you doc. I will admit to be glad to be on the Elysium, When the time comes, I hope you will be there to deliver her."

" I hope to be there." the doc replied with a warm smile.

Josie nodded. "So.. what instructions do you have for me?"

" Asss much bed ressst asss posssssible, early nights and carful eating." The doc replied. " When the baby is born we can ssstart fixing the damage done to you."

Josie took a breath. "ok sounds reasonable."

Sthilg let out a long breath before speaking. " I'm sssorry if my behaviour isssn't up to my normal ssstandardsss. Thisss incident with you and Arri isss getting to me." he spoken honestly.

"Doc its fine. Fully understandable." Josie smiled at him.

" No it'sss not my dear. I'm a doctor I ssshoudn't be letting my feelings get to me like thisss.... it'sss just ever since are echonter with that thing with my face...." he replied his voice dropping trying to bury what his mirror self had done to some of his friends.

"You are not him." Josie said softly. "And I am not what they made me. We both came through it Doc."

" We did haven't we." the gorn said offering his hand with a warm smile forming on his face.

"We did" Josie said firmly. She was determined to look forward. Needed to. "And if we let them win, it will not be pretty."

The gorn nodded in reply. " If anything feelsss wrong call me at once you hear." he said with the smile still on his face.

Josie slid off of the bio bed and nodded at him. "I will, thank you Doctor"


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