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Getting ready

Posted on Thu Dec 21st, 2023 @ 7:20am by Consul Andrinn Orin

Mission: Season 6: Episode 4: Memory Lane
Location: Deck Two-Diplomatic Conference Room A3
Timeline: MD5, 1900hrs
562 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure


Andrinn had just come from the meeting with the rest of the Senior Staff to discuss what their next steps would be after receiving a transmission from a slaver world that the Elysium had come into COMMs range of. The transmission appeared to have included information about how to order slaves and what types of slaves were included to purchase, if Andrinn’s memory served him well.

However, there was so much within that short transmission to unpack mentally that Andrinn made a mental note to go talk to the counselor over the next few days. Not that Andrinn wasn’t mentally and physically prepared for his duties. But, as everyone watched the horrors unfold in that short transmission, it truly made everyone keenly aware that these slavers and their transmission truly was one from hell.

Andrinn started to think back to his time on Earth in the 22nd Century, especially during the time of the NX-Class Enterprise and Columbia. Captain Archer of the Enterprise was one of the first Humans to make contact with the Orions for Earth, which showed humanity their first glimpse of intergalactic slavery at its finest…or worst.

After the formation of the Federation in 2161 and through the works of several diplomats and politicians, the Orion Syndicate eventually lessened their dependence on the use of the slave trade, even though Andrinn wasn’t entirely sure that it was wholly abolished to this day. However, Andrinn knew that comparing the Orions to Elysium's current situation was like trying to compare apples to oranges. What the slavers were trying to do here and now made the Orions look quite sedate.

That’s why Andrinn wanted to be ready and make sure that the Diplomatic Department would be ready for whatever situation they might be called to help out with. Until then, Andrinn knew that the members of the Diplomatic Corps might be useful in other situations and services throughout the ship.

Picking up one of the PADDs he threw onto the table, Andrinn pulled up the duty roster for each week for the following month and slowly started to make notations on who could do what and when they might be useful. Andrinn knew that people like Mr. Sandtail was both a diplomat and an Engineer, while people like Captain Richardson had training in combat to help protect the people in the Diplomatic Corps. While most of these people may have already been pulled and helping other departments at the moment, Andrinn knew that it would be good to reach out to them soon to see how each of them were doing and if any of them needed anything from their commanding officer, even if it was just someone to come and talk to.

Andrinn made several more notations and added a few dates to his calendar so that he could reach out to his officers over the next few days. Once he was done with that and a few more tasks, Andrinn put down the PADD he was working on and gathered them all up before heading to his office to put them away. Andrinn said earlier that he would help out several other departments, so he decided to hold true to his word by heading down to sickbay first and seeing if the dear doctor needed anything.


Consul Andrinn Orin
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Elysium


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