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Family Time, Learning things

Posted on Wed Jun 5th, 2024 @ 7:51pm by Lieutenant Cassia Cavendish & Lieutenant Nicholas Reece [Reece]

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Location: Edens Reach
Timeline: MD4
1820 words - 3.6 OF Standard Post Measure

They had found that their daughter had been nearly one, her birthday the 3rd of February 2397. So they had, had a small party with the family, not that Bryleigh would remember it, but Cassia and Samaire had taken enough Holos to make sure they would have memories for years.

Now, as the Ship orbited this beautiful planet, Cassia gathered things for a day in paradise. She packed the diaper bag and a picnic basket humming as Bryleigh sat in her child swing giggling as she waved her tiny hands against the musical toys that hung on the swing.

Nicholas was busy getting a hoversled to carry the bags, chairs, even an open-sided tent, that they would erect over their beach blanket. Once he was done, he moved over to Cassia and asked, a huge grin on his face. "Are my two beauties ready to get going?"

Cassia smiled at him. "Yes, I changed her as well so we should be okay for a bit in that area." She loaded the bag and basket into the sled and turned to pick up Bryleigh.

Nicholas smiled happily as his eyes moved to their beautiful daughter. He was still trying to wrap his brain that she was theirs, the baby that they had, not lost...was stolen from them. If he could, he would go back and burn the entire Thaih'ean race to the ground, then pour salt on the ashes.

It took him a moment to clear the rage from his thoughts, but when he did, the loving smile returned. "She definitely has your beauty, Imzadi." He then paused to think. "Can you...communicate with her, telepathically yet?"

"I can tell when she is hungry, sad, happy those sorts of things. But no actual conversation as yet. She is very strong though." Cassia sounded puzzled at that as she picked up Bryleigh and nuzzled her as their daughter laughed and playfully tapped her mother on the head with her hands.

The scene made Nicholas laugh happily. He stepped closer and reached out, gently caressing their daughter's head. "Even as a hybrid? That's amazing! How strong do you think she will be?"

"I am not sure. She is higher than me and I am half human, with you being fully human, she should not be strong really. But I can feel it. When she is 2 or 3 we should be able to perform the test."

He suddenly had a fearful thought race through his mind like lightning. "Do you think...they...altered her, to be stronger?" He started to feel his rage begin to boil again.

Cassia nodded as she settled Bryleigh on her hip, their daughter playing with Cassia's hair. "It's a possibility. Unless your family has latent telepathic traits."

He shook his head. "As far as I know, we are human, all the way back to the beginning." He leaned down and kissed the top of their baby's head.

"Well regardless she is prefect for us." Cassia said. "Shall we go down?"

"She certainly is, Imzadi." Nicholas smiled proudly. He then nodded and moved to collect the sled. "Lets!" He then started to push the sled out of their quarters.

Cassia with Bryleigh in her arms followed him with a smile. It would be great to spend time with Nick and Bryleigh in a sunny local.

===20 minutes later===

After materializing on the beach, Nicholas could see many of the crew had already claimed spots of their own on the breathtakingly beautiful beach. He looked over at Cassia. "Do you want yo find my brothers, or set up on our own?"

"On our own. " Cassia said softly. "They will be having their own family time."

Nodding, he led them to a nice spot under a few of the native palm trees. "How's this, Sia?"

"Perfect." She shifted Bryleigh and grabbed a towel to place their daughter on while she helped set up their camp.

A few moments later, everything was set up and the little family was resting in the shade of the trees. "It almost reminds me if Jones Beach, back home," Nichola remarked softly.

Cassia settled their daughter with her toys under the shade. "It's lovely here. So peaceful. And the perfect place for her first family trip."

Nodding, Nicholas opened his arms, inviting Cassia to sit on his lap.

She did as he requested and leaned back against him. "I love you Imazdi."

"And I love you, Imzadi, with nearly all my heart." He smiled when he saw the look on her face. "The one who now gets all of our love, is our little angel."

"She is a gift that is sure." Cassia said softly looking to where their daughter played. She was so close to crawling Cassia knew soon they would be chasing her all over the ship. Bryleigh spent the days with Cassia as she taught the flight control courses for the cadets, happily sitting in the baby carrier that Cassia wore or playing in the play pen in Cassia's office as she did paperwork. "I am so happy we got her back."

Nicholas wrapped his arms around Cassia and held her to him. "I am never letting anyone take her from us again. I will kill anyone who tries."

"Get in line" Cassia smiled up at him. "They would have to get through me."

" You, my love, would the last, most vicious line of defense." He smiled loving at her. "That's why you never mess with a mama bear."

She grinned at him and settled back to watch the water, while their daughter babbled happily beside them.

Nicholas sighed happily. Though they were lost in another galaxy, he had his family, his whole family, with him. They were currently safe from harm. He was as happy as a man could be in that moment.

===a few hours later===

After Bryleigh had had lunch and a nap, and Cassia had changed her into her little bathing suit, the little family moved down to the water, Nicholas carrying their daughter in one arm, his other hand holding Cassia's. Slowly, they made their way into the surf, careful to keep their baby safe. Once in, while Nicholas kept hold of Bryleigh, he turned her so she could play splashy with her mother.

Cassia was glad she had set the holo cam to record automatically as it took holo's of them playing in the water and of Bryleigh's smile. she splashed lightly, making the water droplets sparkle in the sunlight.

Nicholas was smiling and laughing softly as he and Cassia played with Bryleigh in the water. It was in these precious moments, that he could feel the scars on his soul start to slowly heal.

There was healing on all sides. Cassia and Nick had gone through a lot over the years, and having their child was making it all worth it. Eventually they walked along the shore with Bryleigh, collecting shells and Holos.

Finally, Bryleigh safely asleep in her father's protective embrace, they made their way back up to their spot. While Cassia got some food ready for herself and Nicholas, he carefully sat down in the shade, gently rocking their daughter, quietly humming a lullaby that his mother used to sing to him as a young boy.

Cassia watched with a warm smile. She vowed, Bryleigh would never suffer for the missing months, and that she would make sure her life was filled with joy.

Slowly, Bryleigh began to scutch and whimper. Nicholas knew what the issue was, from helping his mother with both Liam and Alexandria. Moving over to were the diaperbag was, he quickly and expertly removed her bathing suit and soiled diaper. He then cleaned her correctly, powdered her where needed, and redressed her in a fresh outfit. After he bagged up all of the soiled items, he grabbed a bottle of warmed formula, picked her back up into his arms, sat back in his chair and resumed humming softly, as he started to feed her.

"You really are good with her" Cassia said as she sat beside him with their lunch.

"She's my darling little angel. I will give her anything she needs." He turned and smiled to the other woman who now shared ownership of his heart. "I love you, Imzadi."

"I know Imazdi, I love you too." She touched his face gently. "We should give some thought to giving her siblings in a few years. I want to spend as much time with her as possible."

He smiled brightly at this notion. "Those were my thoughts exactly!" He narrowed his eyes playfully at her. "Were you reading my mind again, young lady?"

She laughed and shook her head. "No you know I don't do that. But we will need to work on your mental shielding."

"Why? So our little angel doesn't have me wrapped around her little finger?" He chuckled softly as Bryleigh finished her bottle. After putting the bottle down, Nicholas positioned her over his left shoulder, then started to gently pat her back, until she finally burped. After a few more little burps, Nicholas moved his daughter to her travel playpen, gently laying her down on her side. He then sat back in his chair and grinned at Cassia. "What??" He asked, a smile on his face.

"Oh she does. But I don't think you want a teenager 'convincing ' you that it's OK that she goes out with that young ensign from security."

Nicholas chuckled darkly. "Oh, if any young man comes sniffing around our baby girl, they will quickly learn why the Reece family name is still feared in places."

"Yeah right, and if she has brain-warped you..." she smirked. "Do not worry, honey, I will teach her well."

Nicholas smirked playfully as he replied. "Teach her well to do what...brain-warp me?" He chuckled softly at his own joke.

"You wish. No on, not using her powers for evil." Cassia replied.

Nicholas thought about what she said for a moment, repeating it again and again, until finally he asked, "You mean No on using her powers for evil, right? The way you said it sounds like you do want her to do evil." Hr chuckled again.

"No I don't" she smiled. "I want her to be safe and happy and to use her powers for good."

"Oh, good!" He replied with a grin. "For a second there, I thought I was gonna have to start hunting for an evil lair for her to rule her empire from." He gave her a flirty wink as he finished speaking.

"Ha ha." She nudged him. "Eat your lunch," she reminded him.

"Yes, Dear," he said with a playful smirk. They then ate their lunch, content with their little world as it currently was.

After an afternoon spent playing in the sand and water, they packed up and headed back to the Elysium and their new life.


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