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Mojitos and Mai-Tai's - Part 2

Posted on Sun Jun 16th, 2024 @ 8:11am by Lieutenant J'airesh Mora-Heath & Master Chief Petty Officer Chuck Finley [Reece]
Edited on on Sun Jun 16th, 2024 @ 8:19am

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Location: The Beach
Timeline: Current
1258 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Brought Forward from the end of Part 1:

~Did he say that? Am I making this up? Am I awake?~ she kept asking herself, too happy to make any sense, even to her own self. She just stopped herself from pinching herself again, when the memory of how much that had hurt the last time reminded her not to.


Chuck sat up and turned in his chair to face J'Air fully. "Darlin', you are the best thing that has happened to me. I can't see, and don't want to see, my life without you in it." He paused for a moment, then continued, "While I don't have the required token to seal the deal....J'airesh Mora-Health, would you do me the honor or spending the rest of your life by my side, as my wife?"

J'Air couldn't believe her luck. She reached across and tenderly put her index finger on the ide of Chuck's cheek, stroking it softly, tears forming in her eyes.

"I can't think of anything I would be more thrilled and honoured to accept, for every last day of my whole life, Chuck." she answered, her tears increasing and falling like rain.

"There are things you need to know about me though, loveliest man in the universe!" she managed, between soft, gentle sobs. "I was engaged before, you see" she grasped his hands and held them both in hers, in her lap, staring out into the past in another part of the universe.

Chuck was overjoyed by J'Air's reply. He smiled brightly at her. However, before he could pull her into his arms and shower her with kisses, she took his hands and started to speak. "Baby," he said, softly, there is nothing you could say that would turn me from you. Unless of course, you think the Luna Knights are a better baseball team than the Gotham City Bats. Cause, if ya do, this won't work." He stayed serious for a few beats, then winked at her, to let her know that he was joking.

J'Air couldn't help but laugh. "Well, if it weren't so 100% obvious that the Bats are awesome and the Knights are rubbish, then I might have said that and been in a lot of trouble." she joined in the joke for a moment or two, loving the way he laughed and how his dark eyes would sparkle when he was happy and joking.

Still holding onto his hands however, she had to try to get serious again. "But I was.... engaged.... and it was a train-wreck.... and I swore I'd never trust any man every again.... and I wasn't expecting to ever fall in love again because I had promised myself that I would spot it as it began and crush it right away. I was so afraid that what happened would repeat itself." she explained sadly.

"He...... he said if I wasn't so boring after the first ten minutes, then he'd never have looked at her and it was my fault for being such a pain, with all my nagging him not to flirt with other women, and that I should make a horrible mother because I'm so naive when it comes to what he calls 'real life' which is when men get sick of women and are forced to look elsewhere because they can't stand me long term. Apparently I'm okay for a few weeks then I become unbearable and ........ " she was filling up as she was relating word for word what her ex had said so cruelly to her as he was passing the blame of his cheating onto her.

Shaking herself slightly to fight off the memories, J'Air swallowed and stopped talking as she noticed the horrified look on Chuck's face. Was he horrified to hear what a nightmare she really was? What had she done? He surely had to be totally put off now?

The ACMO froze with a horror of her own, believing that her wonderful dream of being asked to marry the man of her dreams was just coming down in flames like a Hindenburg hot-air dirigible.

She paled and held her breath, waiting for the inevitable rejection that she was now expecting *had* to be on its way. That was just her luck, nothing so perfect could possibly be really happening to her. Her eyes watched the beautiful man in front of her, as if time had frozen. His perfect, gorgeous body, his stunning eyes, his amazing patience and his huge, kind heart, all slipping away from her. She instinctively reached up towards his face, the whole panoramic of feelings and images passing before the inside of her eyes within just a minute of two but feeling like they'd taken forever.

As J'Air told him about her pain, Chuck became angrier and angrier. Finally, when she finished and started to reach for his face, he could see the fear in her eyes. Reaching up, he gently took hold of her hand, he then kissed her palm ever so tenderly, before placing her hand over his heart. "One, that sumbitch is lucky he's in a different galaxy. If he was closer, I'd beat the shit out of him! Two, you feel my heart beating? Well, Baby, it's beating for you. I will never treat you less than my beautiful angel and as my equal. We will be partners in everything, from this day forth."

He took a pause to take a breath, then continued, "I plan on being by your side until my last day, so long as you'll have me. I didn't fall in love with you...I've loved you from the moment we met. You are mine, and I am yours, forever!"

"Oh Chuck..." J'Air sighed adoringly and got up, getting closer in order to envelope him in huge hug that she didn't intend to let go, perhaps ever, if it were up to her!

"You truly *are* the zillion% BEST man in the whole of time and space! I am so lucky and I can't believe it, I just adore you. You're my dream come true." she kissed him passionately and afterwards, just rested with her head on his broad chest, nestling in his muscular arms, still unable to believe this was for real, but as grateful as a soul could be that at last she had finally found where she belonged.

Tears of joy trickled down her cheeks and she was too happy to speak for a good while so she stayed right where she always wanted to be, quietly thanking whatever deity might have been instrumental in this heavenly outcome. It was a life-changing moment and J'Air had never felt this way before - she made a mental glance backwards and compared this gorgeous man and his wonderful character and love to the pathetic shadow of the man she had thought she had loved before - she shuddered at the close escape she'd been granted and sighed with sheer relief that her path had been guided this way instead. She never wanted this relationship with Chuck to end, ever.

Chuck smiled happily as they laid there, the woman he loved secure in his arms. The joy that he felt in that moment washed away all the pain he had endure up to that point, for a time at least. He knew that it would all come crashing back as soon as the reality of their current situation was returned to. However, he was content to stay on this beautiful fantasy with this perfect woman right beside him.



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