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Posted on Fri May 31st, 2024 @ 12:45pm by Harper o’Leary & Commander Kyle Reece

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Location: Edens Reach
Timeline: MD 3
1473 words - 2.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Kyle and his children were already down on the beach, waiting for Harper and her children to beam down. They had decided to to spend the day together, having their children play and unwind.

Harper came out of the forest beam in point with Kendra and Edward running around her carrying their swim bags and exclaiming about the beach. Niamh was now 6 months old and was sitting in the hover baby carrier that Harper guided over the sand. Harper was wearing a dark blue one piece under a flowing caftan that protected her skin from the sun.

Kendra with Edward in tow raced up to Kyle and Zhavna and Jassirc, both were bouncing. Edward being 3 was slower than his sister but he had a great big grin as he joined them.

As Zhavna and Jassirc greeted their friends, Kyle laughed and said aloud, "Hey guys! Ready for some fun today?!"

The children replied with excited cheers, causing Kyle to laugh some more. When Harper reached him, he leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss on her right cheek. "You look very nice," he said with a grin.

"Why thank you kind sir." Harper said brightly. "So have you found us a spot of beach?"

He nodded as he replied. "We have. The kids and I found one that as a few trees nearby." He pointed to the area that had already been set up with chairs, blankets and umbrellas.

" Looks great. Lead on." As she spoke Kendra took Edwards hand and headed with the older children towards the spot.

Harper was looking around as the adults followed. "I will need to come back down here to do some exploration for ingredients."

Kyle nodded, then offered softly, "Perhaps I could come down and help you on your hunt?"

Harper smiled. "Hmm, Kyle Reece, amateur herbalist... now that's an image." She teased.

"Hey!" He complained playfully. "I am a man of many talents. You'd be surprised, my dear." He grinned warmly as he finished speaking.

They settled the children and their stuff in the area and then the kids were off, with the exception of the baby who was napping in the shade of the umbrella and beach tent. Harper sat down on a rug and stared at the water. "The colour of that water is amazing."

Kyle nodded as he gazed out at their children, Zhavna was doing a great job of keeping the kids all together. He then looked out at the water. "I don't think I've ever seen water that clear."

Harper nodded as she let her gaze wander. "I heard several officers thinking of snorkling or scuba diving. And even taking one of the Hunley's for a spin."

Kyle nodded. "That could be fun," he said with a soft grin. "I'm sure the kids, well...most of them," he dipped his head towards the sleeping Niamh and chuckled as he continued. "...would enjoy seeing the fish closer up." He paused, then asked, "Do any of the options appeal to you?"

"Yes, I like the idea of the Hunley and scuba diving." Harper replied with a smile.

"Then, perhaps we should try them both while we are here?" He looked over at her and smiled softly as he asked the question.

"Sounds like a nice idea." Harper replied. She smiled back. "Maybe later today?"

He nodded. "I'd like that. Maybe we could aak one of my brothers to watch the kids when we go scuba?"

"You want to drop 5 children on your brother? One with a one year old and one with a traumatised 5 year old?" Harper asked. "I have a baby sitter I trust, I can contact them and see if they can take your two as well."

A wide grin crossed his face as he replied. "But that's the beauty of being the big Brother, torturing the younger siblings!" He laughed a little, then nodded to her. "However, you do have a valid point, and thank you."

At that point, Zhavna called out to him. "Dad? Can we go into the water?"

Kyle looked over at his daughter and nodded. "Of course, sweetheart. I'll go in with you." He gave Harper a smile. "Be right back. Unless you want to go down as a group?"

"No I will stay here with Niamh." She said brightly. "Go enjoy."

Kyle smiled and nodded. He then stood and gathered both his and Harper's children, save for the sleeping infant, and led them all down to the surf. While he kept the children between himself and the shoreline, he would occasionally look up at Harper and smile happily.

Harper took a small camera drone and sent it flying over the group as they swum, taking photos, capturing memories for them all.

After a while of laughing and splashing, the kids started to say that they were hungry. So, Kyle got them all together and heeded back up to where they were set up. "Alright, towels first, then be careful not to get any sand on the blanket, okay?"

Harper saw the group heading her way and began getting out the food for them all. She also got out more sunscreen, the last thing they needed was burnt children.

Once they reached the large blanket, Kyle got each one of then a towel, even helping to dry of the younger ones. Once all of the children were seated on the blanket, and Harper was reapplying sunscreen, he grabbed his own towel and started to dry off. Once done, he carefully brushed off his feet, before stepping onto the blanket himself. As Harper was still applying sunscreen, he moved to the cooler and started to break out lunch and drinks for everyone.

After they all finished lunch, Harper put Edward down for a nap on the rug, his being 3 meant that if he didn't have a sleep, then it would be a horrible night for her and Kendra.

He went easily, the swimming had worn him out.

Zhavna and Jassirc were both laying down, enjoying the sun's rays on their jade skin. Kyle was lounging in his beach chair, set next to Harper's. Without thinking about it, he reached over and gently took her hand into his.

Harper had been watching Kendra dig in the sand when his hand took hers. She turned and looked at him, somewhat startled but her lips curved into a smile.

Looking over at her, a soft grin started to fill his face. It was clear, by the look in his eyes, that he was both interested in her, and a little scared as well. Twice now, he had given his heart to someone, and both times it had ended painfully. Quietly, he said, "I know I look like a strong and powerful man, Harper...but... I'll be honest, I'm a little scared here. I know we said, let's just be friends..." he shook his head slightly as he continued. "I've started to want more for us... but I'm scared of getting hurt again." He gently rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb as he spoke.

Harper listened without interruption. "I understand how you feel, I feel the same, maybe we should consider it, but slowly?"

Kyle nodded, smiling softly. He was glad that Harper felt the same as he did. "I'd like that, Harper." He gently squeezed her hand as he spoke.

Smiling she nodded. She really did enjoy spending time with Kyle, even without his children and her's around. Her relationship with Emily had started slow as well but she knew it had been a mistake. Now she had the chance to do better.

After a few beats, he asked, "So...would you like to have dinner sometime? Maybe just the two of us?"

"As an actual date?" She asked remembering the last time they went out to dinner. "Sounds like an idea"

He grinned happily. "How about tomorrow night? There's that new restaurant up on the promenade? I've heard some good reviews about it?"

Harper considered it. "Sure. Sounds like an idea." she grinned. "I'll ask Tristi to babysit."

Kyle smiled at that. While he told himself to go slow, he could already feel that this was the start of something very special.

Several hours of relaxation and fun later, they gathered up their stuff and the children and headed back to the Elysium, the children were full of chatter and happiness, several shells were stashed in bags and holos were taken of the paradise they had spent time in.

Once back aboard, they went to Harper's home first, as hers was closer to the transporter room. As the children continued to play, Kyle helped Harper square everything away. They even decided to have the kids all get cleaned up there. While that was happening, Kyle started to make a nice dinner for everyone.



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