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Ice Cold

Posted on Sat Jun 29th, 2024 @ 5:18pm by Miran Lalor [Lalor] HRH

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Timeline: MD8 12H00
548 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Previously during the mission Survival..

Mattias watched Miran leave while he continued to hold Phoenix. Quietly, he spoke to her. "How long do you think? You know your sister far better than I do."

"She is not going to go after Clary. She will wait for her to act. then she will kick arse and when Gary pulls Miran on the carpet she will throw her royal title in his face and basically refuse to accept any punishment." Phoenix sighed.

Mattias sighed softly as well. "Should we speak to Gary, or do you think it will be an issue? In the end, titles or not, Miran would be simply protecting her niece. As long as she is simply reactive, and doesn't go hunting, there wouldn't be any reason to pull her to the carpet."

"No, I am not warning Gary," Phoenix smiled. "He can so deal with Miran if it happens. She will be fine."


What Carly didn’t know was that while she had been dating Triston, she had been safe from retribution from Triston’s best female friend and her victim’s family. Attacking Tristi, was beyond the par for Miran. Sure, she was no fan of the girl, she had to admit to jealousy and such but she was family and that was enough for Miran. You did not fuck with Miran’s family. Ken Waters had heard about it when he had dumped Phoenix and when he had transferred Miran had sent him a number of warnings, including a slaughtered cow. Yeah she could be a bitch when things went down. So now that Carly had broken up from Triston due to her own stupidity, she was now fair game for Miran.

Despite her ‘letting it go’ with Gerard, she was not about it. She gave it a few days then she made her first move. She replicated an Erisian hooked dagger with a scarlet hand guard, as she has done this many times, the system didn’t even blink. She then went to the holodeck and spent an hour practicing throwing daggers. All normal. Then on her way back to her cabin, she walked via the cadet quarters. Anyone seeing her, thought she was visiting her boyfriend or Triston. She waited until the coast was clear, but she did not care if anyone knew. She took the dagger and jammed into the deck plating outside Clary’s cabin. Then she walked away. She smiled as she did so.

Warning one was served. The Erisian dagger was of course easy to trace, and if they asked her sister, she would tell them that it was step one in an Erisian Blood feud. Which would of course put it right at Miran’s door. But if Phoenix would not let her gut the slut then this was the next best thing. She totally ignored the fact that her sister as the de facto head of the Lalor house was the only one who could call for it. But Miran didn’t care sometimes one had to do things to make things right.

Erisian Blood Feud

1. A dagger at the door of the other party’s home.
2. A blood soaked rug draped across their doorstep.
3. If mediation does not work, then a duel is called for.


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