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Relaxing Family Time

Posted on Sun Aug 4th, 2024 @ 2:27am by Staff Sergeant Leilani Charles {Kelea-Salik} & Captain George Charles [Reece] & Hendor Charles [Reece]

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Planetside
1080 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure

As the ship orbited the planet, most of the crew had already beamed down to enjoy the peaceful beauty it had to offer. The Charles family was no different. As it was the first time either of their children would visit a beach, there was much excitement in their cabin.

Finally, once everything was ready, George and Hendor collected the bags, beach chairs and tent, onto the hoversled. "You two ready, Imzadi?" George called to Leilani, who was finishing getting their little girl, Aviana, ready to go.

“Yep we’re ready!” Leilani smiled warmly. “I can’t wait to get to the beach! I’m looking forward to going swimming in those crystal blue waters.”

George grinned. He then looked over at Hendor and nodded to the hoversled. "You wanna help me drive?"

Hendor looked up and smiled brightly. "I do! I do! I do!" The little boy squealed happily as he scurried over to the sled, reaching up to push the control arm, while walking on his tippy toes.

George smiled and moved up behind their son and lifted him up some. "Here, why don't you go sit on the front. You can help me know when the turn left or right, alright, Bubba?"

Hendor beamed up at his father. "Yes, Papa!" He then hopped down and went to the front, as instructed.

George smiled and looked over at Leilani, "We truly are blessed to have such a wonderful little boy."

“That we are,” Leilani nodded. “He’s been through so much in his life it’s good to see him truly happy.” She leaned down, giving George a kiss on the cheek. “That is for being a wonderful husband and father.”

George smile proudly and lovingly to Leilani. "I'm only able to be so, because you are an excellent wife and mother."

Leilani grinned. “We could keep these compliments going all day Imzadi. Thank you.”

George reached out and hugged Leilani, then kissed her gently on her lips.

Leilani returned his kiss, she could spend all her time kissing George but they’d never get anything done.

Finally, the Charles family got in gear, and moments later, we're rematerializing at the beach, on the planet below.

"Wow!' George exclaimed happily. "It's even more beautiful than Hawai'i is!"

“It’s lovely isn’t it?” Leilani smiled. “It’s as close to paradise as any of us are likely to find.”

Hendor was excited, seeing the ocean for the first time. He started hopping up and down. "Can we go in the water, Mama?!"

“Of course you can Hendor!” Leilani smiled and nodded. “Just not too deep, can you swim?”

Hendor nodded. "We had a large lake in the caves. We just had to be careful not to go into it during the mating season for the worms."

“Sounds... horrid,” Leilani pulled a face. “Well there’s no worms here, just no going out into deep water okay?”

Hendor nodded, then started to go. But stopped and turned around. "Come with me, Mama?"

Leilani smiled, she loved Hendor for just being the caring child he was. “Of course I will.” She looked to George just to check it was okay with him.

George grinned. "You'd better go! One day, he might not want you to do so." He cradled their daughter lovingly. "We'll hang out up here in the shade. Have fun!"

Leilani nodded, giving George and their daughter a kiss on the cheek before she headed down to the water with Hendor.

George smiled warmly as he watched his wife and son enjoy themselves down in the surf.

Leilani smiled as she looked back at George, she was wishing he could join them the work out in the water would do his healing injuries the world of good. Though he did look like he was enjoying himself babysitting the newest member of their family.

While Leilani was distracted, Hendor snuck up behind her and jumped up, splashing her and making monster sounds.

Leilani let out a fake squeal, grinning as she turned to face Hendor she splashed him back with a giggle.

For the next hour or so, mother and son enjoyed the water and the sun, as they played, then swam a little. During one of his dives, Hendor brought up a red crystal, the size of his hand. "Look what I found for you, Mama!"

“Wow!” Leilani looked at the crystal in surprise. “It’s beautiful Hendor, but should we really take it?”

The young boy seemed confused by the question. "Why not, Mama? I think it's very pretty, like you, and I wanted to give it to you." He paused briefly, then continued. "When we would find things in the caves, we would give them to our brothers and sisters." His smile started to drop as he lowered the crystal. "Did...did I do a bad thing, Mama?" His bottom lip trembled as he spoke.

“Ohh heavens no!” Leilani gave her son a loving hug. “It’s beautiful, Hendor! I will treasure it as much as I treasure you!” She let him go again after a few more moments and took the crystal. “Let’s show Papa what you found.”

Hearing her words of love and encouragement, Hedor's spirits were raised and he was smiling brightly again. "Yay!" He then gave the crystal to his mother, then took her left hand in his right, as they made their way back up the beach.

George, being linked to Leilani, already knew what had occurred at the water's edge. However, he kept it to himself, to allow Hendor to be excited when he and Leilani told him.

“Look at the beautiful gift our wonderful son has given me Imzadi” Leilani held out the crystal for George to see. “It’s beautiful.”

George, playing the perfect part of loving and surprised father, sat up and took notice. "By the Goddesses! That is beautiful!!" He looked down at their son, who was beaming with pride. "You must really love your Mama, to have found her such a gift." He reached out and gently tousled Hendor's hair affectionately.

Hendor nodded excitedly. "I do! She's the bestest Mommy ever!"

George looked up at Leilani, a happy grin on his face. He nodded in agreement as he spoke. "You're right, my boy. She really is the bestest!"

Leilani couldn’t help but blush, “I just do my best” she smiled proudly. “You all make me happy and very proud.”



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