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Visiting Desek

Posted on Fri Jul 5th, 2024 @ 3:32am by Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Location: VIP Quarters
Timeline: MD3 1730 hrs
1267 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Desek sat in a chair, leaning back with his eyes closed. The computer was currently playing a Cardassian Opera piece. It was one he had always enjoyed listening to and one that he had dearly missed hearing. It also allowed him to concentrate on matters of importance. At the moment, his mind was on the Bajoran who had attacked him in the shuttlebay. Who was the woman? He didn't recognize her but she knew him.

Arriving at Desek’s Quarters Alicia was escorted inside by one of the many security officers who were outside. “Thank you, you can go” she nodded to the officer who nodded and stepped outside. “Gul Desek, I’m Alicia Kelea-Salik Chief Counsellor.”

Desek opened his eyes and looked at the woman. A counselor? Ah yes. Starfleet was known for their love of counselors as he sat up. "Computer, stop music." The computer chirped in response as the music stopped and Desek stood, facing the woman. "Come in, counselor. May I get you anything?"

“A fruit juice would be nice, thank you Desek” Alicia offered a polite smile. “I don’t mind what kind.” She moved across to a seat and sat down. “Counsellor’s are a normal part of Starfleet vessels and Starbases these days.”

Desek moved to the replicator as his mind searched what he could recall about Federation beverages. He could only recall one that many humans drank with meals. "Computer, orange juice, chilled. A glass of juice materialized as he picked it up. "Cardassian military never had much use for counselors," he stated as he made his way over to her. " Any who sought out such services were deemed weak and placed on the Obsidian Order watch list.". He handed the juice to Alicia.

Alicia nodded. “Thank you” She sipped her juice before putting the glass down. “A lot of things have changed while you’ve been away Desek, though as you’ve seen and felt there’s still a lot of anger and hatred between the Cardassians and the Bajorans.”

Desek chuckled. "I don't personally hate Bajorans--it was just business. They after all, are a hardy people if not overly religious."

“Not overly religious?” Alicia couldn’t help but smile. “The Bajoran people are some of the most religious people you’re ever likely to come across, I take it you never paid much attention to references regarding the prophets. I suggest you look up the chapter on the Emissary in the information you were given. Anyway...I’m here to see what I can do for you, until such time as we reach home you’re a guest aboard this ship and it’s part of my duties to make sure you’re comfortable.”

Desek sighed as the counselor had mistaken him yet it had been a long day for him. "I am actually rather comfortable, counselor. Thank you. Now, tell me. How did you and this crew come to be here?"

“We had an unfortunate encounter with a cosmic string, it was avoid it or be destroyed by it, and unfortunately we were thrown all the way here.” Alicia sighed. “Now it’s a case of getting home, somehow.”

"I see," he commented with a pause as he thought. So they didn't really know... He then produced a feigned sigh as his mind worked now he knew he held an advantage. "How unfortunate for you and this ship then. Perhaps you may find a way home, or not. That must be very stressful."

Alicia nodded. “It is, but we’re adapting. This crew has been through situations you can’t even imagine, we always come out on top.” She gave Desek a curious glance. “I get the impression that there’s something you’re not saying?”

"No, not at all," Desek replied, putting on a smile. "Besides, you said the crew of this ship always comes out on top. A true testament to Starfleet training no doubt."

Alicia nodded not entirely sure Desek was telling the truth. “You’re emotions are very well controlled, but there’s something you’re not telling me Desek, that much I can tell.”

"No more than what you're not telling me," Desek began before changing the subject. "Such as who was that Bajoran woman who assaulted me?"

Alicia offered a smile. “Therein lies the elephant in the room, Colonel Azhul is one of our ship’s Marine contingent. Plus a Bajoran, but you already knew that.”

"The name doesn't sound familiar," Desek replied after a moment. "Too young to have been a terrorist on Bajor during my time there."

“Well she knows you Desek, and I’m afraid I’m not at liberty to give any further details.” Alicia offered a smile. “I understand that you are a member of the Obsidian order?”

Desek raises an eyebrow. "Word gets around fast on this ship. Always smart to at least know who you're meeting with, hmm?"

Alicia nodded. “It’s always best, hence the guards at your door. Not because of the Obsidian order, but to protect you.”

Another chuckle escaped Desek. "I thank you for your thoughtfulness. But we both know I am a prisoner aboard this ship."

“Perhaps” Alicia smiled. “But a prisoner being held in luxury rather than in the brig.”

"This room, while quite enjoyable is still a prison. I should know. I've been one for twenty years," Desek replied as he leaned back on the sofa.

Alicia nodded. “May I ask how you came to be a captive here?”

"My ship, the CUS Dertek was ambushed while on patrol. Managed to destroy two of their ships but the third one survived and transported the survivors of the several aboard the ship. Been here ever since," he explained.

“So they were in our sector of the universe?” Alicia gave a wide eyed response. “They were there and were never discovered.”

"As I said," Desek stated, "they were in deep space but still Cardassian Territory. I never discovered why they were out in the middle of nowhere, between remote systems."

Alicia nodded. “I suggest once we return, however long that takes, that area of space is thoroughly investigated to ensure our enemies aren’t up to something there.”

"It would make sense, though that isn't exactly high on this ship's priority list, I'd gather."

“It depends on what’s happening when we get back, if we get back.” Alicia sighed. “Until then we only have each other to rely on.”

"But will that be enough?" Desek mused.

"You'd be surprised" Alicia offered a wry smile. "This ship and crew have been through so much together already, we'll get through this too."

Desek smiled in return. "Of course." A part of him wanted to tell the woman what he knew but the other part would make them unknowingly play his game. "Anymore questions, my dear?"

“Not right now, but I’m sure there’ll be more to come and not just from me.” Alicia offered a warm smile. “For what it’s worth Desek, the Federation and those in it aren’t all your enemies. Fair enough there are those who will never see Cardassians as friends, and I’m sure the sentiment is the same for your people, however we’re not all bad.” She stood ready to leave. “If there’s anything you need please feel free to call me.”

"I'll keep that in mind," he replied as he stood, watching her turn to leave.

Alicia nodded before she turned and headed out of the room, still wondering just how much she could truly trust Desek.



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