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Posted on Fri May 24th, 2024 @ 1:03pm by Captain Addison 'Rico' Leyton & Lieutenant JG T'Kek [Naxea]

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Location: Fighter Hangar; USS Elysium
Timeline: Day after the battle
507 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

Leyton stared at her Gryphon, still dressed in her flight suit. The hull by the rear compartment where Thumper has been was ripped open on the lower starboard side where the fighter had taken a hit. Thumper was in critical condition currently. She couldn't believe that Thumper had made it back to the ship. 'The woman's tough, that was for sure,' she thought. Petty Officer Second Class Tevian approached, his hands shoved into the pockets of his maintenance coveralls. "Hey Captain," he said softly.

Addison was broken from her train of thought as she turned to look at the trill male who was her maintenance captain. In the old days, they were referred to as plane captains. "Oh, hey Tevian. How are you?"

"I could say the same thing, ma'am," he replied with a slight shrug. You took a hell of a hit. If you hadn't reinforced your shields, you might not have made it."

"Yeah...still wasn't enough," she sighed.

"Hey, Lieutenant Talas will be ok. She's tough, ma'am."

"Yeah," she said as she kept her eyes on the hull damage on her Gryphon. She couldn't help but to feel bad. Thumper hadn't fully recovered from her injured leg and didn't have to deploy but she went anyway and now she was fighting for her life. She could have and should have told Thumper to remain behind. She was responsible for what happened. She knew that much.

"Don't worry, ma'am. I'll see to it that your Gryphon is repaired and ready for action within twenty-four hours, ma'am," Tevian stated. A part of him wished he could say or do something more but he knew he'd be coming close to crossing the fraternization line since he was enlisted and under her command.

"Thanks, Tevian," Addison said, grinning slightly. "You're the best.". She turned and made her way out of the shuttlebay and towards Sickbay to check on Thumper.

Several minutes later, she stepped through the doors of Sickbay. The place was busier than normal with most of the biobeds taken.

T'Kek spotted the woman and approached her. "Greetings. How can I help you?"

"Um, yes. I've come to see how Lieutenant Talas is doing. She's my weapons officer," Addison stated, clasping her hands in front of her.

"Lieutenant Talas," T'Kek repeated as he looked over the PaDD, coming to the needed information. "She is out of surgery but still in critical yet stable condition."

"I see. Thank you," Addison replied. "Can I see her?"

"I'm sorry. We're not allowing visitors until she becomes more stable," T'Kek stated. He paused as he looked at the woman-she was simply looking after her friend. "Don't worry, Lieutenant Talas is healthy and strong. She will make it through."

"Yeah, thanks. Keep me updated on her progress?"

T'Kek nodded. "Of course."

Addison turned and left Sickbay. She paused outside as the main doors closed behind her. She was undecided where to go for a minute before realizing she still needed to change and shower. She began her journey to her quarters.


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