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You're the Captain's Woman Now

Posted on Wed Mar 27th, 2024 @ 12:43am by Erien Seren Gemini (Kelea-Salik) & Daise'Erei'Riov Thomas Pierpoint

Mission: Season 6: Episode 4: Memory Lane
Location: Havraha
Timeline: Current
1267 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure

OOC: Thomas Pierpoint's Quarters.


After leaving the bridge with instructions to be notified immediately about any changes the Elysium made and satisfied that his orders would be carried out, Thomas went to his quarters. Once there he called Seren. "Pierpoint to Seren. Please report to my quarters immediately. I have mission details to discuss with you."

As he waited for Seren's arrival. Thomas poured two glasses of red wine he had in his own private collection. he had 'acquired' a few cases of wine years ago for services he had done on a previous assignment. He only brought the wine out for special occasions and he couldn't think of a better occasion than this.

Seren arrived at Thomas’ Quarters, pressing the door chime she awaited permission to enter offering a curious look and a smile. “You called for me Sir?”

Thomas smiled back at her, "Seren, thank you for coming so quickly. Please come inside." He said as the door slid shut behind her. Once alone he turned to her, "Sir? What is with that? Or are you just keeping up appearances?"

“Of course” Seren smiled. “I wouldn’t want the Captain being any more suspicious of us than she already is.” She smiled as she walked over sitting down on Thomas’ knee. “So what did you want to tell me?”

At the mention of Mishka, Thomas smiled. "You need not worry about her being suspicious of us any longer." He stopped, "Wait, you haven't heard have you?"

“Heard what!?” Seren gave Thomas a very curious look. “What’s happened?”

Thomas was smiling broadly. "Captain Mishka Valdran is dead. I am now captain of this ship." He said proudly.

“What!! She’s dead!?” Seren gave Thomas a wide eyed look. “How? Was she killed? You didn’t...did you?”

Thomas nodded, "She is dead. I saw the body and no I didn't kill her or have it arranged to be killed. It looks like an accident. Those violent maneuvers we did earlier, threw her out of bed and she broke her neck."

“Ouch!” Seren couldn’t help but smile nonetheless. “So you’re the Captain now, which makes me the Captain’s woman. I hope that comes with perks?” She smiled a wry smile.

Thomas nodded, "You are indeed the captain's woman and as for perks, I believe I can think of at least one or two that you will be pleased with. The first being move your belongings into these quarters."

Seren’s eyes widened at the thought of that. “No more being cooped up in the smaller quarters, you’re right I love it! What’s the other one?”

Thomas took her hand and led her to the bedroom where a larger bed than what Seren had could be seen. "You get to sleep in that bed every night."

“Ohh Wow!” Seren grinned as she walked over taking a moment to splurge out on the bed to see how it felt. “This is amazing!! I finally get to spend my time with you without having to creep around.”

"Quite right Seren. No more sneaking about, no more worrying if you are seen or by whom." Thomas agreed.

Seren smiled. “That sounds wonderful to me. I’ll be your eyes and ears on this ship, to protect you.”

Thomas nodded. "I'm glad you agree Seren. Very glad. Come back into the living room, I have poured two glasses of wine to celebrate this good fortune and I can think of no one other than you to celebrate with."

Seren smiled as she headed back into the living room, walking over to the sofa she sat down waiting for Thomas to hand her a glass of wine.

Thomas walked slowly over to the table and picked up the glasses. Returning to Seren he handed her one. "See what you think of the taste. It is an Earth wine. I am rather fond of it."

Seren sipped the wine. “It’s a nice wine, not that I’ve sampled a lot of wines. Just the ones you’ve brought for us.” She smiled. “What is it you see in me Tom? I came aboard this ship as a captive, and you’ve cared for me since the first day.”

Tom sat down next to Seren on the couch. He thought on his reply before answering. "You have a quiet strength Seren. Even with your situation you refused to let it get the best of you. You rose above it and not only did your job bit did exceptionally well. In addition, like me, you are an outsider, and I can identify with that."

Seren nodded. “An outsider who is in a position that could threaten your life.” She gave him a caring glance. “The Romulans onboard may reject you, or try to usurp you.”

Tom nodded thoughtfully, "Perhaps but I don't think they will do anything right now. Not while we are so far away from home. They will take a wait and see approach. If they are going to make a move, it will be when we are much closer to home. They need to be led and they need a fall guy to blame if we don't get home in a timely matter. I think i am safe for now."

Seren nodded. “When you get this crew home, I’ll be back to being prisoner and I’ll be nowhere near my home. Right now my home is wherever you are.” She offered Thomas a caring smile.

Thomas shook his head, "No, you will never again be a prisoner Seren. I promise you that. " He told her. "Yes, your home is here with me."

Seren nodded. “These Starfleet people, are they the enemy as the Romulans say? Or is there more to it than that?”

"It isn't as black and white as the Romulans say Seren. Oh Starfleet wants to the knight in shiny armor riding to help everyone, but the truth is in their own way they are as militaristic as the Romulans. They offer help but on their terms. Which means you have to think like they do." Thomas explained.

“I guess I have a lot to learn about the way things are in your part of the universe.” Seren offered a smile before sipping her wine again. “Right now all I know is, I love you.”

"I will tell you all you want to know." He offered before his face broke into a huge genuine smile at Seren's statement. "I love you as well Seren." and he truly did.

Seren smiled finishing off her glass of wine. “I want to hear all about the Federation, and the other races in your part of the universe. If I’m to become part of your world, I want to understand it.”

"I will see that you know all there is to know about the Federation and its people." Thomas promised her. "I want you to know all about them."

Seren nodded. “Thank you” she put her glass down before leaning in for a loving kiss. To start with she had wanted to appear interested to work a way to her freedom, perhaps to escape as well, but that had all changed. She’d come to love Thomas and she wanted to be at his side.

Thomas returned the kiss. He was grateful to have found and met Seren. With her he was no longer alone. He had someone he could talk with, laugh with. Someone he could love and who loved him. Together neither of them was alone. They had found each other.



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