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Thoughts of the gorn.[sthilgs roll call post]

Posted on Wed Jan 10th, 2024 @ 10:32pm by Commander Sthilg

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Sthilg's hut
503 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

Outside the small wooden pioners cabin the scene could be declared as pictures. A faint wind blew the layer of snow across the ground as the night sky shone with a million stars. A smoke rose from the chimney as inside the ship's doctor was hard at work.

In the cabin fire were several trays of pies freshly cooked for the crew as the lizard used the tools to shape the piece of wood he was working on. The smell of the cooking pies made his mouth water as he placed the wood down took a seat one one of the stools as he reached for the mug of coffee and took a long drink.

He had made two cribs already for his grandchildren and now he would have to build to more. The all-mother had truly blessed him and his family. His real arm reached for the scan results of his future son and daughter.

son and daughter... Those words still felt so strange. After all this time he could hold a creature of his own flesh and blood in his hands.

He put his cup down. That felt wrong. Wrong to his first daughter the one who had never drawn breath despite his best efforts.

But that felt wrong as well. He loved Deanna, his Imzadi and his unborn twins. He downed his coffee and returned to his work.

He was carving images from his and Deanna species' origins. The origins of Gorn, betazoid and trill began to emerge from the wood as he slowly chipped away revelling the stories he hoped would capture their imaginations.

The whistling from the kettle made him pause as he took it from atop the flame putting it to one side before he checked on the pies. They had begun to turn golden brown and he didn't even need his scanner to tell they were done. Not that he did;t run his arms scanner over them. He was the ship's doctor after all. What would people say if they found out he didn't check his cooking?

He turned and began pulling the tray over and began sliding the pies onto the tray before activating the stasis field. They'd be nice and fresh when he delivered them to the crew. He carefully emptied the trays before placing in the next three trays of pies before placing a few more logs onto the fire and using the fire poker made sure they were burning to keep the temperature nice and hot.

He yawned before checking the time. It was late. He began gathering up his tools and the parts before carefully putting them in his bag and taking a seat as he waited for the rest of the pies to cook.

He could feel the tiredness in his eyes as he took another sip of coffee and he leaned back in his chair letting the crackling sounds of the fire and the gentle wind outside. Life was good and he had much to look forward to.


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