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Sun and Fun

Posted on Mon Jun 3rd, 2024 @ 11:20am by Miran Lalor [Lalor] HRH & Cadet Junior Grade Gérard Dirsye [Reece]

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Location: Edens Reach
Timeline: MD4
3097 words - 6.2 OF Standard Post Measure

OOC: Teenagers making out and exploring in this post. No Sex happens.


As everyone either beamed down, or took shuttles, Gérard waited for Miran outside transporter room 3.

Miran came down the corridor, dressed in white shorts and a red tank top over a black one piece. She wore sandals on her feet and carried a bag with a towel in it. She beamed a smile at Gérard. "Hello!"

Smiling in return, Gérard leaned in and gave Miran a gentle kiss on her cheek. They had agreed to keeping kisses on the lips private, as they didn't want to attract too much attention. "You look great, sweetheart!"

"Thanks." She grinned at him. "I can't wait to get down there. It looks amazing."

He beamed and nodded in reply. "Well then, let's get to it!" He took her right hand in his left and led her into the transporter room. Once their turn came, they both stepped into the transporter chamber, then were beamed down to the surface below.

Miran stepped clear of the beam in point as she stared around them. "Wow," she said softly. "Beautiful!"

Gérard looked around and nodded in agreement. "C'mon. Let's find a spot before all the good ones are gone.

"Hmm yes." she looked around and pointed towards a curve in the beach. "Around the corner maybe?"

"Lead the way, Imzadi." He gave her a warm grin as he tilted his head in the direction she had indicated.

Miran smiled and soon they found a quiet spot out of sight of everyone else, and set up a bit away from the water. Sitting down under the umbrella Miran kicked off her shoes. "It's so soft." She said about the sand.

After Gérard finished setting the rest of their stuff up, he reached down and took a handful of sand, feeling it in his fingers as his scientific mind crunched the information. "It doesn't feel like silicate. It's too smooth."

"hmm maybe its a new type of sand. You can always take samples." Miran hinted.

He chuckled softly, coming back to the present. Looking over at Miran, he released the sand he was holding back where he got it, then moved closer and whispered, "What I'd really prefer getting samples of, is more of your kisses."

"Oh?" She asked almost innocently. "Hmm now that's interesting." Miran had to smile a bit more. "Good thing my sister is somewhere else right?"

He grinned softly as he replied, "And your brother-in-law." He shook his head a little. "I hope it doesn't make me seem weak in any way, but Captain Richardson seems like he can get very scary, if he wants to be."

She gave a soft laugh. "True, but He wont hurt you" She assured him. "He will leave that up to me, I think."

A slightly hungry grin slowly crossed his features as Gérard replied. "Oh really?" He asked as he moved closer to her, propping himself up on his left elbow. "And just how would you go about that?"

"Hmm depends on what happens" she did however shift closer. "But you did say something about kissing..." she teased.

Gérard grinned warmly, as he reached over, placing his right hand on Miran's left hip, as he leaned in and started to kiss her, gently at first, but their passion started to grow.

Miran's hands shifted from his shoulders to his hair as she shifted closer to him while they lay on the rug they had spread out under the umbrella.

Gérard inhaled deeply as he felt Miran's body press up against his. Slowly, as they kissed, he reopened the bond that they had been forming. While before, there had only been the sharing of images and feelings, this time, he spoke to her. "Imzadi, can you hear me? You won't be able to reply yet, that will take both more training, and our bond to grow even stronger."

She replied verbally "Yes I heard you." she smiled as they lay there together.

Looking deep into her eyes, Gérard continued. "As our bond grows stronger, you might be able to transmit your emotions when I reach out to you." he leaned in and kissed her again, slowly, passionately, as he continued to communicate with her. "Go ahead and try, Imzadi, show me what you're feeling as I kiss you like this."

She shifted beneath him and moaned softly as they kissed, and slowly, slowly her emotions leaked through their link, as she tried to show him. Desire, passion, even love leaked through.

Gérard saw and felt everything that Miran was sharing with him. It was quiet at first, like a whisper. Then, as they continued to kiss each other, it grew louder and more powerful, until it was a raging inferno enveloping them both. Through their link, Gérard echoed her feelings of love, desire, and added his pure devotion for her.

After a while they came up for air and lay there together quietly enjoying their privacy.

As his heavy breathing slowly calmed, Gérard whispered to Miran, "I am falling in love with you, Miran!"

She smiled shyly up at him. "And I am falling in love with you." she replied.

Hearing her say the words made Gérard's heart soar with happiness. He kissed her again, sharing his feelings and hopes with her over their link, making it stronger and stronger.

Miran was definitely enjoying making out with him, She knew very well what happened between males and females. Her sister had given her a very good lesson in it as she didn't want her sister to be a victim of not knowing or manipulation. She let her hands roam his hair and shoulders gently.

Feeling her hands moving over his bare shoulders, stoked the growing fire in Gérard's soul. However, as he knew that she was a still a minor, he kept his hands either on her hips or her back. He would not do anything to make her uncomfortable.

After a bit, she took a chance and broke the kiss before shyly kissing his neck. She knew her limits.

Gérard couldn't stop the soft moan of pleasure that escaped his lips when he felt Miran's soft lips on his neck. He was suddenly quite aware of the bulge that was forming in his trunks. "Mir...we...we have to be careful!" He transmitted the plea to her over their link.

She drew back, rising her normally amber eyes, now a darker colour to his. "ok.." she said slightly breathless. "If you insist."

Seeing the look of desire in her eyes, Gérard felt his own desire for her erupt like a volcano. "Please don't get me wrong, Imzadi. I very much want to explore everything with you. However, as you are technically still considered a minor, there is only so much we can get away with enjoying." He paused, his eyes taking on a sadder tone. "I hope I haven't insulted you in any way!"

Her lips curved. "No insult Imazdi" she brushed her lips across his. "But there is no reason why we cannot .... explore right?"

Looking deep into her beautiful amber eyes, Gérard's own eyes were fully dilated and looked like pools of obsidian. "So long as we don't go too far....I don't see why not," he answered the question carefully, already feeling his self-control starting to be chipped away by her passion.

She let her lips drift back to his neck as she slowly began to kiss his skin, learning what he liked.

Gérard watched Miran as she explored his bare torso. He had to swallow several knots that formed suddenly in his throat as she moved. He kept his hold on her loose, allowing her to move as she wanted.

Their link was telling her, she was causing him mixed emotions, as she could tell their actions were stoking their passions, slowly she kissed her way back to his lips.

Sliding his arms around behind her, Gérard rolled over onto his back, placing Miran atop of him. He kissed her deeply as they continued to share their feelings, hopes and desires for each other, over their link.

She found as she shifted her legs to either side of his hips, the presence of his desire, caused by their mutual actions. She shifted slightly against him as she matched his kiss's passion with her own.

Feeling her body press against his growing manhood, Gérard moaned into her mouth, as his hands moved up into her hair.

Her body was almost on autopilot as she felt his hands in her hair, and she pulled back and pulled her shirt off, revealing her one piece swim suit and then she was lowering her head to kiss him again.

As she moved, so did his hands, moving from her hair, down across her back, then down to her ass. Which he squeezed as they continued to kiss deeply.

She groaned softly into his mouth and the warmth of the air around them, cocooned them in the privacy of the dunes, with no one to interrupt them or say Stop, it was getting hard for her to think straight. Miran's hands ran up and down his torso as her hips shifted in response to his hands on her arse.

Feeling her move against him, Gérard was soon fully aroused, but he still fought his instincts to take her then and there. His thoughts were full of what he wanted to do with and to her.

She could feel the passion via their link and it was almost drug like to her, but she knew he would not hurt her, so she was content to stay there and continue teasing each other.

Gérard growled as he pressed his pelvis up against hers, feeling her warmth against his manhood.

Miran moaned as he did that, young she may be, but she knew what would happen if they continued. However, she was hard pressed to stop. The gentle breezed played with her hair, tangling it in her face and his. She shyly slid a hand down his chest towards his shorts.

Gérard gasped softly as he felt Miran's hand move south. While he wanted to touch every part of her body, he kept his hands firmly on her ass.

The sound he made, made her pause, thinking she had done something wrong.

Looking up into her eyes, he spoke to her via their link. "Don't stop, unless you want to, Imzadi. I want you to..."

Her gaze met and held his. They had never gone this far before. She kept her eyes on his as her hand slowly slid into his shorts, tentatively, shyly.

As she moved, Gérard opened his mind to her, showing her how much he trusted her. When she finally took hold of his manhood, he sighed softly as the waves of pleasure washed over him.

Miran watched his face as she felt his emotions. She gently explored for a moment then shyly withdrew her hand. "Sorry," she whispered.

Looking into her beautiful eyes, Gérard smiled softly. "There is no need to apologize, Imzadi. I told you from the beginning, we would only go as fast and as far as you were comfortable. At no point do I want you to feel any pressure to do anything."

She nodded. It was as far as she felt comfortable to go. "Still.." she bit her lip. "It ruined the moment."

Moving his right hand up to gently caress the left s8de of her face, he smiled softly at her. "There will be more moments in the future. And, once you turn eighteen, and you still want to, I will be able to touch you as freely."

She let her lips curved. "So that is why you won't touch me, other than my hair and my behind?" she asked curiously.

As he continued to look up into her beautiful amber eyes, Gérard nodded. "Yes," he replied. "We just have to remain patient, Imzadi."

Fair was fair she thought. "Then I will limit my... exploration. " she brushed her lips across his. "Shall we go for a swim?"

He savored the taste of her full lips as they kissed. Then, when he had his breath again, he nodded. "Might be a good idea. I could use the cooling off." He grinned suggestively at her as he shifted his pelvis underneath hers.

With a smile she shifted off of him and stood up. "Both of us need it."

He chuckled softly, then blushed a little as he full arousal was now very noticeable in his trunks. He carefully stood up as he looked around, making sure they were still alone. "We should get in the water before someone comes closer."

Miran pushed her shorts down and kicked them off and smirking, "Sure, how fast are you at running?" she asked and took off for the water.

Gérard watched Miran remove her shorts with keen interest. Ger suit was perfectly fitted to her body, his eyes tak8ng in every single curve. When she ran for the water, it took his brain a few beats to catch up. Finally, hampered slightly as he was, he started after her, reaching the water after she has already reached it and dove under the surface. He slogged through the surf, until he was waist-deep where he finally dove under.

Miran swum down touched the sand and then pushed back up to the surface breaking the water with a grin. She trod water and looked around for Gérard.

As the water was nearly crystal-clear, Gérard could see where Miran was treading water. The moving surf kept his approach hidden, as he moved up behind her, finally breaking the surface, lifting her up out of the water as he did so. He playfully tossed her of to his right, careful to keep her in the same depth of water.

She squealed as she came down in the water then she was back up and pushing her hair from her face. 'Hey!" She laughed.

Laughing as he moved to where he could just feel the ground beneath his feet, Gérard grinned at her. "What's wrong, princess? Never been thrown before?"

That had her gaze narrowing at him. "Oh its on!" She said and swum towards him with a look that promised payback.

Gérard started to chuckle as he watched her get close. "Careful now, your highness," he teased playfully.

Miran was a stronger swimmer than her sister and had spent time honing those skills with Raye and Raye's siblings, who had taught Miran how to play dirty. But with Gérard, she would need other ammunition. She found purchase under her feet and stood up and then slid one of her swim suit straps down her arm.

When he saw this, Gérard was immediately distracted, though he couldn't see anything revealing, it was still enough to cause his brain to lock up for a bit, leaving him wide open for Miran's attack.

She let the other strap fall, but the top stayed up, just. She saw his distraction, and closed in to him. When his gaze lowered to her breasts, she hooked her foot around his and pulled him off balance, toppling him into the water.

Coming back up, sputtering and laughing, Gérard regained his senses. "Oh, now it's my turn!" He dove back under and came up, right in front of her, wrapping his arms around her waist, lifting her up out of the water, his face at the same level as he breast's, though he was careful to keep his head angled back from them as he gazed deep into her eyes.

Miran smiled down at him. "You can look you know. They are not much after all."

He smiled up at her as he replied. "Mir, I think they, like you, are close enough to perfect for me!" He carefully kissed the top of her chest as he slowly allowed her to slide down his body, back into the water. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen," he commented quietly when their faces were nearly touching.

Her cheeks went slightly red. "Thank you Gérard. You are the most handsome man I know." She slid her arms around his shoulders.

When she took hold of him he couldn't hold back anymore. He pulled her in and kissed her deeply.

As the waves lapped at them, Miran kissed him back just as deeply and passionately.

For a while, they stayed like that, enjoying the taste if the other's lips, as they clung to each other in the rolling surf. Finally, Gérard broke the connection. As they both fought to catch their breath, he opened his mind to her via their link. "Imzadi, you have done something very difficult to do, you have won the heart of a Betazoid. Since the Dominion ravaged our world, we stopped being as open with outsiders. However, with your constant love and honesty, you have proven yourself. From this day forward, regardless of whom you choose to spend your life with, my heart is yours."

She looked at him. "I am not going anywhere." She said softly. "I am not one to play around with people's hearts."

Her words caused him to lean in and kiss her deeply.

Miran kissed him back, allowing their emotions to flow again, not realising that she had opened up her side of the link again. And a few soft words floated through ~only 5 months to go...~

Hearing hear words, Gérard smiled around their kissing. "It will both go by quickly, yet feel like it will take forever. However, when the time is right, I will give my full attention to you, Imzadi."

She nuzzled his neck gently as they relaxed in the water. She was very content.

Gérard could feel the contentment flowing from her mind. In truth, he was the happiest, in that moment, than he had been in a very long time.

A short while later, he gently scooped her up into his arms and carried her back to their spot. There, he laid her down, then laid down next to her. He didn't try to start anything, he simply held her hand in his as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the day.



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