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Posted on Sun May 19th, 2024 @ 4:32pm by Lieutenant Cassia Cavendish & Commander Kyle Reece & Lieutenant Nicholas Reece [Reece]

Mission: Season 6: Episode 4: Memory Lane
Location: Various
Timeline: MD11 - Mid Morning
1152 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Cassia was silent as she and Nicholas stood outside medical with their child in their arms. They were not prepared for a child. They had a single room cabin, there was nothing prepared for a child of nearly one. They had no clothes, diapers, bedding, toys. And now they had a sleeping nearly 1 year old. The PADD had translated the date of birth into their calendar and they were only a few weeks off of the child’s first birthday. They didn’t even have a name for her. She looked up at him. “So… we have a lot to do.” She said as she shifted the sleeping child against her shoulder.

Nicholas's head was spinning. Between everything that had occurred at the arena, and now this. He was still trying to find the right words. "She's so beautiful, just like you," he whispered in awe. He had tears filling his eyes as he gently wrapped his arms protectively around his family.

Then it hit him like a bolt of lightning. He now had a family! Between his duty to Starfleet, and the Thaih'ea, he and Cassia had been robbed of so much. He had to take a few deep breaths to keep his suddenly rising anger from erupting. None of this was Cassia's, or their daughter's, fault.

Finally, after a few beats, he visibly relaxed and opened his eyes. He then kissed Cassia's left temple, then the top of their daughter's head. "We will figure it out, Imzadi."

Before Cassia could respond, Kyle came hustling around the corner. Seeing his brother, he called out, "Nico!" He then hurried over and embraced his twin. "I just heard the news, little brother!" He then released his hold and looked over at Cassia and the small bundle in her arms. "Cass," he stepped over and gently hugged her, kissing her right cheek, before looking down at the sleeping baby. "Oh my goodness! She's beautiful!"

"Y-yes she is," Cassia replied softly. "It's still sinking in."

Nodding in agreement, Kyle replied. "I won't even try to understand what you two are feeling right now. However. I do have something for the three of you." He activated the computer interface that was on the bulkhead, then typed in a few commands. When done, a soft, pulsing line appeared, directing them away from sickbay. "Follow the line and you'll see. I think you all will be very happy." He kissed Cassia's cheek again, then gently rubbed the baby's cheek, before hugging his brother again. While a part of him wanted to stay and ask a million questions, he knew that, right now, they needed to be left alone. "Also, you both are now on maternity leave, effective immediately. Now go. Enjoy her. We will all descend on you three when you give the all clear." He then ushered them to follow the strolling line.

Cassia smiled faintly. "Nice to know the boss" She said with a small smile to him. "Thank you Kyle." The line led them to the turbolift.

Nicholas nodded and smiled too. "Thanks, Kyle. This means more than you can know." He paused, then added, "And don't worry, there will be plenty of time for our little angel to get spoiled by her entire family." He hugged his brother again, then put his left arm protectively around his family, as he started to guide them along the path.

Kyle stood there, watching the newest family on board walk away on the beginning of their journey. He wiped a few happy tears away, then turned and made his way to the bridge. There was still work to be done.


Cassia was silent as they made their way into the lift. She was still thinking things over, and the list kept getting longer. The lift stopped at Deck 19. "We will need to beam our stuff in." She said as they walked and stopped outside Cabin 11S-O.

Nicholas nodded as he continued to gaze upon their daughter. "I'll go get it started, while the two of you settle in," he replied quietly.

When they reached their new home, the doors slid apart, revealing a three-bedroom cabin. As Nicholas ushered his family inside, he saw several crates stacked up in the middle of the room, with a note attached. After releasing his family, he moved over to the crates and picked up the note. "It's from Kyle. He wrote that he knew we would be wanting to spend as much time together as possible, so he had Avalon transport all of our things into these crates, then beamed the crates here." He chuckled softly as he continued.

"Heh, he said not to worry about if he saw anything we didn't want others to see, he has Avalon encrypt whatever she saw, to retain our privacy."

"okay" Cassia said softly. She moved to the replicator. And then frowned. "Nick? Can you contact the Industrial Replicator? Get a crib?" she asked as she replicated the baby formula she had been suggested by the medical staff.

"Yeah!" He replied eagerly. He moved over to the desk terminal and logged in. Within a few seconds, he had the program online. "Do you have any style or decorations in mind?"

Cassia shook her head. "No but I am sure I will after it really sinks in." she paused "We need a name..."

Looking over at Cassia, Nicholas swallowed the knot that had just formed in his throat. "Do you have any ideas, Imzadi?"

Cassia was silent for a bit. "I have always liked the name Bryleigh. And we could use your mother's name as her middle name?"

Nicolas smiled as he looked lovingly over at Cassia and Bryleigh. He stood up and moved to embrace both of them again. Looking down into their daughter's sleeping face, he whispered happily, "Hello, Bryleigh Emma-Rose Reece, so nice to meet you, my beautiful little angel!" He then leaned down and kissed her tiny forehead. Straightening back up, he turned his eyes to Cassia. "Marry me?" He asked softly, the two words holding back enormous emotion and love for her.

Cassia looked at him for a moment and then slowly nodded. "Yes."

A huge grin spread across his face as a dew tears of exalted happiness sprang free from his eyes. He leaned in and kissed Cassia deeply, though careful not to wake their daughter.

She kissed him back and then when they broke apart. "Lets get this stuff sorted Love" she said "We need to get her settled."

He nodded as he released his hold on his family. The first thing they did was order the crib, linens and some baby clothes, plus several other necessary items that they would need to at least get them to the next day. Then, while Cassia was taking care of their daughter, Nicholas spent the next few hours putting things away and taking care of his family.



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