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Team 1 - Working together?

Posted on Fri Jul 5th, 2024 @ 11:28am by Avalon [ADMIN NPC] & Lieutenant Commander Malakai Starr [Taylor] & Lieutenant Commander Kara Starr {Kelea-Salik} & Lieutenant Athena Magnus & Lieutenant M'Tuuri Sh'iss [S'hib] & Lieutenant JG Zac Smithson & Ensign BF 345078 (john Snow.) [Sthilg] & 2nd Lieutenant Slarth [Reece] & Crewman Sindari Toylen [ADMIN NPC]
Edited on on Mon Jul 8th, 2024 @ 4:09pm

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Location: Edens Reach and Transporter Room 2
Timeline: MD7 - 07h00
990 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure

The group of officers and enlisted gathered in the transporter bay where a pile of backpacks were waiting. An ensign stood there with a PADD. Once everyone was gathered, the Ensign began to speak.

“Welcome to your daily challenge. Grab a pack, they are all the same. You will be beamed down to a location on the planet, all land based. There you will spend the day as a group, looking around the area, taking scans, samples, hiking through the forests and the like. You will spend 8 hours planet side. Work together, listen to each other. Learn about each other. While you may wear different ranks, this is a working together exercise and one I want you all to do, without considering rank.” The ensign smiled. “So Speaks the Commodore. Please grab your bags and step onto the transporter pads.”

The ensign then added “Oh, the weather may be inclement. So be prepared to get wet.”

Mal glanced and smiled at Kara. he hoped this wasn't too much for her having given birth not too long ago. However, he knew she would never complain, and he trusted her to know if she was exerting herself and to let him know as well. He scooped a pack of the floor and held it easily in one hand as he took in the others on the team.

The deaf crewman from Engineering picked up a pack and shrugged it on. She was not confident about this.

Kara offered her husband a warm smile. This was going to be a true test of her stamina since giving birth, and the previous injuries to her legs. She was lucky to be walking at all, if it hadn’t been for Malakai and Mattias she probably wouldn’t have had the determination to push through her recovery. “This is going to be fun!”

M'Tuuri sneered at this, the idea of spending any amount of time with anyone was a torturous endeavour. "Your idea of fun issss... not."

Sini's padd showed the conversation and she merely nodded to agree with M'Tuuri.

“Yes this will be fun,” Athena said. “I am Athena.”

The transporter room doors slid open again, and the diminutive female Ferengi came hustling in. "Am I late?!"

The ensign shook his head and handed her a pack. And gave her the debrief.

"Okay everyone on the transporter pad!" The ensign called out. Once they were all gathered he beamed them down.


The Group found themselves in a deep valley, with green verdant hills and a creek trickling down the nearest hill, filled the air with a gentle sound. They were obviously deep inland on one of the islands. But they were not high up as the valley was fairly large and had a few native creatures roaming. The dragons flitted among the trees nearby.

“Ah, PARADISE!,” Athena spoke first.

“Paradise indeed” Kara looked around in awe. “Are those...dragons!?” She motioned to the small dragon like creatures.

Looking around, Tink shrugged as she commented. "Could use some more rain and moss, plus a few dabo tables, to start looking like paradise to me."

Sindari looked around and leaned down and ran her hand through the grass. Her Comm Padd was telling her what everyone was saying but she was not really paying attention. She moved towards a small pile of rocks and looked down at the small creek.

“So what do we do now?” Athena asked.

“I guess we explore” Kara smiled. “Should we split into smaller teams or stay together as a group?”

I think smaller teams is better to cover more ground, collect more samples." Mal agreed. "Kara and I will be one team. Zac why don't you, Ensign Snow and Athena be another team. M''Tuuri and Lieutenant Slarth along Toylen another. " Mal suggested.

“Okay Snow,” Athena grinned, “We could check the southern part.”

Kara nodded at her husband’s suggestion. “Sounds like a good idea.”

Mal gave Kara a wink. "Glad you approve Kara. "Let's go to the north."

Zac nodded at Athena's suggestion. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go. Daylight is burning." he said to Athena and Snow.

Snow let out a bleep before he followed Zac. He was casually scanning the local area. The data would be fascinating to go through.

Zac grinned at Snow's beep. "I couldn't have said better myself Snow."

Athena looked at Snow. “Nice to have a little friend where I cannot read one’s mind.”

" I am happy to be of service." the xcom replied. " This world is truly beautiful. To see a garden world untouched by sentient hands."

Zac smiled at Snow's observation. "It is beautiful." He commented as the trio moved along don't you agree Athena?"

“I do agree,” Athena smiled.

As the team started to split up, Tink looked at her two teammates and smiled. "Where do you two want to go investigate?"

Sini read the words and typed her reply ["I am open to just walking around"]

Tink smiled, then looked over at the other member of their group. "How about you?"

"Well..." M'Tuuri hummed as she pulled her bag around to the front, rummaging inside for a moment before pulling out a canteen. "I plan to get drunk, so..." She shrugged as she finished, unscrewing the cap to what should have been her water bottle. "Lead on."

Athena spoke next. “Let’s explore John Snow.”

"Mind if I come along as well Athena?" Zac asked the engineer.

After a few hours of exploring the area...and M'Tuuri drinking her homemade hooch, the team sat down and shared a meal together, getting to know one another more. There were stories shared, as well as laughs. Finally, when it was time for them to head back to the ship, they all gathered in a clearing, and looked at Malakai as he was the senior officer present.

After Mal called for transport they were beamed up to the USS Elysium.


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