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A question of the future

Posted on Sat Dec 9th, 2023 @ 7:54pm by Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: The Tea House
Timeline: Present
600 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure


Lia walked slowly towards the Tea House, little Lia was at her Kindergarden and Gary was on duty. She had a report to write but her mind wasn't on it right now, in fact she had much more pressing thoughts on her mind. Her rehabilitation wasn't going well, nobody seemed willing to forget or forgive her transgression. S'hib on the other hand had been welcomed back into the fold without a hitch, or so it seemed to Lia. Yes she had been the senior Officer, yes she could have stopped S'hib. But at the time in that place, things weren't normal nor were they simple.

So the ball had been dropped and now she and she alone carried the shame and the hate from everyone around her, and that hurt more than anyone was aware of because nobody else cared. Well maybe one person, but even he had turned on her at one stage. Now Lia Taylor was thinking the unthinkable, giving up and resigning from Starfleet. Two things stood in her way, both were people she loved and cared for deeply. Her adopted daughter Liarrana Imi Taylor, and Gary her husband. If she walked away she might loose little Lia, because the shrinks would say she had become unstable. And her departure would also reflect on Gary, his place on the ship and his reputation.

So what to do? Leave or stay? The doors to the Tea House appeared before her, and she entered removing her shoes at the door. Moving to the bedroom Lia now removed her uniform and placed it in the replicator, "Replace uniform with a new clean one." A quiet hum and the deed was done, she took the new uniform and hung it up for her next duty shift. Looking around at her accommodation, she smiled and thought of the happy times she had here. Were they gone for ever? Reece seemed firmly in charge of her department, the staff didn't even acknowledge her presence any more. She had become a non-person, someone to ignore and insult if she dared to speak to them.

Getting dressed in a Yukata, Lia made her way into the living room. She sat down on a futon close to a small heater, and grabbed her writing desk. A small Japanese piece of furniture she had seen in Chiba City many years ago, she'd kept it close ever since. Her mind went over how Danvers had edged his answers, and talking to Carol Dolton had made her realise how other departments regarded Security. Was this pain and hardship worth the trouble? Did it matter once ounce how hard she'd worked before, if now all people thought about was despising her?

She started to write her report, but something kept getting in the way. Memories of happier times, of doing a job she knew and loved. It was now gone, and didn't she now know it. How much more of this could she take before it took effect on her? How much more hate could this crew direct in her direction and expect her to simply carry on? Putting her pen down she looked out of the window, out there somewhere was home and suddenly she wanted to be there. Lia Taylor wanted off this ship and away from this crew who now didn't want her around.

Only little Lia and Gary kept her here, only those two made her feel loved and wanted. Could she walk away? Yes, she could. Would she walk away? That was the question, and for now it didn't have a final answer.



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Comments (1)

By Captain Gary Taylor on Sat Dec 9th, 2023 @ 11:15pm

What a powerful and poignant post as Lia struggles to regain her honor, self-worth and respect of the crew that she feels hates her. With only the love of Gary and their daughter stopping her from doing the unthinkable and resign from Starfleet. Another first-rate post from this talented and creative writer.