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Family Time

Posted on Sun Jun 30th, 2024 @ 4:15pm by Lieutenant Sapphire Morgan [Lalor] & Lieutenant Scott Gregory [Taylor]

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Location: Tropical Planet
Timeline: MD 4
1627 words - 3.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Scott stood alongside Saphire and their two boys, twins Daniel and Darian. "Everybody ready to have a good time?" He asked he knew he was, and he was sure Sapphire was as well who looked regal even dressed in a casual outfit. By the way. He hopes the boys are well. He and Sapphire had adopted the boys back on Popsicle One, the ice planet after the boy's real parents had been killed. "Daniel, Darian, you guys have everything you want to take?

"Yes, we're good to go." Darian answered.

"Just ready to go." Daniel added.

"Sapphire, you have everything?"

Sapphire came out pulling a small trolley. In it were towels, a collapsed beach tent, folded chairs and a cooler, which she had packed food. "Yes" Sapphire was dressed in shorts, and a tank top with sandals on her feet. "Shall we?"

"Fantastic." Scott answered and moved to Sapphire, "I'll take the trolley Sapphire." He offered helpfully while turning to look at the twins. " Alright, Daniel, Darian. You heard Sapphire, "Shall we?"

Sapphire handed over the trolley without an issue. "Transport room 2 I think" She said softly.

Scott took the trolley and spoke to the twins. "Alright guys you heard Sapphire, transport room 2. Let's head there." He said as they exited their quarters the door closing behind them, his free hand reaching for Sapphire's.

The family made their way to the transporter room and joined the long line of people beaming down to the planet. Sapphire was watching the operations people getting everyone in line. She was glad she was no longer acting chief , but it didn't stop her from keeping an eye on things.

Soon they beamed down to their remote location.

As the family materialized at their location, Scott stood in silent amazement at the area around them. There were tall trees that resembled palm trees gently swaying in the breeze. White sandy beaches were beneath their feet and not too far away, they could see the sea with small waves rolling onto the shoreline. "Sapphire, this is amazing." He remarked in wonder at the scene around them.

"It is. The images we saw from the probes were great but this is amazing." Sapphire looked around. "Lets get settled then we can go swimming"

Scott nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a plan to me. Daniel, Darian. Let's get everything out and settled and then we can do some swimming."

The boys nodded, "Sure thing! Come on Darian, Let's get the stuff out so we can get in that water. It sure looks inviting."

Sapphire began setting up the beach tent and it was fairly easy to do. She handed over a bottle sunscreen. "Scott, make sure they have this on." She instructed.

Taking the bottle, Scott replied, "Will do Sapphire." he walked over to where the twins were putting up an umbrella and some beach chairs. "Daniel, Darian. make sure you both put on some sunscreen lotion. Don't want you getting burned." The boys nodded in unison, "Sure thing, no worries." Satisfied Scott walked to Sapphire, "Anything I can do to help you, Sapphire?"

She looked at him. "Um... no, I have this." she said and continued. "Make sure they put it on their backs."

Scott nodded, "Oh okay." he turned back to the boys. "Guys, don't forget to put some of the sunscreen on your backs." He reminded them.

Sapphire meanwhile sighed and made a mental note to make sure the boys did it. Telling 8 year old boys to do something without assistance was bound to end badly.

She finished setting up their camp and went and placed hats on the boys heads.

Scott walked down to the shore; he was still marveling at the beauty surrounding them. He stuck a foot in the water and was mildly surprised at the warmness of the water, it was by no means uncomfortable. In fact, it was very inviting.

Once the boys had their hats on and Sapphire had double checked the sunscreen, she sent them down to Scott at the edge of the water.

When the boys reached Scott, he asked where Sapphire was. In unison the twins raised their arms and pointed back up the beach. "Okay, thanks. Stay right here. Do not go in the water." He told them as he looked back up at the tent. "Sapphire! Are you coming down to join us?"

"Yes in a moment" she called back as she removed her shirt and shorts to reveal her tankini in dark purple. She pulled out sunscreen and began slathering it on.

Scott and the boys waited patiently for Sapphire to join them. Well Scott waited patiently, Daniel and Darian were just itching to get into the water, edging closer and closer to the water's edge. "Uh huh boys. Wait for Sapphire to join us. She won't be long." Scott told the twins.

Sapphire came down the beach to the water. "Ok sorry, I didn't want to get sunburned. Though the Ozone is way stronger here than on Earth."

Scott smiled broadly has Sapphire came toward them. Her tankini of deep purple, shimmering in the sunlight. Hugging her body in all the right places. As she reached them, he spoke, leaning forward and whispering in her ear. "You look fantastic."

She smiled at him. "Why thank you, shall we get in the water?"

"A capital idea Sapphire." Scott answered before turning to the twins who stood waiting expectingly. "Alright guys, you can go into the water but don't stray," He cautioned.

The twins whooped and began splashing at each other in the shallows.

Sapphire moved and went out to waist deep water with the twins and was glad everything was calm.

Scott watched as the twins jumped into the water and began splashing and whooping it up. Sapphire had also entered the water up to her waist. It made him feel good to see the boys and Sapphire, enjoying themselves and having a good time. "Hey guys, maybe later, we can build some sandcastles."

The twins chorused their agreement but made no move to leave the water, duck diving under and coming up with shells and such to show Scott and Sapphire. '

"Impressive guys. Those are some beautiful looking shells. You should keep some, make a collection of them. Maybe make a necklace with some string." Scott suggested.

Damien nodded and as his brother dove for more, he began stashing the shells on the shore.

"I think they are going to grow gills at this rate." Scott said to Sapphire. As they stood in the water a few feet away from the twins.

"They do enjoy their swimming lessons." Sapphire replied. "It is good to see them smiling though."

"I think this trip has done them a world of good. Let's them be kids, just laugh and play, have fun. Without having to think about anything else." Scott answered,

"Agreed" Sapphire said. "I will go prepare snacks, if you are ok down here with them?"

"Sure, I'm fine with them. You don't want a quick swim before you go fix snacks?" Scott questioned.

"Maybe after" Sapphire smiled at him and headed out of the water and up the beach.

"Okay." Scott replied as he watched Sapphire get out of the water and head back to their spot to fix some snacks. He turned back to the boys to watch them as they continued to play in the watter.

A short while later, Sapphire called them for food and waited for them to return to their camp.

Hearing Sapphire's call, Scott in turned called out to the twins. "Okay guys! Time to take a break and get something to eat." His announcement was met with groans. "Come on, come on. your both growing gills. Take a break for a few minutes and get something to eat and drink. Now out."

The boys grudgingly got out of the water and trudged up the beach to where Sapphire waited for them.

Sapphire smiled at their looks. "Oh buck up" she said as she handed out the food. "Once you eat you can go shell hunting while it settles."

Scott came following behind the boys. A smile on his face at Sapphire's comment at the look on the boys faces. "The water isn't going anywhere guys. So, eat as Sapphire says, go shell hunting and then back to the water. No muss, no fuss."

The twins agreed and after they finished eating they went off looking along the shore.

Sapphire meanwhile cleaned up their mess and then stretched out on a towel to get some sun.

Scott's shadow loomed over her, "I'm going down to the shore to keep an eye on the boys, so you can enjoy sunning yourself. If you decide you want to swim later, you know where will be." He laughed as he said the last. "Oh Sapphire? In case I haven't told you lately, I love you."

She gave him a smile. "I love you too." She said back to him.

Scott looked at the love of his life. Sapphire was so good to and for him. She kept him grounded and on an even keel. Not to mention she was great with the twins. A good mix of being firm but fair and it was all spiced with love.

Hours later as the sun started to go down, the family collected their belongings and headed back to the ship, the boys full of chatter about the day and showing off the shells and such they had found.

Scott looked at the twins and smiled at Sapphire. "I think I can say without fear of contradiction that they had a good time. Did you Sapphire?"

She nodded with a smile. "Yes. Come on, lets get them home"



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