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Dayz of peace?

Posted on Sun May 19th, 2024 @ 4:32pm by Raye Crosby-Triannth

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Location: Unexplored Planet - Eden's Reach
Timeline: MD 2 Mid Moring
480 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

In the tranquility of a secluded tropical island, away from the bustling noise of starships and the chaos of duty, Raye Clarissa Crosby-Triannth found a rare moment of peace. The golden sands stretched before her, kissed by the gentle caress of azure waves that danced under the warm sunlight.

At seventeen, Raye possessed a maturity beyond her years, a solemnity born from the harsh realities she had faced. Her fiery red hair caught the sunlight, framing her face like a halo of flame, while her hazel eyes held a depth that belied her youth. Despite her petite stature, she exuded a quiet strength, forged in the crucible of loss and resilience.

Raye wandered along the shoreline, her steps leaving imprints in the soft sand, her mind a mélange of memories both bitter and sweet. The whispers of the ocean mingled with the melodies of tropical birds, creating a symphony of serenity that enveloped her in its embrace.

As she walked, her thoughts drifted to her family, the anchors in her tumultuous life. Her father, Kesar Jericho, who had been taken from her too soon, leaving behind a void that echoed with silent grief. Her mother, Serenity Triannth, a pillar of strength in the face of adversity, whose unwavering love had carried them through the darkest of times.

Her siblings, Koray and Celene, the constants in her ever-changing world, their bond forged in the crucible of shared hardship and unwavering loyalty. Even when they annoyed her totally. Together, they navigated the turbulent waters of life, finding solace in each other's presence.

Raye's journey had been fraught with challenges, from the desolation of the mirror universe's slave pits to the unfamiliar terrain of a new family and a new home. Yet, amid the chaos and uncertainty, she had discovered moments of fleeting joy, like rare gems scattered amidst the rubble of despair.

Her love for ballet, a passion ignited in the depths of adversity, was a testament to her resilience and determination. With each graceful movement, she wove a tapestry of dreams, her aspirations reaching for the stars even as her feet remained rooted to the earth.

On this tranquil island, surrounded by the splendour of nature's bounty, Raye found a moment of respite, a brief interlude of peace amidst the chaos of duty and responsibility. Here, in the embrace of solitude, she dared to dream, to envision a future where hope triumphed over despair, and where the echoes of the past faded into oblivion.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue across the sky, Raye lingered on the shore, her heart buoyed by the promise of tomorrow. In the quiet solitude of the tropical island, she found solace, a sanctuary for her weary soul, and a reminder that even in the darkest of nights, there remained a glimmer of light, guiding her towards a brighter tomorrow.


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