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Friendly Competition

Posted on Sun Aug 27th, 2023 @ 10:09pm by Captain Mattias Richardson [Reece] & 1st Lieutenant Joshua Young [Taylor] & High Priestess An'Dalus & Sovereign T'handu

Mission: Season 6: Episode 3: Far From Home
Location: USS Elysium, Temporary Training Room One
Timeline: MD 3 / 1430 hours
3382 words - 6.8 OF Standard Post Measure


Mattias and Josh were in one of the small cargo bays, that had been emptied and turned into a temporary training room. He was dressed in his karate gi, and was performing a few warm-up katas, while they waited for An'dalus and T'han to show up.

Josh was dressed in what looked like black pajamas but were his training clothes. "I wish you'd let me have a go with T'han sir. I can take him." Josh told his mentor has they went through moves together.

Mattias grinned at his young protégé and friend. "I have no doubt you could, Josh," he replied as he finished another kata. "However, An'dalus stated that she wanted our best to go up against her bodyguard. As the leader of the team, it falls to me to represent us. To send anyone else in my stead would cause me to lose honor in their eyes. And though she agreed with what Phee asked of her, I feel that she still doesn't fully respect me or the team."

Josh sighed. "I suppose you're right as far as honor, Sir. And I can tell you for a fact that the ambassador doesn't respect us. She thinks we're useless, serve no purpose, and as such aren't needed or wanted."

Mattias nodded as he finished his warm-up. "I know, Josh. I have found that ambassadors are usually split down the middle when it comes to Dip Sec. In the end, they just learn to deal with it. We are here, and nothing they can say will stop us from doing our duty."

It was then the doors to repurposed cargo bay opened, the rhythmic hum of hooves announcing the arrival of An'Dalus and her Sovereign.

She was dressed similarly to how she was at the meeting, though the accents of colours had transitioned to a more yellow palette.

T'han on the other hand was wearing nothing but a beige linen wrap, one that was quickly discarded as soon as they entered the room.

Now he was dressed for war like a true Sequus, bathed in inscriptions and finely trimmed patterns that accentuated every muscle and curve.

"Good afternoon gentlemen..." Anne said with a sultry tone before stopping and inclining her head towards T'han who was still marching directly at Mattias. "T'han, remember what I said-" She hummed looking back at Mattias and then towards Josh. "...don't break any bones."

A heavy snort was the only response she got. And it was all the response she needed as she watched her Sovereign close the distance, intent on starting immediately.

Josh looked at the approaching T'han and leaned close to Matt, whispering in his ear. "Cut him down to size sir! Let him know who he's dealing with."

While Mattias was initially surprised by the sudden attack, as he was hoping for a more civilized encounter, he quickly fell back on his training and experience. While he knew he'd never overpower T'han, he decided to tire him out instead, use what he learned from Karate and Aikido, to use his opponent's own bulk against them, then strike when the moment was right.

But little did Mattias know, Anne had prepped T'han for this fight with very specific instructions.

"Remember Captain," Anne called out, grinning from ear to ear with wide and excited eyes. "you're supposed to be protecting someone..."

T'han didn't waste any time waiting for Mattias to catch on as he closed the last few strides. His eyes were fixed on the man, though a single ear-tracked Josh until he found himself close enough.

He snorted and then suddenly shifted his weight, darting to the side at a speed neither man thought possible for someone of his size. Then before Josh or Mattias knew what was happening, Josh was under attack. with a powerful punch being thrown towards the man's unprotected gut.

Josh wasn't the only one with quick reflexes. Though he was unprepared for the attack he still managed to roll away from the punch. He sprang to his feet and glared at T'han. "What's the idea?! You're supposed to be sparring with the Captain!"

He said nothing, instead continuing to press forward. each hoof pounding into the floor brought him closer than three steps either man could do to move away.

And then he was there, throwing another low hook, a faint this time before his left leg shot out like a springboard towards Josh's ankles.

Josh avoided T'han's leg attack and moved away. His shock being displaced by anger. He was done fooling around. He didn't know what T'han's problem was, but he was through being a punching bag. "You want a fight? You got one. Let's go Mr. Ed."

"T'han stop playing with your food." Anne called out dismissively as she crossed her legs and sat down, waiting for the main event to start with avid interest.

As he stood there, Josh swore he could hear Anna's voice *Show this fleabag, who he is dealing with Joshie!* Josh nodded to the voice and moved toward and with surprising quickness delivered a powerful one, two bunch to T'han's face before reaching up and cupping his hands on either side of the Sequss's face to deliver a powerful blow to his ears.

The first few hits where a surprise, more so because he was expecting the hit of another Sequus, but this... this was who his Priestess wanted him to fight against?

had he done something wrong he thought, was this a punishment for some failure he was unaware of? He would ask her later, but for now the task at hand.

Cloven fists shot up between the arms of his opponent, batting them aside in one fluid movement.

He revelled in the moment, watching his opponent trying to recover as his nostrils flared. But even as he did he was pulling his hands in close to his chest, flexing muscles and thrusting them forward, driving the palms of his large hands into Joshs' chest and sending the man tumbling backwards with a viciousness An'Dalus had warned him from doing.

"T'han..." Anne warned as she watched Josh hit the floor.

While the three of them were not focused on Mattias, the seasoned warrior quickly and quietly asked Avalon to transport two items into his hands. When he had them, he quickly got the first one ready like he had been taught, and then he called out. "Hey! Pony-boy!"

T'hans ear flicked to the side, pivoting directly towards Mattias as he continued his advance towards Josh who was still getting up off the floor.

But then he stopped and looked, keeping an ear on both men as he assessed the situation.

As soon as T'han turned to face him, Mattias fired the weapon he was holding. In a flash, four weighted orbs shot out towards T'han, but separating. As they did so, a net quickly spread open, each corner locked inside one of the weights.

In less than two seconds, the Sequus warrior was covered and tangled up in the netting, the weights swinging around him a few times, further tangling him in the netting.

Genuine surprise briefly flickered onto T'hans face as he braced himself, shouldering into the net as it attempted to drag him to the floor.

"Don't try to break free. That netting is rated at being able to withstand 600 pounds of pressure per square inch," Mattias began. He sighed a disappointed sigh. "I really hate it when there is a failure in communication. I agreed to a civilized training session between us, while you instead chose to come in here like a wild animal, attacking my friend, when your own Ambassador stated that this would be a contest between her best warrior and ours." He shook his head, more disappointment on his face.

"I guess I have no choice, but to treat you like an animal." He revealed the other item he had, a device that looked like an old, heavy pistol, but where the cylindrical barrel would be, there was a boxy one. Mattias pulled the trigger, and three darts, each with a wire attached to their end, shot out, piercing the top layer of T'han's hide.

Suddenly, an electric current washed through the Sequus's body. Not enough to cause any permanent damage, but enough to get his attention.

Josh had gotten to his feet and moved to where Matt stood. "Nice going sir." He told Matt before looking at T'han and then letting his gaze drift to An'Dalus. "Sir, I think the Ambassador told T'han to attack me. To see how you would react to protecting someone, in this case me."

"Ah, someone's getting it at least..." Anne said, ignoring the grunts of pain coming from T'han as his muscles spasmed from the electricity flowing into him.

"But yes, you would be correct Lieutenant I did indeed instruct my Sovereign to attack you because, in the real world, nobody announces their intentions..." She said, before lifting a single hand to point at T'han.

As she did so a bright flash of light erupted from T'hans left wrist, shimmering outwards with a loud hum, it was a deep yellow, crackling with exotic energy as it sliced into the three cables, severing them in an instant with a hiss before pressing up against the netting.

"Regardless, I think you best start taking this seriously Captain, because T'han certainly is..."

And with that the netting began to glow, the wires turning red and then white as the hexagonal energy shield was pressed against it.

Then within seconds, they snapped. unravelling and melting as the netting fell to the floor leaving T'han standing there, energy shield raised and reaching for something behind him, just above his tail with his right hand.

"Computer," Mattias said aloud calmly. "Erect a Level Five force field around Sovereign T'han, then increase the power of the gravity plating he is standing on to ten percent more than his homeworld's standard." He then looked at An'dalus.

"And you, Ambassador, should stay out of it. Respectfully." He left no room for misunderstanding in his firm tone. If she wanted this contest between her warrior and him, she would have to allow T'han to fight it alone.

Josh smiled from where he was standing. T'han and the ambassador were discovering what he already knew. Captain Richardson could adapt on the fly, as the situation played out. It was one of the many attributes that the Captain possessed that made him so skilled and deadly.

An'dalus couldn't help but smile before nodding ever so slightly in approval, she had ruffled his feathers enough for now.

T'han on the other hand remained where he was, motionless. His mane was the only sign the increased gravity was even there, the added weight pulling the long braids taught.

"No more games," T'han called out as his right hand slowly clutched at something behind his back. "No more tricks." He added, retrieving the Sh'akubo that was tied to the top of his tail braids before pointing it at Mattias, the end of the unextended staff fizzling as it was pressed against the forcefield.

Mattias nodded once. "You're right. No more games. Computer, increase the power of the gravity plating that T'han is standing on to twice Sequus standard. Nullify all energy weapons in this compartment as well."

T'hans eyes went wide in shock as he was dragged down to one knee, the sudden shift in weight catching him by surprise more so than what Mattias had done to him.

He glared at the floor as his cloven hands struggled to catch him from falling any further, this humiliation would not go unpunished he thought as he slowly lifted his head despite the weight bearing down on his neck.

Eventually, it rose high enough to level his eyes with Mattias. Though his face was but a disgruntled squint at this point, his eyelids struggling to fight the weight of gravity just like the rest of him.

But then he shifted his weight, repositioning his right hoof back underneath him before pushing himself up out of spite. Slow at first, keeping his eyes fixated on Mattias even as he leaned into the forcefield, its bright blue energy crackling against dark brown hoofed digits.

While he was aware that the Sequus were powerful individuals, the display he was currently seeing was impressive. "Mister T'han, you have been beaten. Yield. I don't wish to injure you, Sir."

"You have not beaten him until he is dead, Mattias..." Anne said with conviction in her tone.

"Something you won't do and I might add can't do, as your systems-" She said, waving a hand to the ceiling. "Won't allow you to do so..."

"What you said may well be true Ambassador." Josh said from his place leaning against the wall. "I grant you T'han is an impressive individual, but it doesn't make him better than us. "Yes, he has great physical strength, but it can be used against him, and I can kill him from a kilometer away and neither you or he would see it coming." Josh finished. It wasn't said angrily or arrogantly but in a straightforward way.

"And I could kill you, right now... while still sitting here," Anne replied as her hand shifted in her lap and an icy chill fell over Josh's entire being, making him feel but for a moment they were back on that frigid world.

"But it won't make me better than you, because this was never about us being better than you... it was a test damn it, a test you both failed miserably at." Anne scoffed as the room's warmth suddenly returned to Josh.

"Even with hints, you still got caught up in your pride and having a fair fight like such a thing could ever exist." She said in a mocking tone. "Instead of you doing your damned jobs you arsed about showboating like you had something to prove to me."

It was then she pointed viciously at Josh. "You were the target-" Then her hand swung around, pointing at Mattias. "And you were supposed to protect him, yet you're still here... and you're still pissing about with T'han." Her voice was impossibly loud now as she pointed back and forth between them, scolding grown men as if they were children.

"I should beat you both for being so insufferable." Anne growled, her braided tail smacking the ground behind her in irritation.

"Who do you think you're talking to? We're not the hired help Ambassador, whether you like it or not and it is quite clear you don't and whether T'han likes it or not, you are under our protection. So, get off your high hor.... high chair and just accept it instead of always fighting and objecting to everything we say. Try working with us. As for showboating, that was you Ambassador by trying to be cute and have T'han attack me. I don't remember me doing any showboating perhaps you can enlighten me." Josh growled at her.

"I will not be spoken to in such an insulant manner!" Anne cursed as she raised her hand in warning towards Josh, her fingers wreathed in an ethereal blue flame that burned away the illusion of flesh and skin, leaving only linen-wrapped bone.

"I am a High Priestess, and you are a boy... a very stupid one at that because your next words to me if you even dare utter any... might just get you killed." The flames grew, licking at her wrist and then her arm, revealing more of her mummified carcass.

"Captain Mattias," She called out, inclining her head and withdrawing her hand, the flames vanishing in but an instant along with the bones beneath. "Release T'han, we are done here."

"Maybe it's high time somebody did." Josh muttered under his breath,

Mattias turned and looked at An'dalus. "With respect, Ma'am, I do not answer to you. You may request things from me only. I will not reply to demands." He took a breath, then added, "That being said, I will release T'han, as I have proven that I will do what is necessary to stop an attack. Computer, release T'han."

As soon as he spoke the words, the gravity field pressing down on the large Sequus warrior returned to normal, and the forcefield faded.

Stepping over to his opponent, Mattias offered his right hand in friendship. "You are a powerful warrior, T'han. I am honored to fight by your side in keeping An'dalus safe from harm."

T'han took a moment to compose himself, shaking his mane and flexing his shoulders as Mattias stood before him. "And you are as cunning as you are brave for fighting me," he said before clasping the man's wrist with his oversized hand, obviously familiar but inexperienced with the earthly custom.

"T'han?" Anne called out, inclining her head to one side with a look that made the colour drain from his snout.

"Apologies Mistress..." He replied, instantly letting go of Mattias and rushing over before clasping her hands and helping her up off the floor.

Once An'dalus was standing again, Mattias asked, "I trust that I have shown you what I am willing to do to keep you, and the rest of the diplomats aboard this ship, safe from harm?"

"I already knew what you were willing to do, I just wanted to see you do it." Anne remarked before turning and leaving, clicking her fingers for T'han to follow.

Mattias watched them leave, a slightly bemused look on his face. Once they were gone and the doors had slid shut, he let out an exhausted chuckle and shook his head. "Remind me again why I signed up for this gig, Josh?" He chuckled again to his protégé, as he moved over to where he had left his towel.

"You're a glutton for punishment and you can't resist a challenge sir." Josh replied with a grin. His eyes still on the door where the Ambassador and T'han exited. "She's an arrogant so and so sir. Definitely have a challenge with her."

Nodding slowly as he also looked at the closed door. Mattias replied. "It is a rare creature to find, a diplomat who isn't some kind of challenge to deal with. Chuckling softly, he reached over and gently patted Josh's right shoulder. "But, that's stress for another day. Go have a beer and relax, we're done for today. I'm gonna go take a shower and hug my babies."

Josh shook his head slowly. "I think I'll pass on the beer sir." His eyes downcast. "I'll just go back to my quarters. Love your babies. Both big and small. To the little ones, let em know Uncle Josh loves them and to the big one, give her my regards."

As the two warriors left the compartment, Mattias looked at his young friend. He knew that Josh would be hurting for a while yet to come. He hoped the young Marine would, one day, find someone new to warm his heart again. While there were many single women still on the Elysium, the love he had held for Anna had been a powerful one. It would take time to recover from her loss.

"Do what you feel you need to do to mourn, Josh. Just remember, Anna would kick your ass if you stopped living your life." There was no judgement in his eyes or his voice as he spoke.

Matt's comment brought a small smile to Josh's face. "Man, you sure are right about that sir. She sure would. Wouldn't even hesitate to do so. It's, it's just hard sir." He paused, stopped talking and looked at his mentor and friend. "I'll see you later sir."

Mattias simply nodded and gently patted Josh's shoulder, quietly sending him on his way. As he watched his young friend leave, his heart broke for him. There are few pains worse that loosing a loved one to death, especially when it was suddenly. A pain he was all to familiar with.

Letting out an exhausted sigh, he turned toward the opposite direction and headed towards his quarters. When he saw Phoenix next, he would give her a strong, loving hug.



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