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What a Day for a Nightmare

Posted on Sat Jan 21st, 2023 @ 12:04pm by Lieutenant Sapphire Morgan [Lalor] & Lieutenant Scott Gregory [Taylor]

Mission: Season 6 : Episode 1: Circinus
Location: Sapphire & Scott's Quarters
Timeline: Current
1636 words - 3.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Scott was in bed, his arm around Sapphire, holding her close. He was having a wonderful dream. he and Sapphire were enjoying themselves on one of Risa's magnificent beaches. He was applying some sunscreen to her back with slow, sensuous massages along with a peck on her ear, or shoulder blade. He was in no hurry, why rush a good thing? When suddenly storm clouds appeared and lightening flashed in the sky. There was the boom of thunder as the dream came to a crashing end and he was thrown from the bed, landing in a very undignified heap on the floor with pain radiating through his shoulder. "What the hell?" He asked then grew concerned for Sapphire. "Sapphire sweetheart, are you alright?" He asked as he moved back toward the bed, only to be tossed again like a rag doll. Several more shakes followed though not as severe. Finally, when he was convinced, it was safe to move, he called to Sapphire again. "Sapphire sweetie? Are you alright?"

Sapphire gave a soft moan as she pushed herself to her hands and knees from the prone position she had landed in on the floor beside the bed. She was dazed but she looked at him. Blood dripped from her hairline. "Scott?"

He scrambled towards her, ignoring the pain in his shoulder. "Sapphire honey!" He cried out as he got to her. "Are you alright? Let me look at your head, hold still." As he looked at her.

"I.. must have hit it on the floor" She said softly. "Are you okay?" she asked him.

"Let me look." He said softly as he looked at her head. There was a minor cut at Sapphire's her hairline, but no bump and her eyes were focused and followed him. "Got yourself a cut. It isn't deep and won't leave a scar. Do you hurt anywhere else?"

She shook her head. "You?" she asked again.

He kissed her softly. " Let me find the medkit and I can treat your cut.
"My shoulder hurts may have jammed it or worse, but I'll manage. I think we should get dressed and see if we can find out just what is going on. What do you think?"

"A plan" she said softly. "Its a plan. I think I stashed a medkit in our living area"

Scott tried and hoped the smile he gave her was encouraging. "Let me go and get it." He replied as he got to his feet a little shakily. "I'll be right back, don't go anywhere." He joked weakly.

Sapphire frowned at him."Scott, are you sure you are okay?"

Scott nodded and wobbled as he did. "Fine Sapphire." He assured her but he didn't feel fine. However, he didn't want to alarm Sapphire. He needed to protect her, keep her safe.

Sapphire watched him and nodded. "ok." she said softly.

Scott made his way albeit shakily into the living room of their quarters. he found the medkit, made his way back to Sapphire and knelt beside her again shakily. "Okay, trusty medkit is here, let me take care of your cut sweetie." As he held the dermal regenerator in his hand.

Sapphire nodded and sat there so he could fix her head. "Once you do we need to get dressed and find out what is going on."

"Good idea Sapphire." Scott answered as he slowly moved the regenerator over Sapphire's cut. In a matter of a few seconds, he was done and you would never know Sapphire had been injured. "Good as new." He told her. "Now let's get dressed and see if we can find what is going on."

Sapphire nodded and headed to grab clothes. Considering the situation she grabbed long black pants that tappered at the ankle and socks and sneakers and then she grabbed a tank top and pulled it on before pulling a jacket on over the top. She considered and then grabbed a pair of gloves that she used when riding horses and tugged them on.

Scott walked into the bedroom, sat heavily on their bed and began to dress. He put on socks, a pair of jeans, a short sleeve pullover shirt a pair sneakers. He grabbed a lightweight jacket and put it on as well. He figured Sapphire might be onto something with her taking a jacket. He looked around the room, "Anything else we need to take?" He asked.

She considered "Backpack. Med Pack in the backpack." She said softly. "Supply kits?"

Scott nodded in agreement. "Yes, to both Sapphire. Where are they? What about our hand lanterns? Think we should take them as well?"

"Closet? Top shelf?" Sapphire said as she considered things. "We should try and find an equipment locker for EvA suits just in case."

Scott got up and moved slowly to the closet, opening it he looked on the top shelf and sure enough there were the supply kits and hand lanterns, he brought them down and headed back to Sapphire. Reaching her he handed a supply kit and hand lantern to her. "Good idea on finding an equipment locker Sapphire." He looked around, "Sure wish we had a phaser." He looked to her, "You ready?"

She nodded. "Lets go." Sapphire moved to the door and placed her hand on the release.

"Right with you." Scott replied as he followed Sapphire to the door and waited for the door to open, so they could get some idea of what was happening with the ship.

The door opened to the rest of their cabin and Sapphire moved to the main door but she felt the heat before she even reached it. "Fire outside" she said softly.

Sapphire's statement brought Scott who was following behind her up short. "What?" He asked but he could feel the heat. "Okay, we can't get out that way. Come back to the bedroom Sapphire, I have an idea."

He back tracked into the bedroom and looked at the ceiling, "We'll go out through the ceiling, into the ventilation shaft." He ran out of the room and came moments later with one of the high back antique chairs they had bought on a previous shopping trip. Standing on it, he was able to knock away part of the ceiling. That done he turned to Sapphire, "Okay sweetie, I'm going to go into the ceiling. you stand on the chair, and I'll pull you up, nothing to it. Okay?"

She nodded and said "If you are sure"

Scott looked intently into her blue/green eyes. "Sapphire Jade Morgan, I am not going to let anything happen to you. I promise you on my life."

"I know I am just worried about you" She replied softly. "I dont want to loose you."

He smiled at her as he cupped her face softly in his hands as he kissed her softly. "And you won't, and I don't want to lose you either. We stay together at all times." He looked around, "Maybe we should get something to tie around our waists to keep us connected." What do you think Sapphire?"

"Its an idea. But there is nothing here to use." Sapphire replied. "But if we get to an equipment locker .."

Scott looked around and didn't see anything either. "Okay you stay with me like a second skin and when we get to an equipment locker we'll find something we can use. However, for now... hand me our backpacks." When Sapphire had done that, he took Sapphire's arms and pulled her up into the shaft. "It's looks tight but we should be able to move along without difficulty."

"Lead on." Sapphire said softly. "As long as we are together, it will all be fine" it sounded like a mantra she was repeating in her head.

Scott nodded. "Stay right behind me sweetie. Don't want us getting separated though that might be hard as we're in a ventilation shaft." He quipped as he started to crawl through the shaft.

Sapphire followed silently, keeping an ear out for sounds of anything. People, fire anything that could be dangerous.

The pair moved slowly, cautiously through the ventilation shaft. They were intent on exiting near an equipment locker but every time they stopped to exit the deck below was littered with blown out bulkheads and bodies, lots of bodies.

Eventually they made it to an equipment locker and they managed to find environmental suits. Sapphire pulled hers on and then said "We have a choice. Main Bridge or Battle Bridge or Medical." She said softly.

Scott was finishing getting his suit on. He stopped and considered what Sapphire had said. "Good idea Sapphire. Not Medical. let's go where we can do some good." He paused before saying his next. "We'll go to the Main Bridge, see what we can do there to help."

She nodded. "If we can get there." she replied. "I hope we are able to."

Scott gave her what he hoped was an encouraging smile. "We'll give it our best shot. If we see, we can't plane B is head for the battle bridge."

Sapphire nodded and together they headed for the nearest turbolift shaft.

"Okay Sapphire, we do this nice and slow. We don't need either of us getting hurt, trying to reach others." As they moved together to the shaft.

The door of the lift was stuck open and they both peered into the tube shaft. Sapphire looked up and frowned. "Down might be better." She said softly.

"Good idea sweetheart. We'll go down to the battle bridge. There's always someone down there. I'm sure there is something we can do to help." He looked into the shaft and then back to Sapphire. "I'll go first. You follow right behind me. Okay?"

She nodded. "Lead on. Lets go see if we can find more people."


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