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Time together

Posted on Tue Apr 11th, 2023 @ 7:18am by Captain George Charles [Reece] & Hendor Charles [Reece] & Staff Sergeant Leilani Charles {Kelea-Salik}

Mission: Season 6: Episode 2: Survival
Location: Their Shared Tent
Timeline: MD 2 / 1746 hours
2410 words - 4.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Arriving at the shared tent that was currently home, Leilani was glad to get inside to comparative warmth. She never had been one for the cold, as much as she enjoyed snow, being on a frozen world wasn’t fun. She was extra cautious walking around outside, she couldn’t afford to fall and hurt herself at this point in her pregnancy. Seven months and she was bulging like a baby space whale, at least that’s how it felt. She smiled as she walked over to George and gave him a kiss.

Imzadi! George communicated to Leilani over their bond as he returned her loving kiss from where he was currently sitting. He would've stood to greet her properly, but as his back was still healing, he was told to keep his movements small, for now. Once they were back on the ship, he would begin physical therapy.

As a fighter pilot, he hated being grounded, for any reason. The fact that he couldn't walk, let alone stand, without assistance, made him feel like a prisoner in his own body.

Leilani smiled as she saw Hendor busy doing some work that the children had been sent from the temporary school. “Looks like you’ve had good company while I’ve been out.”

George turned his gaze to the back of their son's head and smiled warmly. "Oh yes, our little man has been quite the Papa's Little Helper."

“Good boy!” Leilani smiled as she walked over to Hendor and kissed him on top of his head. “I wish I could do more to help you Imzadi, but I can’t lift you, not like this.” She motioned to her rounded stomach.

Hendor looked up at his mother and smiled brightly, then went back to his school work.

"My love," George spoke softly as he reached out to pull Leilani closer. "You are already doing so much for our family." He gently placed his left hand on her swollen belly. The baby shifted under the contact.

“Did you feel that?” Leilani smiled. “She already knows her daddy’s touch and she’s not even born yet! You know she loves to hear your voice.”

"Does she now?" He smiled happily, then leaned closer to Leilani, placing his face right on her swollen belly over the baby. "Little One, can you hear me?" He sipped in a soft, cooing voice. "Your daddy is very excited to see you! Your big brother and I are anxious to hold you close."

There was a very strong kick that made Leilani gasp. “Ohh she can hear you alright, that was the strongest kick I’ve felt so far.”

George giggled softly, feeling the movement against his face. "She is going to be a fighter, Imzadi. Possibly a daredevil fighter pilot like her old man." A glint of mischief filled his eyes as he looked up at his beautiful wife's face.

“As long as her old man teaches her to take care.” Leilani smiled. “It’s so exciting!”

George placed a tender kiss on Leilani's belly. "Of course I will, Imzadi." As he did so, he spoke directly to her mind. Imzadi, this is the most exciting time of my life! I am so glad you, Hendor and our daughter are here with me!

Leilani smiled We are not going anywhere Imzadi, I will be at your side, caring for you and our children for the rest of my life.

And I will be by your side, protecting us all, Imzadi. George replied. "Now, why don't we have some dinner and family time, before young Master Hendor has to go to bed?"

“Good idea Imzadi” Leilani nodded. “I’m afraid it’s not very exciting. Ration packs aren’t exactly the most brilliant meals, but we can’t really complain.”

George looked up at Leilani again. "It will be a feast, because we are together and healthy. Well...mostly healthy." He looked over at Hendor. "Finish up your homework, son, then get cleaned up for dinner."

Hendor looked over and grinned. "Just finished, Papa!" He quickly put his things away in the small pack he was given, then moved over to the small communal sink that the whole tent shared. He stepped up onto the box that was placed for him to reach the basin and put his hand under the faucet. Warm water started flowing and he quickly followed his father's instructions.

“l'll get the food warmed up,” Leilani smiled as she set about warming some of the rations they had left for the day. She wanted to keep some incase anyone got hungry later in the evening.

As Leilani warmed their dinner, and Hendor scrubbed his face, George pulled the small table they had over in front of him. There was a place next to him, on the bed, for Leilani to sit, and a small stool for Hendor.

“Okay here we go!” Leilani placed the plates down on the table before moving to sit down on the bed. She was grateful to be taking the weight off her feet, and to give her back a rest, she ached.

Hendor quickly dried off and hurried over to his seat and sat down. Though they were only rations, they were still better than the scraps he and his old Outkast brethren had to survive on. He would always be thankful for whatever his Mama and Papa gave him.

George felt the emotions and heard the thoughts of their son. Without letting on, he started to serve everyone. While communicating with Leilani over their link. Everyday I am more and more convinced that we did the right thing for our son, Imzadi. He will be a great man one day.

Leilani smiled as she looked up at George. I know he will be Imzadi, he’s come through so much adversity and hardship. I’m very proud of him.

Hendor looked up at his parents. He had learned the faces they made when talking to each other in their minds. He thought it was very cool that they could and he wished he could talk to Skylah in the same way.

Leilani noticed the look from Hendor. “Sorry little man, talking telepathically in-front of you could be seen as being rude.” She walked over to Hendor and hugged him lovingly, giving him a kiss on the head.

Hendor hugged his mother tightly, while being careful of her belly. "It's okay, Mama! I know you and Papa sometimes like to do that."

"We do, son," George responded, as he reached out and gently caressed the top of Hendor's head. "However, we should remain courteous to you and others who can't communicate telepathically.

“Maybe I can teach you one day” Leilani smiled. “To hear our thoughts, in the case of emergency it could be useful. You’re not a telepath, but there are ways to learn. What do you think Imzadi?” Leilani looked at George.

George nodded in agreement. "We did say once that we would teach him to hear us. Now's as good a time as ever."

“Are you sure?” Leilani looked at George surprised.

He shrugged and grinned. "Why not? It's not like there's much else going on right now. Neither of us are able to help with repairs to the shop right now. Why not use this time to start teaching our son how to hear us?"

Leilani looked at Hendor then at George. “Okay, why not!” She smiled as she took a seat on their bed.

The happy little family started to eat their dinner, while George and Leilani started talking to Hendor, telling him what he needed to do to hear them when they spoke telepathically. They even started to teach him that, while he couldn't truly communicate back to them, he could organize his thoughts and feelings to let them know he did hear them.

~ A few hours later ~

It had taken a lot of practice teaching Hendor, which not only wore him out but Leilani as well. She stifled a yawn as she tucked Hendor into bed, kissing him on the cheek. “Goodnight Hendor, sweet dreams.”

The young boy yawned then smiled sleepily up at his mother. "Night, Mama. I love you."

“I love you too Hendor” Leilani smiled lovingly at her son. “Sleep well.”

Hendor smiled and snuggled in, holding his favorite stuffed teddy bear. In seconds, he was sleeping soundly.

"Your turn, Imzadi," George whispered with a smile. He had already gotten himself ready for bed and was holding the covers open for his wife to get in.

Leilani smiled as she slipped out of her daytime wear, put on a skimpy maternity nightdress, and slid under the covers with George.

Once Leilani was comfortable, George laid their blankets over her. He then snuggled up behind her, gently placing his right hand over her swollen belly. You truly are the most beautiful person I have ever seen, Imzadi.

Leilani smiled. Thank you Imzadi, you make me feel like the most beautiful woman in the universe.

George smiled and gently kissed the side of her neck. As Hendor was sleeping only a few feet away, he wasn't going to start anything, even if he wanted to, what with his back. So, for now, he was content with holding the love of his life as they both slowly fell asleep.

Leilani smiled as George kissed her neck, they hadn’t been able to make love since the disaster aboard ship. As much as her hormones were craving being able to do so they couldn’t be creative if they wanted to with their son nearby, and with George still recovering. She playfully moved his hand so it was resting on her breast, just being a playful tease.

George popped his eyes open at the movement. Imzadi....if you don't behave, when I am able to, you are going to get such a spanking! he sent over a few sultry images of what he was promising to do.

Ohh yes please! Leilani smiled and sent back images of just what that proposal was doing to her right now. Be careful Imzadi, my pregnancy hormones are running rampant!

The I will have to be the calmer of the two of us, my love. George sent a few more calming images and thoughts, of just the two of them, laying together in a grassy meadow, looking up at the stars. While he certainly want to do more with his wife, their current situation made that nearly impossible. Try to calm yourself, Imzadi. We have the rest of our lives to devour one another. For now, let's just enjoy the fact that we are still together as a family. He then slowly moved his hand, reluctantly, from her breast and slid it around her, holding her closely to him.

Leilani smiled. Sorry Imzadi, I know I’m not making this easy. she yawned, she had to admit she was tired. Goodnight Imzadi, I love you.

George smiled softly. He next sent images and feelings of warmth and safety to his wife. Goodnight, beloved. I love you too. He then gently kissed the side of her neck again, before settling in and falling asleep shortly thereafter.

***A couple hours later***

While the Charles family slept, George's mind caught a fleeting feeling of fear from somewhere in the camp. As his subconscious attempted to identify the stimulus, the rest of George's mind and body started to react as if he was beginning to have a bad dream.

First, his brow twitched, then his eyes started to move faster and faster under his closed lids. His blood pressure and pulse started to rise and he began to perspire heavily. He started making soft sounds, that sounded almost like whimpers of pain. As time went on, his physical manifestations increased. His whole body started to twitch.

Leilani stirred as she felt George’s body start to move, sensing his emotional state she gently moved to turn to face him. “George? Imzadi?” She gently placed her hand on his shoulder. “Imzadi, wake up...”

Darkness...pain...confusion...fear....George found himself in his dreamscape, wasn't right. He was surrounded by distorted images of convoluted colors, shapes and feelings. Through it all, there was a all-encompassing feeling of fear and dread.

He tried to find a way out of the chaos, but everything he started to gain some traction, he'd feel a renewed pulse of blinding agony and desperation.

Leilani reeled as she felt what George was feeling strongly through their connection, torture and fear. George... George, please wake up!!

A new sound started to join the cacophony of screams and tearing and breaking that was washing over his psyche. At first, he didn't recognize it through the blinding sensations that were assaulting his senses.

Then, just as seemed like he couldn't take any more, the conflagration of sensory imput suddenly, and abruptly, vanished.

Soaked in sweat, the sheets twisted around him, George's eyes suddenly popped open and he gasped loudly. He bolted up right and shouted, "NO!"

Leilani had fortunately moved back, just incase George awoke abruptly and accidentally lashed out. “George? Imzadi?”

Snapping his head around, George's eyes locked onto Leilani's, then they jumped down to their son's. Seeing the fear in their eyes caused George to flinch away from them. "What....what happened?!"

"Papa!" Hendor was starting to cry. " screaming in your sleep! Are you okay?!" The small boy was clinging to his mother, unsure about what had just happened.

Leilani held onto Hendor, offering love and support. “You we’re having a nightmare... I think.” She frowned. “I felt pain, torture...” she shook her head. The whole experience had left her with a headache.

It took George a few moments to center himself enough where he could start to calm down. "I'm so sorry!" He moved to embrace his family, holding them both close, as if he was needing their strength to bolster his own. "I'll be okay," he said aloud, mostly for Hendor's benefit. Then, in as quiet a thought as possible, he communicated to Leilani.

Imzadi....I don't know what, or to whom, but something horrible has just happened!



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