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Family vacation *Mature Content*

Posted on Sat Jun 1st, 2024 @ 3:26pm by Captain Mattias Richardson [Reece] & Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Location: Edens Reach
Timeline: MD3
2402 words - 4.8 OF Standard Post Measure

***Author Note: there is mature content towards the end of this jp.***

The tropical island of Eden's Reach emerged from the crystal-clear waters like a verdant oasis amidst the endless expanse of the ocean. Its shores, fringed with golden sands and verdant foliage, beckoned to the crew and families who beamed down or came down in the shuttles provided. Crew dispersed along the beach, or into the tropical rain forests, and peace seemed to settle over the crew.

Phoenix, her hands held tightly by the twins who were, at 16 months old, walking on their own now, but slowly, not so steady, walked away from the beam in point towards a patch of beach she and Mattias had chosen to claim for the day. She, had dressed in casual clothes, leaving rank behind for several hours as they planned to relax as a family. She had, however had their stuff beamed down so she would not have to carry it. A beach tent, and towels and other items were neatly prepared for the family.

Mattias was walking behind his family, watching for any need in assistance from Phoenix. When they reached their spot, he helped Phoenix clear the sand of the twin's feet, before everyone stepped onto the blankets. Once everyone was in place, he closed the cloth fencing that surrounded their spot, to help keep the twins safe from wandering off.

The twins seemed fine with playing on the rug as their parents sat down. Phoenix took a breath and leaned back on her elbows on the rug. "Oh this is nice"

"It's almost as lovely as our beach, back on Pacifica," he said with a knowing grin. He then he then removed his shirt, revealing his tattoos, as he grabbed a bottle of suntan lotion. "Would you get my back, sweetheart?" He asked as he knelt beside her.

She grinned at him. "Sure, turn around love" she took the bottle. "I think this is more peaceful than Pacifica." she considered as she set about covering his back with the sunscreen.

He considered it, then nodded. "Yeah, you're right. There's only us here, so it is quieter. Though, that means there's no old book stores nearby to get lost in." He chuckled softly.

She finished his sunscreen and rolled her eyes. "You know I love my old books."

Turning to face Phoenix, Mattias grinned softly. "Who knows? Perhaps we will find some old books here?" He took the bottle of lotion and nodded his head. "Your turn."

Phoenix smiled and pulled her shirt off revealing her dark blue bikini top and then she turned her back to him.

Mattias put some lotion on his hands, then warmed it slightly, before he started to apply it to his wife's smooth skin. He made sure he covered her tattoo, to ensure it didn't get ruined by sunburn. "If we can't find a way home, perhaps we should come back here? At least it's a beautiful world for the crew?"

Phoenix considered it. "You never know, they may yet mutiny against me and leave us here."

He shrugged and chuckled. "I could think of worse places to be stranded." He leaned closer and nuzzled the right side of her neck. "At least we'd be together, my queen."

Phoenix laughed softly. "Yes I am sure you would enjoy that fully." She snuggled against him. "I am going to get science to take plant samples and such."

He gave her a soft, cheshire cat grin. "Don't give me any ideas, my queen. I might just abduct the whole family to stay here and send the Elysium away."

She laughed and relaxed. "One can dream."

Chuckling softly, Mattias finished applying lotion to Phoenix's back. Next, He started to apply it to his arms and chest. "So long as my family is safe, I don't care where we are."

Phoenix nodded as she stretched out watching the twins play on the rug beside them. "Still, it would be nice to get home.."

His eyes moving to watch the twins as well, Mattias smiled softly and nodded. Laying down next to his beautiful wife, he whispered, "Sooner we get home, the sooner we can start growing our family." He smiled softly as he gazed into her hypnotic silvery-blue eyes.

She smiled. "You just want in my pants" she teased. "I brought some floats for the twins, the water is calm enough we can take them out to the shallows."

He chuckled hungrily. "Well, that's an always given," he leaned in and kissed her gently on her lips, then leaned back and smiling lovingly as he looked over at the twins. "Do you wanna take em in now?"

"Sure" Phee nodded and went to stand. "I think they will enjoy it."

Mattias stood as well and moved to Elizabeth, who was closer to him, scooping her up in his arms. "And you, my beautiful little princess! You ready to go into the water with your papa?" He kissed her chubby little cheeks after he finished speaking.

Phee sighed and smiling scooped up her son. "Do not let her tie you up." she commented as she checked William's diaper before placing a hat on his head.

Mattias spun around a little, earning a happy squeal from Elizabeth. He then stopped and gave Phoenix a knowing look. "Oh, don't worry, my Queen. You're the only woman who gets to tie me up." He finished by giving her a flirty grin.

"uh huh" She rolled her eyes with a smile and headed for the water.

Mattias followed her in, and together, they introduced the twins to the ocean. The temperature was quite pleasant, and the surf was gentle, so there weren't any waves crashing over them as they enjoyed some family time in the water.

When the twins got tired, they let them catch some sleep on the rug under the tent and Phoenix was content to sit with Mattias and watch the waves. No thoughts other than how nice it was just to sit and relax with him, even entered her thoughts.

Mattias sat there, content with his life. "When we get home, and retire one day, I want to build us a house in a place like this."

"Hmm sounds like a perfect idea. I hear Hawaii is a great place." Phoenix said softly as she lazed in the shade.

"It is," he replied softly. "Almost as nice as..." His voice lifted off as the pain of his loss washed over him again. He closed his eyes and tried to work through it quietly, not wanting to ruin anyone's day.

Noting his silence she snuggled against him and closed her eyes. She was content just to lay there beside him in the warmth.

Mattias held Phoenix against him for a few quiet moments. Finally, he spoke softly. "I miss him so much, Phee. I miss them both."

"I know" She replied softly. She could not and would not try to replace his late wife and son in his life. They had a place.

After a few moments of silence, Mattias hugged Phoenix and kissed the top of her head. "I'm sorry that I get like this. I hope you don't think that I don't cherish you and the twins."

"I know you do Mattias. I never doubted anything about you." She nuzzled his neck.

Sighing happily, Mattias hugged his wife a bit closer. "I love you, Phee."

"I love you Matt," she whispered back. "This is so nice" she added. "Peaceful. No rampaging officers yelling at me."

Nodding, Mattias replied. "This planet was sorely needed by all. I hope, if we are here for a while, we find more quiet harbors like this. I'm not sure how much more constant strife the crew can take, my queen."

"I agree. But knowing our luck, we will have a few more adverse situations before we get home... if we get home."

"We will make do with what we have, Phee. Besides, wherever you and the kids are is where my home is."

"Same" she replied. "But I want to get us home. It would be great for the crew. I hate the fact that we could end up like Voyager."

Mattias nodded, then asked, "Though, Voyager did make it home, eventually. However, I understand your point. You don't want us lost for years on end."

Phoenix nodded and looked around. "I know several people are looking to spend as much time on this planet as possible, and a couple of them are asking to take some of the fauna onto the Elysium... not sure that's a good idea."

"Which part, honey?" He asked as he reached up and started to rub her shoulders some. He could tell when she was getting stressed even without her saying it. "The spending some extra time here, or the taking samples back? Because...while we are trying to get home, aren't we also explorers? We may be the only Milky Way Galaxy starship that will ever be here, certainly in our lifetimes. Don't we have a responsibility to learn as much as we can while we are here?'

"Yes but do we really want to take animals from their homes?" She pointed to what people were calling Fairy Dragons flying around the beach and trees. "I agree they are cute."

Mattias frowned, realizing that he had mistaken flora for fauna. "Yeah, on that point you're right. Stupidly, while I heard you say Fauna, my brain registered it as flora. That being said, again, you're right. We shouldn't take any animals from their home. The only way I could see that as acceptable, would be if there was some kind of medicinal or foodstuff need to do so. After all, even back home, in this modern day, I've known doctors who use animal products for healing, simply because the synthetic versions from the replicators just don't cut it."

"Yes that is true." She agreed. "We will see what happens though." She glanced where the twins were still sleeping. "Hmm they should be asleep for a while yet." she commented.

Looking over at their angels, Mattias asked, "Do you want to set up the portable holonanny, then go enjoy the water together?"

"Hmm thats an idea" she smiled and pulled out the emitter and set it up. "We can swim out to those rocks maybe"

Mattias looked out at the formation that Phoenix was indicating. "Oh, you mean the ones where we could have some privacy on?" He grinned hungrily. "I think I could be persuaded to go out there with you."

"You'll have to catch me first" she laughed and scrambled to her feet and ran to the water.

"Hey!" He called after her, laughing as he stood up and practically leapt over the fencing around their spot. He quickly gained speed as he pursued his quarry, laughing all the way to the surf. "I'm gonna get you, your highness!"

"You wish peasant!" she called back tauntingly as she hit the water at a full run and dove.

Mattias was hot on her heels, diving in a few meters behind her. Though she was a faster runner than he was, he was the stronger swimmer of the two of them, and he quickly closed the distance to her, reaching her just as they reached the rock formation.

Reaching out, he grabbed her right ankle. "Got you!" He then pulled her back to him, turning her to face him as he moved between her legs, positioning them around his waist.

She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck as she pressed her lips to his and clenched her leg muscles into place.

Growling deep in his chest as he pressed Phoenix against a smooth surface, warmed by the sun, returning her kiss with one of his own.

The waves rocked at them as they made out in the privacy of the small cove. They knew each other so well, that they could anticipate the other's moves. and Phoenix was being swamped by the sensations from her husband and the water around them, and the rock behind her.

As they continued to make out, Mattias grinned against her, their bathing suits being the only barrier to their bodies becoming one.

Phoenix broke the kiss and let her head fall back to the rock. "Matt... " she whispered across the sound of the waves on the rock. "Gods Matt...Amin mela lle."

"Amin mela Ile, Phee!" He then took the opportunity to both move his trunks and her bottoms, and slid inside of her, becoming one with her.

She gasped out his name and shifted with him, letting the water move her with him. It was so natural for her, with him. No hesitation, no shyness, nothing but passion.

For the next hour, the pair made love, there in the water, against the rocks, until finally, Mattias could feel his climax quickly approaching.

Phoenix was already at the peak and was struggling not to go over the edge, wanting to topple with him. She nipped at his neck and clenched tightly around him.

As soon as she tightened around him, Mattias exploded deep inside of her, grunting loudly as he did so.

Together the pleasure swamped them, sending them into the pleasure spiral. Phoenix sagged against him, glad the water and rock were holding her up.

As they came down from their shared ecstasy, Mattias held Phoenix up as she tagged against him. "I love you so much , Phee!" He whispered into her right ear.

She nuzzled his neck. "Hmm Love you Matt," she whispered. She shifted and rested her head on his shoulder.

Mattias held his love as the water splashed against them. Slowly, their bodies finally separated, and they got their clothes readjusted. Afterwards, he still held her against his chest, content with his place in creation.

Phoenix relaxed and after a bit she said "We should head back." she was reluctant.

Nodding slowly, Mattias replied with a soft sigh. "Yeah, I'm sure the twins are probably awake and have had enough beach day fun." Wven though he didn't want to, he released his hold on his wife so they both could swim back to shore.

When they reached the shore, they and the twins spent the rest of their time, playing in the shallows and on the sand before returning back to the Elysium as dusk fell.



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