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*BACKPOST* A Broken Piece

Posted on Tue Apr 11th, 2023 @ 10:11am by Lieutenant Commander Rin & Lieutenant JG Elijah Carmichael

Mission: Season 6: Episode 2: Survival
Location: Medical Shelter, Cirinus
Timeline: A few days before "Loss of Power"
914 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure

With a slight sigh, Rin opened the door to the medical shelter and slipped inside. She was tired. Granted, everyone was tired, which was why she had put off this visit. Medical had been swamped. Hell, the building was still filled to capacity. It just was no longer overflowing.

Elijah noticed the Lieutenant enter and smiled at Logan "You're doing fine and take some time to rest, that's a nasty bump and we don't want to over-exert yourself" With a quick thanks from another happy patient Eli tierdly walked over to the new face. He noticed her implant and immediately recalled her name; "Lieutenant Rin right?" He asked picking up a plastic mug, "Coffee? It's luke warm but it hits the spot." He poured himself one while he waited for her answer.

"No thanks. Kind of here for the opposite," she replied. "As part of my sleep cycle, I normally plug into the computer's power systems. Every day for ideal maintenance, although I can go some time without, which is.... what I've done. The ship didn't have power to spare, and I do require a fair bit. You should be able to replicate the necessary hardware. I supplied Sthilg with the specs when I came aboard. I know we're still tight with power supplies, but... the deterioration of my systems is becoming evident."

"Of course, I remember Sthilg mentioning you may be dropping by soon" Elijah smiled, "We've started preparing an area for you, private but a little cramped at the moment its also being used as a store room for medical supplies and some other items." He explained, "Its a short walk if you're ready to go?" He took a final sip from his mug and waited for her reply.

Rin just nodded. "Lead the way."

Eli smiled and led Rin back out of the main medical tent, "Unfortunately it's a short walk, a major pain if we need to fetch some medical supplies but with the limited space around here and in the emergency modules we can't complain." He said cheerfully. "I'm sorry to say your sleep won't be in as comfortable location as possible and though we've tried to ensure you have a dedicated power supply occasionally we do suffer a power cut."

Rin nodded as she fell into step at Eli's side. "Of course. I need a full cycle this time, but we can break up future charges into half cycles. Less likely to get interrupted by a power cut."

She rubbed at her temple. She had a pounding headache. "I'd like you run a diagnostic later on my cerebral processors. I stressed them on the Elysium and my own diagnostic systems are no longer fully operative."

"I can do that for you, and I think I'll skip the lecture on not burning yourself out - this time." He warned jokingly. "Little and often will certainly help us maintain our energy levels but mainly it will help you get some much-needed rest." Elijah laughed inwardly - the same could be said for him.

"The ship was dying at the time," she explained a little defensively, missing the doctor's attempt at humor. She had really started to feel the drag for the last day or so. Everything seemed a little figuratively fuzzy around the edges. And cold. The cold was definitely the worst today. She stuffed her hands into her coat pockets as she followed Elijah.

"I know" He said sympathetically, "Here we are" Elijah added as they neared the store modual, "It won't be the nicest of sights but at least its warm - we have to regulate the temperature to keep some of our medications supplies from degrading." Elijah entered the room first, the alcove was set up against the furthest wall. Around them were roughly stacked boxes of supplies varying from medical to scientific. There was also a shelving unit holding what appeared to be more personal items.

Rin's breath caught in her throat just a bit. It had been years since she had used a standup alcove. She had a newer system that allowed her to charge lying down. But the parts were more complicated, and Medical, quite simply, didn't have the room right now.

She gaze darted across the personal items hastily stacked on shelves, wondering how many of them still had people looking for them. An odd collection of items, looking for lost owners.

Then, she thought she spied something familiar. she reached toward the back of the shelf, mumbling apologies as she knocked something else over.

Her old badge. The broken one in its transparent aluminum block.

"Someone found it," she said softly, cradling it in her hands. Then, remembering the doctor was waiting for her, she explained, "This one is mine."

Elijah beamed a smile "Brilliant!" He exclaimed, "I had been collecting them on the ship and as people flowed through medical they kept dropping bits off." He pointed at the relic she held, "That one I found on my way to sick bay. I'm glad it made its way back to you." He explained genuinely feeling a sense of happiness and joy.

Rin nodded. "Myne says its my good luck charm. I don't quite agree with her, but it's what brought me back to the Federation, told me someone might be looking for me."

She approached the alcove, setting the badge on a nearby shelf a bit reluctantly before stepping in. "Just please make sure its still there when I wake up."


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