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Posted on Thu Aug 15th, 2024 @ 5:56pm by Captain Samuel Woolheater & Lance Corporal Evan Griffin & Crewman Adelaide Kirkby
Edited on on Thu Aug 29th, 2024 @ 11:25am

Mission: Season 6: Episode 5: A church beyond heaven
Location: DECK 32 - MSR
996 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure



Samuel stood in front of the master situation display that was mounted on the wall of the situation room. It was even working too. He was going over shifts and making sure that everyone would get an opportunity to work on their physical performance improvement goals. The LCARS display was being filled in as he worked. He could see that the ship had docked with a very unusual vessel from the A'janie people.

Detailed scans and images were coming through. Sam observed some of them and was impressed at the sheer massive since of the structure. Somebody went to a lot of trouble to build and maintain it. And those same somebody were now playing hosts to the crew.

Crewman Adele Kirkby came into the office and handed Sam a PaDD, “Here you go, Captain sir” she said with only mock irritation and a playful smile, “The calisthenics routines have all been reset. You were correct. Somebody had reset the gravity lighter. How did you know?”

“Because they got better too quickly. And they added too many goals” he answered. “And I guessed because I was suspicious.”

Adelaide watched the scans of the A'janie vessel scroll by as the bridge computers and sensors scanned the structure. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it? Reminds me of a Gothic style. But, no that’s not right. It reminds me of one of Hawksmoor church. Don’t you think?”

“Who?” Samuel asked as observed the impressively large statues and ornate windows.

“Nicholas Hawksmoor? English architect? Lan sakes, captain, you’re Human and you don’t know Nicholas Hawksmoor? You’ve never had a ghost story set in a church?” she put her hands on her hips in dismay.

Sam shrugged his shoulders, “Sorry, I’m just not familiar with spooky church buildings. Besides, everyone knows the best ghosts are found in castles and pubs. Not your Hawkscraven whatevers…”

“Hawksmoor. I guess its friendly enough?” she asked herself sounding as if she were trying to convince herself it was OK.

“Yup. Aww it’ll be fine. Look, with a ship like that everybody knows who you are and that you’re coming. It doesn’t look like it’s built for anything other than moving slowly and stately. No weapons fire, no potholes. Not even a bit of tagging with graffiti. So, wherever they have been its been a good neighborhood” he looked at the scans again and added, “I’ll tell you this much – their window cleaner budget must be…staggering. Yeah?”

Adelaide didn’t respond to his jest – that would only encourage him. So she said again as she looked at the images and scans, “They say that you know it’s a Hawksmoor if you can only imagine a funeral inside it” she looked at Sam, “but never a wedding.”

“Yeah – the bill is scary enough” he said.

She crossed her arms, “Speaking of which, you cheated. You and Andrinn’s elopement? Yeah, don’t look so surprised. He told me you and he eloped?”

“Yes ma’am, that is correct” he could feel her eyes bore into him and so he stopped working and said, “The planning was driving me nuts. And I like stuff simple and un-comp-li-ma-ca-ted events. Life. Is weird enough. And, I dunno….it just seemed right. It’s easier this way. And, if we want, we can always ask the Commodore to make it official by stamping it.”

She was still irritated, “Well, I was going to help. Anyway. I’m happy for you both. At 1100 hours, Evan Griffin wanted to see you?”

“Yup, what’s he want?”

“Time off” she answered.

“Kk…send him on in…” he said. “Thank you crewman Kirkby”.

“Anytime XO” she left and then let LCpl Griffin in.

Coming to attention, the Marine Sapper saluted. Sam returned the salute, “At ease. What’s this about time off mister?”

“Yes sir, XO. Just kind of cooped up and I’d like some time to walk Fenrir. The A'janie ship looks massive. Sir.”

“We just had shoreleave. And I know that you and Fenrir were on an away team. So, why do you want more time off?” Sam asked. He wasn’t trying to be a smartass. But this wasn’t a field trip either.

“Sir. It’ just that. I’ve never been away on deployment this long. Never been out this long. On a ship. It’s not so bad on a planet” Evan answered honestly.

“How long have you been in the Marines?”

“Four years in two months. Sir.”

Sam asked, “And how long was your longest deployment until now?”

Evan swallowed and answered, “A week XO. Five days. That was my longest.”

Sam looked at his PaDD and started searching for Evan, “And what is it that you plan to do if you were granted some more furlough?”

“I’d just…walk around, I guess. Meet the A'janie; I heard they are friendly? Maybe they have never seen a doggo like Fenrir ay? Be good for Fenrir too. She needs to run and play…while we can?”

There was a hint of despair at the future in his voice.

Sam pressed in the commands into the PaDD in his hands, “Well…you have been a good Marine I can see on your reports here. No demerits, solid work with the dog handling. And I know this situation is more than anyone of us expected. And you shall have your furlough for ten days. Stay in uniform while you are on the A'janie ship. Check in with Security and let them know where you are. Keep the dog under control? And make sure she doesn’t pee on some sacred brick.”

“Thank you XO. I will.”

“Dismissed. Have a good time.”


Captain Samuel Woolheater
“Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Infinitas”
Division VI, MARDET 62nd Company "Spartans"
Marine XO, 1st Platoon CO
=/\= USS ELYSIUM - NCC-89000 =/\=


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