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Behind Closed Eyes

Posted on Sat May 27th, 2023 @ 12:58am by Lieutenant Baeryn Whavi-Tonelly

Mission: Season 6: Episode 2: Survival
Location: Medical Tent
Timeline: MD 6 All day
533 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure

In the medical Tent near the back unconscious, lay the hybrid Lieutenant Baeryn Whavi.

The LT had fallen into a coma before coming planet side. The doctor was unable to explain what caused it, or if it was safe to attempt to bring her out of it. The mind of a betazoid could be a tricky one. In addition to her own safety, there was that of her unborn Childs to consider. All tests came back negative, there was no apparent reason for the coma, but her body would not have slipped into one had there not been. The babies vitals were heathy, a steady heartbeat, continued normal growth. There was a slight chance, due to the term of the pregnancy near its end, that the baby would come any day. The doctor had decided it was best to...wait for Baeryn to wake.

Baeryn had been here before, she was sure of it. The quiet calm of emptiness her only companion. A deafening quiet that would unnerve most, was a peace for her. It was much like the state your mind is in just before it falls asleep. The peace that over takes your mind and body, the one that relaxes your muscles, your hearing and sight. Like a veil from the outside world.

Memories weren't easily obtained. There was a blissful ignorance to not remembering who or where you are. Baeryn let the peace become her. Let it take her deeper into the silence. Days weren't recognized, time was irrelevant. She was unaware how long she had been here, or why. And in no rush to leave.

There was a nagging feeling occasionally pricking her brain. Like she was forgetting something important. Something that needed her attention. Her mind was too relaxed to allow her to recall what it was. Or who it was. Attempting to put a finger on it resulted in frustration that pushed her to ignore the feeling. It was disrupting her peace. But the nagging persisted, like someone attempting to wake you. The feeling caused her to feel anxious about what was coming, that it was too close to be ignored any longer.

She did all she could to stay where she was, but then there was a cry. Somewhere far away but close enough to be heard. Baeryns minds eye opened. Gone was the veil. Gone was the ignorance, but so to were her memories. Hidden somewhere from her. Something somewhere was demanding she remember.

Was it insane to speak to herself? To demand answers? The absence of the veil allowed her to begin to register certain senses. She felt cold, not the chill from space, but a frigid crisp wintry cold. The smells unfamiliar. Occasionally she could hear a deep voice, a voice that warmed her, comforted her. Made her feel safe. She tried to follow the voice, to listen to its hushed words. But then it was gone and the cold was all she could feel.

Baeryn stood in the emptiness, her arms wrapped around herself. Confused. She looked around and found nothing but the surrounding darkness. But then, from somewhere far off was the cry again, but louder. Someone was calling to her.


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