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Checking in on Naxea

Posted on Sun Jun 16th, 2024 @ 12:21pm by Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: S'hib/Naxea’s Quarters
1297 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure

With recent events Alicia had decided to drop in on Naxea at home, to talk to her in a more comfortable environment. Waiting until just before the end of shift she headed to Naxea & S’hib’s Quarters hoping Naxea would permit her to enter. She paused outside the door and pressed the chime.

Naxea opened the door. She was tired and felt defeated emotionally. "What is it, counselor?"

“I’m sorry to bother you at home Naxea” Alicia offered a gentle smile. “I’d like to talk to you.”

"Don't worry, it likely won't be my home for long. I am moving to Marine Country. Come in," she said, her voice low." The memory of S'hib screaming in her face and shoving her still hurt deeply.

“Moving?” Alicia gave Naxea a concerned look. “May I ask why you’re considering moving to Marine Country?”

"Because I'm not a fan of being screamed at in my face, manhandled, and shoved by someone claiming to love me," she replied sharply as she made her way to the sofa. "And I am not considering it. It is happening."

Alicia followed moving to sit in a chair. “Tell me about what happened between the two of you, maybe there’s something I can do to help. You’ve always been such a loving couple, and you have your daughter to think of as well.”

"I'm not staying with someone who gets physical and puts his hands on me when he's angry," she said as she sat down. "As for what happened, I asked why he didn't support me. I was still angry over discovering that Gul Desek is alive. I had taken out my anger on some vases in the quarters. That's when the yelling started, he threw a glass at the bulkhead, and then manhandled me after getting in my face and then shoved me and left. It feels as if I am truly alone," Naxea said, surprised at her honesty on her feelings.

Alicia nodded as she listened. “Has S’hib ever treated you that way before? Trust me when I say you are not alone Naxea, that I promise you! Anytime you need me I’ll be there, all you have to do is call or drop by.” She offered a warm, caring smile. “I take it you’ll be taking Sle’anna with you?”

"Of course. I don't want her anywhere near someone like that and no, S'hib has never acted that way towards me but once is one time too many," she said fighting back tears. She hated feeling this vulnerable but S'hib had hurt her deeply.

Alicia nodded. “I understand, but I’d like to try and help both of you. I know how hard it is being a parent, and being a single parent is harder still. Being so far from home has been, and still is, difficult for all of us I just don’t want to see the two of you throw away a relationship that could be saved.”

"I didn't throw it away, counselor!" she snapped angrily. "He did that himself when he shoved me!" She let out a defeated sigh. "I'm not waiting until he gets angry and strikes me next time or forbid lose his temper and hurts Sle'anna."

“I’m sorry, that was badly worded” Alicia offered an apologetic glance. “Do you honestly think that S’hib would resort to physical violence against you, or Sle’anna? You said he pushed you, did you feel threatened? So much so you fear it would progress further? Or was it a heat of the moment event?”

"Would you feel threatened if a seven-foot-six Sequus got in your face, screamed at you and then shoved you aside? I don't care if it would progress further or was heat of the moment. This is a pattern with him when he damaged the shuttle and then assaulted an innocent crew member," she paused as she recalled the incident and yet, she still supported him. The thought angered her that he couldn't support her. "Why take the chance?"

Alicia nodded. “I understand your concerns Naxea, if you feel that this course of action is best then I’ll do everything I can to help you. Would you like me to arrange some quarters for you and Sle’anna? Going back to marine country is okay, but the quarters there will be a bit cramped for a child.”

"Perhaps, but I don't have to worry about S'hib there and it's the safest part on the ship for Sle'anna. Besides, she's already taken a shine to Gunnery Sergeant Gami.". She didn't mention that S'hib was on Gami's shit list--a very dangerous place to be as Gami was one of very few people on the ship that could more than hold her own against S'hib due to being a combat trained Betazoid.

Alicia nodded. “Fair enough, if that’s where you’re comfortable and where Sle’anna is safe then that’s your decision.” She offered a smile. “Would you be willing to talk to S’hib regarding what happened?”

"I honestly don't know," she said tiredly. She was tired of everything and just about everyone. "But the move is his. I will not go to him." S'hib would have to prove himself to her and it wasn't going to be easy.

Alicia nodded. “Fair enough. I’ll be speaking to S’hib but rest assured I won’t be divulging anything that you’ve said to me. I would like to try and get some communication going between you, but we’ll see how that goes.” She paused. “Now...Desek, what happened with him could have cost you your career.”

"It'd be a fair trade," Naxea stated. "Leaving him alive is a mistake. You have no idea who you're dealing with."

“Then enlighten me” Alicia sat back in her seat giving Naxea all her focus. “I’ll have to deal with him anyway, he’s a... guest aboard this ship so it’s my job to make sure he’s comfortable.”

"Make him comfortable?" Naxea scoffed. "He is the embodiment of evil, counselor."

Alicia nodded. “Then tell me what you know of him, I don’t know who he is outside of being a Cardassian Gul.”

"He is much more than that. He is an Obsidian Order Agent and a damn dangerous one at that. He is responsible for killing my father and torturing and raping my mother. Few Cardassians were more feared than Desek."

Alicia nodded. “Obsidian order? Does Phoenix know?” She gave Naxea a concerned look.

"I am sure she does or will soon as standard procedure is to conduct a background search on all of the people we rescued," Naxea said with a slight shrug.

Alicia nodded. “Of course. Does he have any idea that he fathered a child with your mother?”

"I'm not sure...I don't believe so. My half brother wasn't born until after the occupation," Naxea stated as she leaned forward, burying her face in her hands.

“Then that stays between us” Alicia gave Naxea a comforting look. “I can only imagine how much turmoil this is digging up for you, memories and all. I’m sorry. Just remember I’ll always be around if you need to talk.”

Naxea let out a slow sigh before looking up. "Well, at least you're more loyal than my so-called ass of a husband." She needed his support now more than ever and he wasn't here. That hurt and angered her more than anything. "I should keep packing my things."

Alicia nodded. “I’ll get out of your hair, let you organise. You know where to find me.” She offered a supportive smile.

"Sure," she said as she moved to busy herself.


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