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Set up

Posted on Wed May 10th, 2023 @ 5:14pm by Staff Warrant Officer Reo'thanra Sandtail

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: ACDF Snapshot
Timeline: 4 Years ago
507 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

Air crackled with energy, the large transporter Platform at the center of the room Radiating waves of exotic energies around the ACDF Snapshot's primary transporter room, bulkheads bristling with electrical , making Reo'thanra's fur bristle with static electricity. His long tail waggled about as he glanced down at the Experimental console he was manning, his large Radar like ears flicking about with excitement. "T-minus 35 seconds, Receiving pad Ready Command," He said with a vulpine grin, his voice richly accented with the almost ethereal Sandtail Ridge accent his clan had adopted in the centuries of separation from the home world Species.
"Good work Warrant officer, Standby to receive payload." The voice of the Command staff rang out over the communication channels, her tone calm and collected as she set down the briefcase on the receiving pad in front of her. "Warrant officer Jen'thara, please activate the Assault Transporter grid."
Reo Stared ahead at the pad, his fur crackling as static discharged off of him before with a Snap hiss of displaced air and a brilliant flash of Emerald green light, the Platform which had stood empty moments before, was now filled with the imposing forms of twenty six Arten Marines, At least from first glance. Of course the first test with the Assault transporter wouldn’t due to have Organic test subjects. Still the Stand ins were close enough to Arten physiology that it gave a near perfect reading to the subjects survival. With a beep the system began to read out simulated life signs. “Command, Life signs are elevated, but Stable, I’m not showing any variation in Genetic structure, I’m sure medicals gonna have a field day with these numbers, but I can guarantee this was a successful Transport from the engineering side of the game,” he said with a triumphant grin.
Jen'thara nodded slowly as she looked over the results through the wall mounted Viewer. "Well done Warrant officer Reo'thanra, you have earned your title today," Jen'thara stated dryly, then turned to Commander Ter'tevosk who was standing next to her. “Permission to conclude the test sir?” she asked to the Commander.
"Granted," Ter'tevosk replied simply. "Notify me once you're ready to transport again, and we'll begin testing your new modification." He paused and then added. “I See you being richly rewarded for this Warrant officer. A Promotion is definitely in your future.
Reo's ears perked up, his tail waggling lightly behind him as he stood straighter. “Thank you sir!” he said with enthusiasm dripping from his voice.
The Commander grunted with an amused smirk, then gestured to the transport pad. "Transport Test complete Warrant Officer. Return to your station and continue monitoring the subjects." He added as the viewer shut off with a flicker of fading static.
Reo nodded and turned back to his work station where the power cycles were slowly spooling down to the standard levels accepted by the fleets Engineering department. “I’ll be master warrant officer in no time if this thing gets off the ground…” he said with a grin.


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