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"Looking Forward"

Posted on Tue Apr 30th, 2024 @ 9:24am by Lieutenant Tate Sullivan Ph.D. & Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Counsellor's office
1349 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

It had been a long day and Alicia was glad to be finished her shift for the day. Pausing outside Tate's office she stood for a moment to check if Tate was alone before she rang the chime and then popped her head inside. "Excuse me Tate, do you have a minute?"

Tate looked up from her console and smiled. "For you? Of course… Especially because you're giving me a break from my notes."

Walking in Alicia flopped down into a comfy chair. "I don't know about you, but I'm glad today is over! it's been a long one." she smiled. "I need your opinion on something..." she paused. "I'm considering taking the bridge officer's test."

Alicia was never one to stand on ceremony or to throw her weight around, but

Tate could tell when she didn't respond to Sullivan's joke that this conversation was going to be serious. She wasn't sure what she expected, but something about the bridge officer's test wasn't it. "Wow. That's a big step."

Alicia nodded. "It is, and I'm as nervous as hell about it! But at the same time I can't not do it, Phoenix needs as many trained up Officers as she can get right now."

"I can't argue with you there, and it's not like you don't have the rank or time in service for it," Tate replied. "Besides, a little more applied psychology never hurts in leadership."

“I guess you’re right there” Alicia smiled. “I always tell people it’s normal to be nervous, but I’m not used to being the one whose nervous about something!”

"Really?" Tate asked. "All the things that you've done since you've been here and you've never been nervous?"

“Of course I have.” Alicia smiled. “I’m sorry that’s not how I meant it to sound. It’s just the bridge officer’s test is something...” she paused. “I’d say bigger, but somehow it still doesn’t sound right.” She smiled a wry smile.

"More like switching gears?" Tate suggested. "It's a path available to all Starfleet Officers if they aspire to it, but it's associated with certain career fields more than others."

“That’s true” Alicia nodded. “Nothing wrong with us Counsellor’s doing our part on the bridge though.”

"I completely agree," Tate said. "So, have you expressed your interest to the command powers that be?"

“I have” Alicia nodded. “Phoenix is arranging for me to take the necessary lessons, I’ll be joining the rest of the Academy students onboard.”

"Oh, that'll be different," Tate mused. "Not that we're above learning with anyone, I know, but how do you feel about that arrangement?"

“It’s going to feel odd, to say the least” Alicia smiled. “But I can do some of the learning at home at least.”

"I'd be happy to help too," Tate mused, reaching for her raktajino. "It'll give me insight into the exam should I ever rise beyond my lowly station," Sullivan added melodramatically. She loved her job, however, and left all the rest of it to the powers that be.

“That’s a good idea, you can help test me on what I need to know!” Alicia grinned. “Silly question, don’t you want to be on the bridge? I know I’m there a lot and I’m sorry if I’ve been hogging the spot. I have a fondness for being on the bridge!”

Tate waved Alicia's apology away. "You've nothing to apologize for. Being on the bridge is one of your perks or penalties, depending on how you look at it," she teased. Pausing for a moment to reflect on the question, she offered, "I really enjoy my clinical work, but I admit, it would be good for me to have some more variety in my duties, just to keep all my skills sharp, particularly once command carries you away," she once again teased.

More seriously, she offered. "I hope you and the rest of the command team don't view me as lacking in ambition. I have hopes and dreams for my career like anyone else, it's just that I also understand there's only so much in my control on that front. I've watched lots of people rise in rank and position ahead of me, and I suppose I could stress over it or make it mean something about me personally, but I've seen how destructive that can be too. I've resolved to simply do the best I can."

“I’ve no problem with your performance Tate, you’re a wonderful Counsellor.” Alicia smiled. “Don’t get worrying about promotion, it’ll come. Your work Is exemplary, you don’t have to have mad ambition to get ahead.” She offered a wry smile. “Hell I’ve no idea how I’ve gotten to Lieutenant Commander so fast, at least it feels fast to me, which it probably isn’t.”

"I promise I wasn't fishing for compliments," Tate replied, "but thank you." Sullivan was not the type of person to hesitate to speak her mind on most things, but it wasn't easy for her to talk about her own feelings regarding her rank and position. In response to Alicia's comments about her own rise through the ranks, she offered, "In my experience, the older I get, the faster time seems to move. Sometimes, I can't believe how many years I've served here or how many children I've seen born."

Alicia smiled. “My own children included! To be honest I wish I could have given Savar more children, but we have Soral as well now. He seems to be fitting in with our family quite well.”

Tate smiled, and uncharacteristically, she allowed the wistfulness to creep into her voice. "I'm glad to hear that. I admit, I'm a bit envious of all the families around here."

Alicia gave Tate a gentle gaze. “Do you want children of your own one day Tate? Is there no one aboard you’ve found appealing as far as dating goes?”

Tate turned to Alicia and seriouosly considered the question. "I do want kids, and yes, I do know that won't happen if I don't's just, complicated.I guess the longer I've gone without seeing myself as someone's romantic partner, the more I've convinced myself no one else has either." Sullivan shrugged. "I don't mean that in a poor self-esteem way, more in a 'I realize dating therapist isn't like dating an engineer' kind of way."

Alicia smiled. “I can see where you’re coming from on that one, I guess it helped our relationship in that Savar & I are both Counsellors. However don’t give up, you never know who might come along.”

"Dating someone in the same department is so much easier in theory," Tate acknowledged. "I think before I can be accused of giving up, I would have to try first, and perhaps I'll start there." Sullivan grew thoughtful then. "May I ask a favor? Would you be willing to organize a get together for those of us who are single or just new and looking for friends? I'm afraid if I did it, it would just reinforce my position as an observer and not a participant in such an event. A group gathering also feels less intimidating for all involved."

“Sure!” Alicia smiled warmly. “It would be good for morale to have a date night of sorts.”

A small part of Tate was a bit embarrassed. She never thought of herself with someone who needed to be set up in any way to find love or even companionship, but the larger part of her understood if she was going to have a life outside of her work, she needed to do something. " no rush, of course. I know you have a lot on your plate and we have a crew to take care of."

Alicia smiled understandingly. “Just let me know when you feel ready. Anyway we should be getting back to work.”

"I should be," Tate emphazed with a smile. "You enjoy your time off shift. Thanks for the chat."


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Comments (1)

By Captain Samuel Woolheater on Wed May 1st, 2024 @ 4:38am

Thank for this most recent contribution. I enjoyed reading your interaction and conversation. Alicia's apprehension for the dang-o bridge officer's test is palpable. And Tate's thoughtfulness and gentle guided listening is quite nice. Nicely done. Thank you.