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Morning Meal...

Posted on Sat May 11th, 2024 @ 8:58am by Commander Sthilg & Commander Kyle Reece & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Lieutenant Commander Rin

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Senior staff mess hall
Timeline: MD (TBD) / 0730 Hours
909 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Sthilg let out a yawn as he made his way to the senior staff mess hall. It had been another long day and judging by the grumbling in his stomach he was very hungry.

Wanting some real food in his belly he had headed to the senior staff mess hall and not because he had donated some vegetables and real meat so there would be some real food.

Stepping thought he doors he took his place in the small que and pondered what to have.

Kyle was next to join the line for breakfast. "Mornin', Doc," he said with a pleasant, yet tired grin on his face. "You look like you're getting as much sleep as I am lately."

" I have my twinsss and the ssship to worry about. " The gorn replied honestly. " Though i may have sssomething to help with the sssleep problem." He added with a wink.

"Oh?" Kyle chuckled softly. "I'm all ears. Zhavna and Jassirc haven't been sleeping well lately, which means, I haven't been either, as I'm trying to help them feel safe."

"Are they twins as well?" Rin asked Kyle.

Kyle shook his head, not surprised that the CMO doesn't remember every single patient on a ship the size of Elysium. "No, Zhavna is a couple years older than her brother."

" Well don't get your hopesss up but i found a drug that can ssstop individuals from dreaming. It should ssstablise your brainwave and allow you to get a good night sssleep. I'm having the computer run tessst but everything looking good ssso far." Sthilg replied happily.

"Sleep? What the pah-wraiths is that?" Naxea asked as she approached the group, looking tired. Between Sle'anna, running the Detachment, and dealing with S'hib and nightmares, sleep was a commodity. She was often running off of adrenaline injections and caffeine.

" I'll hopefully have you sssleeping again sssoon enough." The old lizard replied. " How isss Sssle'anna doing okay? Have the pilllsss helped?" he inquired.

"Yes, the pills have helped tremendously, Sthilg. Thank you, but having a new born and a stubborn husband doesn't help," she chuckled.

Kyle smiled softly, as he listened to Naxea. "How are things since he took on the Chief duties?" He asked quietly, so as to keep the conversation between the two of them.

"He's been good, but still grumbles about finding Miraj's attacker," she commented as the line moved.

Kyle nodded as he moved as well. It was something hat really bothered him. He had poured over every piece of gathered evidence, re-interviewed several individuals hat had been questioned before, he read, the reread Miraj's statement after she had been released from Sickbay. He had decided not to go interview her in person, as he didn't want to risk triggering her in any way.

And yet, he had come up with nothing. None of the evidence or the numerous statements lad the investigation to any one person. Which ld him to believe one of two things. One, there was a ship-wide conspiracy against the young pilot, or two, the perpetrator was either already dead or escaped from the ship somehow. He sincerely hoped that S'hib had better luck. "Well, if the attacker is still aboard, I hope they're caught before something else happens."

"Like me or S'hib killing them? Ok, not killing. Just a couple of painful accidents," she commented.

This caused Kyle to chuckle softly. "It's a good thing I'm part Marine, Nax. I know exactly how painful those accidents will be."

Sthilg smiled as he took moved up and began filling his plate with a portion of bacon and eggs. " Eat up everyone. I grew the bacon in the tissssue regenrator."

Kyle suppressed a grin, but still joked softly, "Mmmmm, just like Mom always did!" He then chuckled and reached over to give Sthilg a friendly pat on the back. "Just kidding, Doc. Thank you, for doing so. The replicator can never ger the flavor just right."

" You ssshould try the reptilian emergency rationsss. The gorn added with a slight shutter. " Tastessss like eating an old ssssock."

Kyle chagrined shook his head. "Uh...yeah, no thanks, Doc. I think I'll pass, like, forever." He then grinned and chuckled slightly. "I don't know why, someone felt that emergency rations were supposed to taste awful."

" It's for length reasssonsss. " the gorn explained. " or ssso I'm told. Sssometimesss i think resssearch and development jussst hate usss. No we can't have the nice tasssting chocolate bar jussst eat the sssock." the gorn complained

Kyle chuckled and nodded. Then he said, "You want to know the real scary bit? My Grampy had a personal cook that he took with him everywhere, once he was high enough in rank. That woman, she was a Klingon named T'lon, she could make anything taste good. Even emergency rations." He grinned, then grabbed his breakfast, moving so Rin and Naxea could get theirs. "Shall we all eat together?"

" Let'sss" Sthilg said as he lead the way to one of the tables.

Naxea grabbed some eggs and bacon before joining Sthilg and Kyle. "A personal chef? Now that's just being spoiled," Naxea commented as she sat down next to Sthilg.

Kyle chuckled. "Well, he was Command Sergeant Major of the Corps. Rank doth have its privileges." He looked over at Sthilg and added. "In fact, last I spoke to him, he was running his own private security unit, and has two female Gorn as personal bodyguards."


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