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Gathering PT 2

Posted on Thu May 30th, 2024 @ 1:43pm by Avalon [ADMIN NPC]

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Location: Edens Reach
Timeline: MD3
643 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

The shuttle descended gracefully through the azure skies of Eden's Reach, a tropical paradise far from their distant home. Ensign Serena Harlow peered out the viewport, taking in the pristine beach, lush tropical plants, and sparkling waters that stretched out below. The island teemed with life, from vibrant fairy dragons flitting between the trees to sweet-sounding birds singing in a harmonious chorus. Exotic aquatic animals darted through the clear waters, adding to the planet's otherworldly charm.

As the shuttle touched down, Ensign Louis Morison couldn't help but let out a low whistle. "This place really is paradise," he said, stepping onto the soft, white sand. "Almost makes you forget we're stranded in another galaxy."

Lieutenant JG Leigh Hamilton, their team leader, adjusted her equipment and nodded. "Almost," she replied, her tone pragmatic. "But we can't afford to lose focus. We're here to gather biological samples of the local wildlife and fauna. These exotic animals might hold the key to new scientific discoveries and, hopefully, some comfort aboard the ship."

Lieutenant JG Carl Smith joined them, a scanner in hand. "Let's get started. The more samples we collect, the better our chances of finding something useful."

The team spread out, each officer taking a different part of the island to explore. Serena found herself drawn to a grove of towering trees, their branches heavy with strange, glowing fruits. As she collected samples, she marveled at the fairy dragons that flitted around her, their iridescent wings shimmering in the dappled sunlight.

Louis ventured towards the shoreline, where a pod of aquatic creatures resembling a cross between dolphins and stingrays swam gracefully. He carefully captured some water samples and took holographic images of the animals, ensuring their unique features were well-documented.

Leigh focused on the various birds that filled the air with their melodious songs. She used a tranquilizer to capture a few specimens for study, noting the vibrant colors of their feathers and the intricate patterns that adorned them. Each bird was carefully tagged and cataloged before being released back into the wild.

Carl, meanwhile, delved into the underbrush, scanning for smaller creatures and insects. He found a variety of fascinating species, from bioluminescent beetles to tiny, six-legged mammals that scurried through the foliage. Every discovery was meticulously recorded and preserved.

As they worked, the officers couldn't help but discuss their situation. "I still can't believe we're stuck out here," Louis muttered, shaking his head. "All because of that accident at the helm."

"Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani," Serena added, her voice tinged with frustration. "If only she'd been more careful."

Leigh sighed, trying to keep the team focused. "Blaming others won't help us get home any faster. We need to make the best of our situation and find ways to adapt."

"But what if we never make it back?" Carl's voice was barely above a whisper, the weight of their predicament hanging heavily in the air.

"We have to stay hopeful," Leigh replied firmly. "We might be stuck at warp 5 and unable to traverse the vast distances home, but we can't give up. This planet is a respite, a chance to regroup and find solutions. Let's make the most of it."

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over Eden's Reach, the team regrouped at the shuttle. Their collection of samples was impressive, a testament to their hard work and determination. They knew the road ahead would be challenging, but for now, the beauty and tranquility of this tropical paradise offered a glimmer of hope in an uncertain future.

"Let's head back," Leigh said, her voice filled with a renewed sense of purpose. "We have work to do."

And with that, the shuttle lifted off, leaving the idyllic island behind as they returned to the ship, their spirits bolstered by the day's successes and the promise of what they might discover next.


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