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An important request

Posted on Tue Jun 18th, 2024 @ 12:21am by Deanna Kelea & Commander Sthilg & Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Location: Various
Timeline: MD1
921 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure

~ Sthilg family quarters ~

“Are you sure Phoenix won’t mind us asking her to marry us? She’s got a lot on her plate right now Imzadi, plus with everyone enjoying Shoreleave she might want to enjoy relaxing herself.”

Deanna turned to look at Sthilg as she finished brushing her hair, the maternity dress she was wearing covering the now fair sized, six month bump she had.

" I'm ssure ssshe can for usss imzadi." Sthilg said still looking like the ships doctor even in his casual clothing.

“I guess there’s only one way to truly know, so let’s go and ask her.” Deanna smiled as she held onto Sthilg’s arm. “I can’t wait to be your wife.”

Sthilg said nothing simply holding his wife his face saying it all to be tightly as they made their way towards the turbolift. " How are the twinsss?" He asked

“They’re doing fine” Deanna smiled. “They’re very active, especially when I want to sleep!” She gave Sthilg a curious look. “How do you expect the twins to look? Given our mixed genetics I’m curious as to what our children will look like.”

I know what there going to look like Sthilg thought to himself doing his best to leave out the photo from the future he had safely hidden. " From the data your DNA being the dominant one my love. All the gorn will be on the inssside. " He replied with a warm smile.

Deanna nodded. “When you say the difference is on the inside what does that mean? What should I expect in terms of those internal differences?”

" My ssspecies honey comb bonesss mainly. A few of there organsss are from my ssspeciesss. Don't worry there all working jussst fine. " The gorn added with a smile on his face. " Nothing you have to worry about my dear."

“Oh I’m not worried” Deanna smiled. “Now let’s see if Commodore Lalor would like to marry us.”

Arriving at Phoenix’s door not too long after she looked towards Sthilg. “I hope she won’t mind us dropping in on her at home.” With that she pressed the chime.

Phoenix opened the door, with Elizabeth on her hip and wearing a shorts and a shirt that looked like it had just been showered in food. She took a double take when she saw who was there. She gave a small smile. "Hello" she said as Elizabeth fussed and she juggled the one and a half year old in her arms. "Doctor, Ms Kelea. How can I help you?"

" Well my friend we are hoping you can ussse your right asss captain while we're on ssshore leave to perform a marriage. I have asssked Msss Kelea if ssshe will be my wife and ssshe hasss accepted." Sthilg asked beaming as he put his arm around his imzadi.

Phoenix smiled. "Congratulations to you both." She said warmly.

“Thank you Commodore” Deanna smiled warmly. “With our children not that far away from being born we wanted to marry before their birth. Now seemed a good time given our arrival at the planet below.”

Phoenix nodded then winced as Elizabeth pulled her hair. "Sounds like a great idea" she said as she gently pulled her hair free of her daughter's fingers.

Sthilg beamed as he hugged his imzadi. "Thank you Phoenix. I'll sssend over the ceremony we've be working on and I'll make assure we;ll have everything we need."

"That would be appreciated. I will make sure I am ready you just tell me which day okay?" Phoenix said.

Deanna nodded. “We will, I think we’ve more or less decided that sooner is better so perhaps in a couple of days? If that’s suitable?”

"Of course I will make the time." Phoenix said with a smile.

" Thank you captain. We'll iron out the detailsss and get them sssent over to you. " Sthilg replied the smile still on his face.

Phoenix nodded. "Ok, so I have to get back to this mess. Sorry" She said as she stepped back into the cabin with a now squirming Elizabeth.

“Of course Commodore” Deanna nodded. “If you ever need a hand please let me know.”

Phoenix nodded and said "Congratulations to you both again.,.. OW Lise!" She groused as her hair was pulled again, "Excuse me" and vanished into the cabin, the door closed behind her.

Deanna smiled as they turned to leave. “Now tell me more about the ceremony Imzadi.”

" I was thinking we'll keep it sssimple. A decent chaple with decorationsss from both of our people. We will sssay a few wordsss, done the marriage braceletsss then I'll carry you out the entrance. " the gorn explained handing her a padd with what he'd been jotting down.

“You’ll carry me?” Deanna smiled as she looked at the PADD. “Unusual but I’m not complaining. It sounds wonderful. Given people want to go for Shoreleave is there any need for a party? We can head straight to the surface for our honeymoon while there’s still time.”

" Well it'sss ssupossse to be a gorn female. They are larger than the male ssso it'sss sssuppossse to ssshow he is willing to ssshouldeer any burdernsss for her. Is there anything you’d like to add?" he asked a smile upon his face.

“I don’t think so” Deanna shook her head. “You know Betazoid weddings, I’m not planning on following the tradition of being naked.” She grinned as they kept on walking.



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