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Counsellor’s make the worst patients

Posted on Mon Oct 31st, 2022 @ 6:36am by Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor]

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Savar’s Office
1106 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Alicia sat in the waiting room outside Savar’s Office, it felt odd to be the one sitting waiting to be seen, instead of being the one calling the next person in. She absentmindedly twiddled her fingers, she hated having her own evaluation.

Savar didn't keep her waiting long. He stood in the doorway and quietly said, "Alicia, if you'll come into the office please, we can begin."

Alicia nodded and headed inside. Savar knew how much she hated evaluations, this was one man she couldn’t hide from. Her husband knew her better than she knew herself. She walked over to the sofa and sat down, before taking a deep breath. “Ready when you are Savar.”

"Relax Alicia, you are not facing the Spanish Inquisition. Would you like some water before we begin the evaluation?"

“Something stiffer would go down a treat” Alicia grinned. “Any of your secret stash available?”

"For you of course Alicia. I take it you would like some?" Savar asked already moving to where his stash was secreted away.

“Just the one, give me some Dutch courage for this evaluation” Alicia offered a smile. “You know me, I hate evaluations!”

"Yes, I know they are not high on your list of favorite things." Savar replied as he brought forth a bottle of amber liquid and a glass. Pouring some into the glass and filling it halfway. He handed it to Alicia, "A boost of courage for you Alicia."

“Thank you” She smiled as she drank half, saving some for later in case she needed it. “Right, let’s get this over with.”

"Of course, Alicia. Let me just make a note of the chief counselor drinking before the start of her eval." Savar teased his wife.

“You dare!” Alicia grinned knowing her beloved was just teasing. To anyone else he’d have seemed quite sincere, but she knew otherwise.

Savar arched an eyebrow at her, "I do not. I simply wish for you to relax Alicia, there is nothing for you to fear."

“I know, it just brings back memories of more difficult times” Alicia offered a more relaxed smile. “Right...go ahead ask your questions.”

Savar nodded, "Very well, let us begin. Is there anything in your job or home life that is bothering you, making it hard for you to focus?"

Alicia was surprised at that question. “In my home life, no” she shook her head. “I have you, my wonderful husband and our children, what more could a woman want?” She smiled. “In my work life, there’s always those thoughts of patients that you feel you could help more, but I don’t let it bother me.”

Savar nodded at her reply, "No, trying to sway the interviewer, Alicia." He teased. "Though it is appreciated." He asked another question, in regard to work, is there anything that bothers you that you would like to change? It can be something that you wish the crew would do." He added.

Alicia paused. “Now that’s a good question, it’s not something I’ve stopped to consider before. I’ll admit there are those that see me as something they’d rather avoid. An obstacle to fear coming to, I’d like those people to realise that I’m just here to help.”

Savar nodded, "An excellent response Alicia. To have counselors seen as helpers rather than people to avoid or fear."

Alicia smiled. “Having been on the receiving end of Counselling, as well as on the giving end Counselling others I see the situation from both view points.”

"Very true Alicia. You are able to see the situation from both perspectives." Savar replied and moved to the next question. "How do you see yourself as a counselor and where would you like to be in ten years?"

“How do I see myself as a Counsellor?” She paused. “I see myself as someone whose ‘been there, done that’ and wants to help others get through their problems. As for where I’d like to be honest as long as I’m with my family, I’ll be happy no matter where I am.”

Savar sat his PaDD aside and looked at Alicia. "This is off the record. Your family very much needs you to be with them. You are much loved by the children, your mother and your father. But none of them love you as much or as deeply as I do my wife."

“My family comes first in all things Imzadi. You, Connor and N’vea come before anything else.” Alicia smiled as she looked into Savar’s eyes.

Savar nodded, "Your sentiments are shared by me Alicia, now back to your evaluation. We have talked on how you see yourself as a counselor in that same vein what would you like to be remembered for?"

“Hmm now that’s a good question” She paused to think. “I guess I’d like to be remembered just for being the Counsellor, and woman that I am. To leave our children with a legacy they can be proud of.”

Savar looked over his PaDD. "If that is what you strive for Alicia, then you have already succeeded in reaching your goal. "You are an excellent counselor, compassionate, caring and kind. As a woman, a wife and a mother. You are loving and warm, concerned about your family. You are without equal."

Alicia couldn’t help but blush. “Thank you Imzadi. That means more than I can say!”

Savar shook his head, "It is I who thank you Alicia. You give so freely of yourself, to the children, your mother and father, your patients and especially to me. We are all richer for having you in our lives."

Alicia smiled warmly. “It’s my pleasure, and my calling.” She paused. “So...does this mean I’ve passed my evaluation?”

Savar placed his PaDD to one side, "Was there any doubt Alicia? And you passed your evaluation with flying colors."

“Excellent!” Alicia grinned. “In that case we’ll celebrate with a special dinner tonight.”

"Indeed, we do Alicia. I cannot wait. I look forward to this meal and our spending quality time together." Savar answered.

“In that case I’ll see you at home this evening” Alicia stood and kissed Savar. “I have to get back to work.”

Savar returned the kiss with tenderness. "Yes, you will. I look forward to this evening with you and the children." He picked up the PaDD , "I will enter your passing your evaluation into the computer Alicia, so Command is satisfied."

“Thank you Imzadi” she smiled then headed on her way.



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